var cp = require('child_process'), url = require('url'), _ = require('underscore'), when = require('when'), nodefn = require('when/node/function'), nodemailer = require('nodemailer'); function GhostMailer(opts) { opts = opts || {}; this.transport = opts.transport || null; } // ## E-mail transport setup // *This promise should always resolve to avoid halting Ghost::init*. GhostMailer.prototype.init = function (ghost) { this.ghost = ghost; // TODO: fix circular reference ghost -> mail -> api -> ghost, remove this late require this.api = require('./api'); var self = this, config = ghost.config(); if (config.mail && config.mail.transport && config.mail.options) { this.createTransport(config); return when.resolve(); } // Attempt to detect and fallback to `sendmail` return this.detectSendmail().then(function (binpath) { self.transport = nodemailer.createTransport('sendmail', { path: binpath }); self.usingSendmail(); }, function () { self.emailDisabled(); }).ensure(function () { return when.resolve(); }); }; GhostMailer.prototype.isWindows = function () { return process.platform === 'win32'; }; GhostMailer.prototype.detectSendmail = function () { if (this.isWindows()) { return when.reject(); } return when.promise(function (resolve, reject) { cp.exec('which sendmail', function (err, stdout) { if (err && !/bin\/sendmail/.test(stdout)) { return reject(); } resolve(stdout.toString()); }); }); }; GhostMailer.prototype.createTransport = function (config) { this.transport = nodemailer.createTransport(config.mail.transport, _.clone(config.mail.options)); }; GhostMailer.prototype.usingSendmail = function () { this.api.notifications.add({ type: 'info', message: [ "Ghost is attempting to use your server's sendmail to send e-mail.", "It is recommended that you explicitly configure an e-mail service,", "See for instructions" ].join(' '), status: 'persistent', id: 'ghost-mail-fallback' }); }; GhostMailer.prototype.emailDisabled = function () { this.api.notifications.add({ type: 'warn', message: [ "Ghost is currently unable to send e-mail.", "See for instructions" ].join(' '), status: 'persistent', id: 'ghost-mail-disabled' }); this.transport = null; }; // Sends an e-mail message enforcing `to` (blog owner) and `from` fields GhostMailer.prototype.send = function (message) { if (!this.transport) { return when.reject(new Error('Email Error: No e-mail transport configured.')); } if (!(message && message.subject && message.html)) { return when.reject(new Error('Email Error: Incomplete message data.')); } var from = 'ghost-mailer@' + url.parse(this.ghost.config().url).hostname, to = || this.ghost.settings().email.value, sendMail = nodefn.lift(this.transport.sendMail.bind(this.transport)); message = _.extend(message, { from: from, to: to, generateTextFromHTML: true }); return sendMail(message).otherwise(function (error) { // Proxy the error message so we can add 'Email Error:' to the beginning to make it clearer. error = _.isString(error) ? 'Email Error:' + error : (_.isObject(error) ? 'Email Error: ' + error.message : 'Email Error: Unknown Email Error'); return when.reject(new Error(error)); }); }; module.exports = GhostMailer;