const hbs = require('../engine'); const urlUtils = require('../../../../shared/url-utils'); const {api} = require('../../proxy'); const settingsCache = require('../../../../shared/settings-cache'); const customThemeSettingsCache = require('../../../../shared/custom-theme-settings-cache'); const labs = require('../../../../shared/labs'); const activeTheme = require('../active'); function calculateLegacyPriceData(products) { const defaultPrice = { amount: 0, currency: 'usd', interval: 'year', nickname: '' }; function makePriceObject(price) { const numberAmount = 0 + price.amount; const dollarAmount = numberAmount ? Math.round(numberAmount / 100) : 0; return { valueOf() { return dollarAmount; }, amount: numberAmount, currency: price.currency, nickname:, interval: price.interval }; } const defaultProduct = products[0] || {}; const monthlyPrice = makePriceObject(defaultProduct.monthly_price || defaultPrice); const yearlyPrice = makePriceObject(defaultProduct.yearly_price || defaultPrice); const priceData = { monthly: monthlyPrice, yearly: yearlyPrice, currency: monthlyPrice ? monthlyPrice.currency : defaultPrice.currency }; return priceData; } async function getProductAndPricesData() { try { const page = await api.canary.productsPublic.browse({ include: ['monthly_price', 'yearly_price'], limit: 'all' }); return page.products; } catch (err) { return []; } } function getSiteData() { let siteData = settingsCache.getPublic(); // theme-only computed property added to @site if (settingsCache.get('members_signup_access') === 'none') { const escapedUrl = encodeURIComponent(urlUtils.urlFor({relativeUrl: '/rss/'}, true)); siteData.signup_url = `${escapedUrl}`; } else { siteData.signup_url = '#/portal'; } return siteData; } async function updateGlobalTemplateOptions(req, res, next) { // Static information, same for every request unless the settings change // @TODO: bind this once and then update based on events? // @TODO: decouple theme layer from settings cache using the Content API const siteData = getSiteData(); const labsData = labs.getAll(); const themeData = { posts_per_page: activeTheme.get().config('posts_per_page'), image_sizes: activeTheme.get().config('image_sizes') }; const themeSettingsData = customThemeSettingsCache.getAll(); const productData = await getProductAndPricesData(); const priceData = calculateLegacyPriceData(productData); let products = null; let product = null; if (productData.length === 1) { product = productData[0]; } else { products = productData; } // @TODO: only do this if something changed? // @TODO: remove blog in a major where we are happy to break more themes { hbs.updateTemplateOptions({ data: { blog: siteData, site: siteData, labs: labsData, config: themeData, price: priceData, product, products, custom: themeSettingsData } }); } next(); } module.exports = updateGlobalTemplateOptions;