const should = require('should'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const I18n = require('../../../core/shared/i18n').I18n; const logging = { warn: sinon.stub(), error: sinon.stub() }; describe('I18n Class Behaviour', function () { it('defaults to en', function () { const i18n = new I18n({logging}); i18n.locale().should.eql('en'); }); it('can have a different locale set', function () { const i18n = new I18n({locale: 'fr', logging}); i18n.locale().should.eql('fr'); }); describe('file loading behaviour', function () { it('will fallback to en file correctly without changing locale', function () { const i18n = new I18n({locale: 'fr', logging}); let fileSpy = sinon.spy(i18n, '_readTranslationsFile'); i18n.locale().should.eql('fr'); i18n.init(); i18n.locale().should.eql('fr');; fileSpy.secondCall.args[0].should.eql('en'); }); }); describe('translation key dot notation (default behaviour)', function () { const fakeStrings = { test: {string: {path: 'I am correct'}} }; let i18n; beforeEach(function initBasicI18n() { i18n = new I18n({logging}); sinon.stub(i18n, '_loadStrings').returns(fakeStrings); i18n.init(); }); it('correctly loads strings', function () { i18n._strings.should.eql(fakeStrings); }); it('correctly uses dot notation', function () { i18n.t('test.string.path').should.eql('I am correct'); }); it('uses key fallback correctly', function () { i18n.t('unknown.string').should.eql('An error occurred'); }); it('errors for invalid strings', function () { should(function () { i18n.t('unknown string'); }).throw('i18n.t() called with an invalid key: unknown string'); }); }); describe('translation key fulltext notation (theme behaviour)', function () { const fakeStrings = {'Full text': 'I am correct'}; let i18n; beforeEach(function initFulltextI18n() { i18n = new I18n({stringMode: 'fulltext', logging}); sinon.stub(i18n, '_loadStrings').returns(fakeStrings); i18n.init(); }); it('correctly loads strings', function () { i18n._strings.should.eql(fakeStrings); }); it('correctly uses fulltext with bracket notation', function () { i18n.t('Full text').should.eql('I am correct'); }); it('uses key fallback correctly', function () { i18n.t('unknown string').should.eql('unknown string'); }); }); });