var _ = require('lodash'), validator = require('validator'), pipeline = require('../utils/pipeline'), dataProvider = require('../models'), settings = require('./settings'), mail = require('./mail'), globalUtils = require('../utils'), utils = require('./utils'), errors = require('../errors'), config = require('../config'), i18n = require('../i18n'), authentication; /** * Returns setup status * * @return {Promise} */ function checkSetup() { return authentication.isSetup().then(function then(result) { return result.setup[0].status; }); } /** * Allows an assertion to be made about setup status. * * @param {Boolean} status True: setup must be complete. False: setup must not be complete. * @return {Function} returns a "task ready" function */ function assertSetupCompleted(status) { return function checkPermission(__) { return checkSetup().then(function then(isSetup) { if (isSetup === status) { return __; } var completed = i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.setupAlreadyCompleted'), notCompleted = i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.setupMustBeCompleted'); function throwReason(reason) { throw new errors.NoPermissionError(reason); } if (isSetup) { throwReason(completed); } else { throwReason(notCompleted); } }); }; } function setupTasks(setupData) { var tasks; function validateData(setupData) { return utils.checkObject(setupData, 'setup').then(function then(checked) { var data = checked.setup[0]; return { name:, email:, password: data.password, blogTitle: data.blogTitle, status: 'active' }; }); } function setupUser(userData) { var context = {context: {internal: true}}, User = dataProvider.User; return User.findOne({role: 'Owner', status: 'all'}).then(function then(owner) { if (!owner) { throw new errors.InternalServerError( i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.setupUnableToRun') ); } return User.setup(userData, _.extend({id:}, context)); }).then(function then(user) { return { user: user, userData: userData }; }); } function doSettings(data) { var user = data.user, blogTitle = data.userData.blogTitle, context = {context: {user:}}, userSettings; if (!blogTitle || typeof blogTitle !== 'string') { return user; } userSettings = [ {key: 'title', value: blogTitle.trim()}, {key: 'description', value: i18n.t('common.api.authentication.sampleBlogDescription')} ]; return settings.edit({settings: userSettings}, context).return(user); } function formatResponse(user) { return user.toJSON({context: {internal: true}}); } tasks = [ validateData, setupUser, doSettings, formatResponse ]; return pipeline(tasks, setupData); } /** * ## Authentication API Methods * * **See:** [API Methods](index.js.html#api%20methods) */ authentication = { /** * @description generate a reset token for a given email address * @param {Object} resetRequest * @returns {Promise} message */ generateResetToken: function generateResetToken(resetRequest) { var tasks; function validateRequest(resetRequest) { return utils.checkObject(resetRequest, 'passwordreset').then(function then(data) { var email = data.passwordreset[0].email; if (typeof email !== 'string' || !validator.isEmail(email)) { throw new errors.BadRequestError( i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.noEmailProvided') ); } return email; }); } function generateToken(email) { var settingsQuery = {context: {internal: true}, key: 'dbHash'}; return then(response) { var dbHash = response.settings[0].value, expiresAt = + globalUtils.ONE_DAY_MS; return dataProvider.User.generateResetToken(email, expiresAt, dbHash); }).then(function then(resetToken) { return { email: email, resetToken: resetToken }; }); } function sendResetNotification(data) { var baseUrl = config.forceAdminSSL ? (config.urlSSL || config.url) : config.url, resetUrl = baseUrl.replace(/\/$/, '') + '/ghost/reset/' + globalUtils.encodeBase64URLsafe(data.resetToken) + '/'; return mail.generateContent({ data: { resetUrl: resetUrl }, template: 'reset-password' }).then(function then(content) { var payload = { mail: [{ message: { to:, subject: i18n.t('common.api.authentication.mail.resetPassword'), html: content.html, text: content.text }, options: {} }] }; return mail.send(payload, {context: {internal: true}}); }); } function formatResponse() { return { passwordreset: [ {message: i18n.t('common.api.authentication.mail.checkEmailForInstructions')} ] }; } tasks = [ assertSetupCompleted(true), validateRequest, generateToken, sendResetNotification, formatResponse ]; return pipeline(tasks, resetRequest); }, /** * ## Reset Password * reset password if a valid token and password (2x) is passed * @param {Object} resetRequest * @returns {Promise} message */ resetPassword: function resetPassword(resetRequest) { var tasks; function validateRequest(resetRequest) { return utils.checkObject(resetRequest, 'passwordreset'); } function doReset(resetRequest) { var settingsQuery = {context: {internal: true}, key: 'dbHash'}, data = resetRequest.passwordreset[0], resetToken = data.token, newPassword = data.newPassword, ne2Password = data.ne2Password; return then(response) { return dataProvider.User.resetPassword({ token: resetToken, newPassword: newPassword, ne2Password: ne2Password, dbHash: response.settings[0].value }); }).catch(function (error) { throw new errors.UnauthorizedError(error.message); }); } function formatResponse() { return { passwordreset: [ {message: i18n.t('common.api.authentication.mail.passwordChanged')} ] }; } tasks = [ assertSetupCompleted(true), validateRequest, doReset, formatResponse ]; return pipeline(tasks, resetRequest); }, /** * ### Accept Invitation * @param {Object} invitation an invitation object * @returns {Promise} */ acceptInvitation: function acceptInvitation(invitation) { var tasks; function validateInvitation(invitation) { return utils.checkObject(invitation, 'invitation'); } function processInvitation(invitation) { var User = dataProvider.User, settingsQuery = {context: {internal: true}, key: 'dbHash'}, data = invitation.invitation[0], resetToken = data.token, newPassword = data.password, email =, name =; return then(response) { return User.resetPassword({ token: resetToken, newPassword: newPassword, ne2Password: newPassword, dbHash: response.settings[0].value }); }).then(function then(user) { return User.edit({name: name, email: email, slug: ''}, {id:}); }).catch(function (error) { throw new errors.UnauthorizedError(error.message); }); } function formatResponse() { return { invitation: [ {message: i18n.t('common.api.authentication.mail.invitationAccepted')} ] }; } tasks = [ assertSetupCompleted(true), validateInvitation, processInvitation, formatResponse ]; return pipeline(tasks, invitation); }, /** * ### Check for invitation * @param {Object} options * @returns {Promise} An invitation status */ isInvitation: function isInvitation(options) { var tasks, localOptions = _.cloneDeep(options || {}); function processArgs(options) { var email =; if (typeof email !== 'string' || !validator.isEmail(email)) { throw new errors.BadRequestError( i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.invalidEmailReceived') ); } return email; } function checkInvitation(email) { return dataProvider.User .where({email: email, status: 'invited'}) .count('id') .then(function then(count) { return !!count; }); } function formatResponse(isInvited) { return {invitation: [{valid: isInvited}]}; } tasks = [ processArgs, assertSetupCompleted(true), checkInvitation, formatResponse ]; return pipeline(tasks, localOptions); }, /** * Checks the setup status * @return {Promise} */ isSetup: function isSetup() { var tasks, validStatuses = ['active', 'warn-1', 'warn-2', 'warn-3', 'warn-4', 'locked']; function checkSetupStatus() { return dataProvider.User .where('status', 'in', validStatuses) .count('id') .then(function (count) { return !!count; }); } function formatResponse(isSetup) { return {setup: [{ status: isSetup, // Pre-populate from config if, and only if the values exist in config. title: config.title || undefined, name: config.user_name || undefined, email: config.user_email || undefined }]}; } tasks = [ checkSetupStatus, formatResponse ]; return pipeline(tasks); }, /** * Executes the setup tasks and sends an email to the owner * @param {Object} setupDetails * @return {Promise} a user api payload */ setup: function setup(setupDetails) { var tasks; function doSetup(setupDetails) { return setupTasks(setupDetails); } function sendNotification(setupUser) { var data = { ownerEmail: }; return mail.generateContent({data: data, template: 'welcome'}) .then(function then(content) { var message = { to:, subject: i18n.t('common.api.authentication.mail.yourNewGhostBlog'), html: content.html, text: content.text }, payload = { mail: [{ message: message, options: {} }] }; mail.send(payload, {context: {internal: true}}).catch(function (error) { errors.logError( error.message, i18n.t( 'errors.api.authentication.unableToSendWelcomeEmail' ), i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.checkEmailConfigInstructions', {url: ''}) ); }); }) .return(setupUser); } function formatResponse(setupUser) { return {users: [setupUser]}; } tasks = [ assertSetupCompleted(false), doSetup, sendNotification, formatResponse ]; return pipeline(tasks, setupDetails); }, /** * Updates the blog setup * @param {Object} setupDetails request payload with setup details * @param {Object} options * @return {Promise} a User API response payload */ updateSetup: function updateSetup(setupDetails, options) { var tasks, localOptions = _.cloneDeep(options || {}); function processArgs(setupDetails, options) { if (!options.context || !options.context.user) { throw new errors.NoPermissionError(i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.notTheBlogOwner')); } return _.assign({setupDetails: setupDetails}, options); } function checkPermission(options) { return dataProvider.User.findOne({role: 'Owner', status: 'all'}) .then(function (owner) { if ( !== options.context.user) { throw new errors.NoPermissionError(i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.notTheBlogOwner')); } return options.setupDetails; }); } function formatResponse(user) { return {users: [user]}; } tasks = [ processArgs, assertSetupCompleted(true), checkPermission, setupTasks, formatResponse ]; return pipeline(tasks, setupDetails, localOptions); }, /** * Revokes a bearer token. * @param {Object} tokenDetails * @param {Object} options * @return {Promise} an object containing the revoked token. */ revoke: function revokeToken(tokenDetails, options) { var tasks, localOptions = _.cloneDeep(options || {}); function processArgs(tokenDetails, options) { return _.assign({}, tokenDetails, options); } function revokeToken(options) { var providers = [ dataProvider.Refreshtoken, dataProvider.Accesstoken ], response = {token: options.token}; function destroyToken(provider, options, providers) { return provider.destroyByToken(options) .return(response) .catch(provider.NotFoundError, function () { if (!providers.length) { return { token: tokenDetails.token, error: i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.invalidTokenProvided') }; } return destroyToken(providers.pop(), options, providers); }) .catch(function () { throw new errors.TokenRevocationError( i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.tokenRevocationFailed') ); }); } return destroyToken(providers.pop(), options, providers); } tasks = [ processArgs, revokeToken ]; return pipeline(tasks, tokenDetails, localOptions); } }; module.exports = authentication;