import Ember from 'ember';
import setScrollClassName from 'ghost/utils/set-scroll-classname';

export default Ember.Component.extend({
    tagName: 'section',
    classNames: ['gh-view'],

    scheduleAfterRender: function () {'afterRender', this, this.afterRenderEvent);

    didInsertElement: function () {

    afterRenderEvent: function () {
        var $previewViewPort = this.$('.js-entry-preview-content');

        // cache these elements for use in other methods
        this.set('$previewViewPort', $previewViewPort);
        this.set('$previewContent', this.$('.js-rendered-markdown'));

        $previewViewPort.on('scroll',$previewViewPort, setScrollClassName, {
            target: this.$('.js-entry-preview'),
            offset: 10

    willDestroyElement: function () {
        // removes scroll handlers from the view

    // updated when gh-ed-editor component scrolls
    editorScrollInfo: null,
    // updated when markdown is rendered
    height: null,

    // HTML Preview listens to scrollPosition and updates its scrollTop value
    // This property receives scrollInfo from the textEditor, and height from the preview pane, and will update the
    // scrollPosition value such that when either scrolling or typing-at-the-end of the text editor the preview pane
    // stays in sync
    scrollPosition: Ember.computed('editorScrollInfo', 'height', function () {
        if (!this.get('editorScrollInfo') || !this.get('$previewContent') || !this.get('$previewViewPort')) {
            return 0;

        var scrollInfo = this.get('editorScrollInfo'),
            previewHeight = this.get('$previewContent').height() - this.get('$previewViewPort').height(),

        ratio = previewHeight / scrollInfo.diff;
        previewPosition = * ratio;

        return previewPosition;

    activeTab: 'markdown',
    markdownActive: Ember.computed.equal('activeTab', 'markdown'),
    previewActive: Ember.computed.equal('activeTab', 'preview'),

    actions: {
        selectTab: function (tab) {
            this.set('activeTab', tab);