const should = require('should'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const getTitle = require('../../../../core/frontend/meta/title'); const settingsCache = require('../../../../core/shared/settings-cache'); describe('getTitle', function () { let localSettingsCache = {}; beforeEach(function () { sinon.stub(settingsCache, 'get').callsFake(function (key) { return localSettingsCache[key]; }); }); afterEach(function () { sinon.restore(); localSettingsCache = {}; }); it('should return meta_title if on data root', function () { const title = getTitle({ meta_title: 'My test title' }); title.should.equal('My test title'); }); describe('property: null', function () { it('has correct fallbacks for context: home', function () { localSettingsCache.title = 'My site title'; localSettingsCache.meta_title = 'My site meta title'; getTitle({}, {context: 'home'}) .should.equal('My site meta title'); localSettingsCache.meta_title = ''; getTitle({}, {context: 'home'}) .should.equal('My site title'); }); it('has correct fallbacks for context: post', function () { localSettingsCache.title = 'My site title'; const post = { title: 'Post title', meta_title: 'Post meta title' }; getTitle({post}, {context: 'post'}) .should.equal('Post meta title'); post.meta_title = ''; getTitle({post}, {context: 'post'}) .should.equal('Post title'); post.title = ''; getTitle({post}, {context: 'post'}) .should.equal(''); }); it('has correct fallbacks for context: page', function () { localSettingsCache.title = 'My site title'; const page = { title: 'Page title', meta_title: 'Page meta title' }; getTitle({page}, {context: 'page'}) .should.equal('Page meta title'); page.meta_title = ''; getTitle({page}, {context: 'page'}) .should.equal('Page title'); page.title = ''; getTitle({page}, {context: 'page'}) .should.equal(''); }); // NOTE: this is a legacy format and should be resolved with it('has correct fallbacks for context: page (legacy format)', function () { localSettingsCache.title = 'My site title'; const post = { title: 'Page title', meta_title: 'Page meta title' }; getTitle({post}, {context: 'page'}) .should.equal('Page meta title'); post.meta_title = ''; getTitle({post}, {context: 'page'}) .should.equal('Page title'); post.title = ''; getTitle({post}, {context: 'page'}) .should.equal(''); }); it('has correct fallbacks for context: author', function () { localSettingsCache.title = 'Site title'; localSettingsCache.meta_title = 'Site meta title'; const author = { name: 'Author name' }; getTitle({author}, {context: 'author'}) .should.equal('Author name - Site title'); }); it('has correct fallbacks for context: author_paged', function () { localSettingsCache.title = 'Site title'; localSettingsCache.meta_title = 'Site meta title'; const author = { name: 'Author name' }; getTitle({author}, {context: ['author', 'paged'], pagination: {total: 40, page: 3}}) .should.equal('Author name - Site title (Page 3)'); }); it('has correct fallbacks for context: tag', function () { localSettingsCache.title = 'Site title'; localSettingsCache.meta_title = 'Site meta title'; const tag = { name: 'Tag name', meta_title: 'Tag meta title' }; getTitle({tag}, {context: 'tag'}) .should.equal('Tag meta title'); tag.meta_title = ''; getTitle({tag}, {context: 'tag'}) .should.equal('Tag name - Site title'); }); it('has correct fallbacks for context: tag_paged', function () { localSettingsCache.title = 'Site title'; localSettingsCache.meta_title = 'Site meta title'; const tag = { name: 'Tag name', meta_title: 'Tag meta title' }; getTitle({tag}, {context: ['tag', 'paged'], pagination: {total: 40, page: 3}}) .should.equal('Tag meta title'); tag.meta_title = ''; getTitle({tag}, {context: ['tag', 'paged'], pagination: {total: 40, page: 3}}) .should.equal('Tag name - Site title (Page 3)'); }); }); describe('property: og', function () { it('has correct fallbacks for context: home', function () { localSettingsCache.title = 'My site title'; localSettingsCache.meta_title = 'My site meta title'; localSettingsCache.og_title = 'My site og title'; getTitle({}, {context: 'home'}, {property: 'og'}) .should.equal('My site og title'); localSettingsCache.og_title = ''; getTitle({}, {context: 'home'}, {property: 'og'}) .should.equal('My site title'); }); it('has correct fallbacks for context: post', function () { const post = { title: 'Post title', meta_title: 'Post meta title', og_title: 'Post og title' }; getTitle({post}, {context: 'post'}, {property: 'og'}) .should.equal('Post og title'); post.og_title = ''; getTitle({post}, {context: 'post'}, {property: 'og'}) .should.equal('Post meta title'); post.meta_title = ''; getTitle({post}, {context: 'post'}, {property: 'og'}) .should.equal('Post title'); }); it('has correct fallbacks for context: page', function () { localSettingsCache.title = 'My site title'; const page = { title: 'Page title', meta_title: 'Page meta title', og_title: 'Page og title' }; getTitle({page}, {context: 'page'}, {property: 'og'}) .should.equal('Page og title'); page.og_title = ''; getTitle({page}, {context: 'page'}, {property: 'og'}) .should.equal('Page meta title'); page.meta_title = ''; getTitle({page}, {context: 'page'}, {property: 'og'}) .should.equal('Page title'); }); // NOTE: this is a legacy format and should be resolved with it('has correct fallbacks for context: page (legacy format)', function () { localSettingsCache.title = 'My site title'; const post = { title: 'Page title', meta_title: 'Page meta title', og_title: 'Page og title' }; getTitle({post}, {context: 'page'}, {property: 'og'}) .should.equal('Page og title'); post.og_title = ''; getTitle({post}, {context: 'page'}, {property: 'og'}) .should.equal('Page meta title'); post.meta_title = ''; getTitle({post}, {context: 'page'}, {property: 'og'}) .should.equal('Page title'); }); it('has correct fallbacks for context: author', function () { localSettingsCache.title = 'Site title'; localSettingsCache.meta_title = 'Site meta title'; const author = { name: 'Author name' }; getTitle({author}, {context: 'author'}, {property: 'og'}) .should.equal('Author name - Site title'); }); it('has correct fallbacks for context: author_paged', function () { localSettingsCache.title = 'Site title'; localSettingsCache.meta_title = 'Site meta title'; const author = { name: 'Author name' }; getTitle({author}, {context: ['author', 'paged'], pagination: {total: 40, page: 3}}, {property: 'og'}) .should.equal('Author name - Site title (Page 3)'); }); it('has correct fallbacks for context: tag', function () { localSettingsCache.title = 'Site title'; localSettingsCache.meta_title = 'Site meta title'; const tag = { name: 'Tag name', meta_title: 'Tag meta title' }; getTitle({tag}, {context: 'tag'}, {property: 'og'}) .should.equal('Tag meta title'); tag.meta_title = ''; getTitle({tag}, {context: 'tag'}, {property: 'og'}) .should.equal('Tag name - Site title'); }); it('has correct fallbacks for context: tag_paged', function () { localSettingsCache.title = 'Site title'; localSettingsCache.meta_title = 'Site meta title'; const tag = { name: 'Tag name', meta_title: 'Tag meta title' }; getTitle({tag}, {context: ['tag', 'paged'], pagination: {total: 40, page: 3}}, {property: 'og'}) .should.equal('Tag meta title'); tag.meta_title = ''; getTitle({tag}, {context: ['tag', 'paged'], pagination: {total: 40, page: 3}}, {property: 'og'}) .should.equal('Tag name - Site title (Page 3)'); }); }); describe('property: twitter', function () { it('has correct fallbacks for context: home', function () { localSettingsCache.title = 'My site title'; localSettingsCache.meta_title = 'My site meta title'; localSettingsCache.twitter_title = 'My site twitter title'; getTitle({}, {context: 'home'}, {property: 'twitter'}) .should.equal('My site twitter title'); localSettingsCache.twitter_title = ''; getTitle({}, {context: 'home'}, {property: 'twitter'}) .should.equal('My site title'); }); it('has correct fallbacks for context: post', function () { const post = { title: 'Post title', meta_title: 'Post meta title', twitter_title: 'Post twitter title' }; getTitle({post}, {context: 'post'}, {property: 'twitter'}) .should.equal('Post twitter title'); post.twitter_title = ''; getTitle({post}, {context: 'post'}, {property: 'twitter'}) .should.equal('Post meta title'); post.meta_title = ''; getTitle({post}, {context: 'post'}, {property: 'twitter'}) .should.equal('Post title'); }); it('has correct fallbacks for context: page', function () { localSettingsCache.title = 'My site title'; const page = { title: 'Page title', meta_title: 'Page meta title', twitter_title: 'Page twitter title' }; getTitle({page}, {context: 'page'}, {property: 'twitter'}) .should.equal('Page twitter title'); page.twitter_title = ''; getTitle({page}, {context: 'page'}, {property: 'twitter'}) .should.equal('Page meta title'); page.meta_title = ''; getTitle({page}, {context: 'page'}, {property: 'twitter'}) .should.equal('Page title'); }); // NOTE: this is a legacy format and should be resolved with it('has correct fallbacks for context: page (legacy format)', function () { localSettingsCache.title = 'My site title'; const post = { title: 'Page title', meta_title: 'Page meta title', twitter_title: 'Page twitter title' }; getTitle({post}, {context: 'page'}, {property: 'twitter'}) .should.equal('Page twitter title'); post.twitter_title = ''; getTitle({post}, {context: 'page'}, {property: 'twitter'}) .should.equal('Page meta title'); post.meta_title = ''; getTitle({post}, {context: 'page'}, {property: 'twitter'}) .should.equal('Page title'); }); it('has correct fallbacks for context: author', function () { localSettingsCache.title = 'Site title'; localSettingsCache.meta_title = 'Site meta title'; const author = { name: 'Author name' }; getTitle({author}, {context: 'author'}, {property: 'twitter'}) .should.equal('Author name - Site title'); }); it('has correct fallbacks for context: author_paged', function () { localSettingsCache.title = 'Site title'; localSettingsCache.meta_title = 'Site meta title'; const author = { name: 'Author name' }; getTitle({author}, {context: ['author', 'paged'], pagination: {total: 40, page: 3}}, {property: 'twitter'}) .should.equal('Author name - Site title (Page 3)'); }); it('has correct fallbacks for context: tag', function () { localSettingsCache.title = 'Site title'; localSettingsCache.meta_title = 'Site meta title'; const tag = { name: 'Tag name', meta_title: 'Tag meta title' }; getTitle({tag}, {context: 'tag'}, {property: 'twitter'}) .should.equal('Tag meta title'); tag.meta_title = ''; getTitle({tag}, {context: 'tag'}, {property: 'twitter'}) .should.equal('Tag name - Site title'); }); it('has correct fallbacks for context: tag_paged', function () { localSettingsCache.title = 'Site title'; localSettingsCache.meta_title = 'Site meta title'; const tag = { name: 'Tag name', meta_title: 'Tag meta title' }; getTitle({tag}, {context: ['tag', 'paged'], pagination: {total: 40, page: 3}}, {property: 'twitter'}) .should.equal('Tag meta title'); tag.meta_title = ''; getTitle({tag}, {context: ['tag', 'paged'], pagination: {total: 40, page: 3}}, {property: 'twitter'}) .should.equal('Tag name - Site title (Page 3)'); }); }); it('should return site title with page if unknown type', function () { localSettingsCache.title = 'My site title 4'; var title = getTitle({}, { context: ['paged'], pagination: { total: 40, page: 35 } }); title.should.equal('My site title 4 (Page 35)'); }); it('should not display "null" for an undefined site title', function () { localSettingsCache.title = null; var title = getTitle({ tag: { name: 'My tag' } }, { context: ['tag'] }); title.should.equal('My tag'); title = getTitle({ tag: { name: 'My tag' } }, { context: ['tag', 'paged'], pagination: { total: 40, page: 35 } }); title.should.equal('My tag - (Page 35)'); title = getTitle({ author: { name: 'My name' } }, { context: ['author'] }); title.should.equal('My name'); title = getTitle({ author: { name: 'My name' } }, { context: ['author', 'paged'], pagination: { total: 40, page: 35 } }); title.should.equal('My name - (Page 35)'); }); });