// Contains all path information to be used throughout the codebase. // Assumes that config.url is set, and is valid const moment = require('moment-timezone'), _ = require('lodash'), url = require('url'), cheerio = require('cheerio'), config = require('../../config'), settingsCache = require('../settings/cache'), BASE_API_PATH = '/ghost/api', STATIC_IMAGE_URL_PREFIX = 'content/images'; /** * Returns API path combining base path and path for specific version asked or deprecated by default * @param {Object} options {version} for which to get the path(stable, actice, deprecated), * {type} admin|content: defaults to {version: deprecated, type: content} * @return {string} API Path for version */ function getApiPath(options) { const versionPath = getVersionPath(options); return `${BASE_API_PATH}${versionPath}`; } /** * Returns path containing only the path for the specific version asked or deprecated by default * @param {Object} options {version} for which to get the path(stable, actice, deprecated), * {type} admin|content: defaults to {version: deprecated, type: content} * @return {string} API version path */ function getVersionPath(options) { const apiVersions = config.get('api:versions'); let requestedVersion = options.version || 'v0.1'; let requestedVersionType = options.type || 'content'; let versionData = apiVersions[requestedVersion]; if (typeof versionData === 'string') { versionData = apiVersions[versionData]; } let versionPath = versionData[requestedVersionType]; return `/${versionPath}/`; } /** * Returns the base URL of the blog as set in the config. * * Secure: * If the request is secure, we want to force returning the blog url as https. * Imagine Ghost runs with http, but nginx allows SSL connections. * * @param {boolean} secure * @return {string} URL returns the url as defined in config, but always with a trailing `/` */ function getBlogUrl(secure) { var blogUrl; if (secure) { blogUrl = config.get('url').replace('http://', 'https://'); } else { blogUrl = config.get('url'); } if (!blogUrl.match(/\/$/)) { blogUrl += '/'; } return blogUrl; } /** * Returns a subdirectory URL, if defined so in the config. * @return {string} URL a subdirectory if configured. */ function getSubdir() { // Parse local path location var localPath = url.parse(config.get('url')).path, subdir; // Remove trailing slash if (localPath !== '/') { localPath = localPath.replace(/\/$/, ''); } subdir = localPath === '/' ? '' : localPath; return subdir; } function deduplicateSubDir(url) { var subDir = getSubdir(), subDirRegex; if (!subDir) { return url; } subDir = subDir.replace(/^\/|\/+$/, ''); // we can have subdirs that match TLDs so we need to restrict matches to // duplicates that start with a / or the beginning of the url subDirRegex = new RegExp('(^|/)' + subDir + '/' + subDir + '/'); return url.replace(subDirRegex, '$1' + subDir + '/'); } function getProtectedSlugs() { var subDir = getSubdir(); if (!_.isEmpty(subDir)) { return config.get('slugs').protected.concat([subDir.split('/').pop()]); } else { return config.get('slugs').protected; } } /** urlJoin * Returns a URL/path for internal use in Ghost. * @param {string} arguments takes arguments and concats those to a valid path/URL. * @return {string} URL concatinated URL/path of arguments. */ function urlJoin() { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), prefixDoubleSlash = false, url; // Remove empty item at the beginning if (args[0] === '') { args.shift(); } // Handle schemeless protocols if (args[0].indexOf('//') === 0) { prefixDoubleSlash = true; } // join the elements using a slash url = args.join('/'); // Fix multiple slashes url = url.replace(/(^|[^:])\/\/+/g, '$1/'); // Put the double slash back at the beginning if this was a schemeless protocol if (prefixDoubleSlash) { url = url.replace(/^\//, '//'); } url = deduplicateSubDir(url); return url; } /** * admin:url is optional */ function getAdminUrl() { var adminUrl = config.get('admin:url'), subDir = getSubdir(); if (!adminUrl) { return; } if (!adminUrl.match(/\/$/)) { adminUrl += '/'; } adminUrl = urlJoin(adminUrl, subDir, '/'); adminUrl = deduplicateSubDir(adminUrl); return adminUrl; } // ## createUrl // Simple url creation from a given path // Ensures that our urls contain the subdirectory if there is one // And are correctly formatted as either relative or absolute // Usage: // createUrl('/', true) -> http://my-ghost-blog.com/ // E.g. /blog/ subdir // createUrl('/welcome-to-ghost/') -> /blog/welcome-to-ghost/ // Parameters: // - urlPath - string which must start and end with a slash // - absolute (optional, default:false) - boolean whether or not the url should be absolute // - secure (optional, default:false) - boolean whether or not to force SSL // Returns: // - a URL which always ends with a slash function createUrl(urlPath, absolute, secure, trailingSlash) { urlPath = urlPath || '/'; absolute = absolute || false; var base; // create base of url, always ends without a slash if (absolute) { base = getBlogUrl(secure); } else { base = getSubdir(); } if (trailingSlash) { if (!urlPath.match(/\/$/)) { urlPath += '/'; } } return urlJoin(base, urlPath); } /** * creates the url path for a post based on blog timezone and permalink pattern */ function replacePermalink(permalink, resource) { let output = permalink, primaryTagFallback = 'all', publishedAtMoment = moment.tz(resource.published_at || Date.now(), settingsCache.get('active_timezone')), permalinkLookUp = { year: function () { return publishedAtMoment.format('YYYY'); }, month: function () { return publishedAtMoment.format('MM'); }, day: function () { return publishedAtMoment.format('DD'); }, author: function () { return resource.primary_author.slug; }, primary_author: function () { return resource.primary_author ? resource.primary_author.slug : primaryTagFallback; }, primary_tag: function () { return resource.primary_tag ? resource.primary_tag.slug : primaryTagFallback; }, slug: function () { return resource.slug; }, id: function () { return resource.id; } }; // replace tags like :slug or :year with actual values output = output.replace(/(:[a-z_]+)/g, function (match) { if (_.has(permalinkLookUp, match.substr(1))) { return permalinkLookUp[match.substr(1)](); } }); return output; } // ## urlFor // Synchronous url creation for a given context // Can generate a url for a named path and given path. // Determines what sort of context it has been given, and delegates to the correct generation method, // Finally passing to createUrl, to ensure any subdirectory is honoured, and the url is absolute if needed // Usage: // urlFor('home', true) -> http://my-ghost-blog.com/ // E.g. /blog/ subdir // urlFor({relativeUrl: '/my-static-page/'}) -> /blog/my-static-page/ // Parameters: // - context - a string, or json object describing the context for which you need a url // - data (optional) - a json object containing data needed to generate a url // - absolute (optional, default:false) - boolean whether or not the url should be absolute // This is probably not the right place for this, but it's the best place for now // @TODO: rewrite, very hard to read, create private functions! function urlFor(context, data, absolute) { var urlPath = '/', secure, imagePathRe, knownObjects = ['image', 'nav'], baseUrl, hostname, // this will become really big knownPaths = { home: '/', sitemap_xsl: '/sitemap.xsl' }; // Make data properly optional if (_.isBoolean(data)) { absolute = data; data = null; } // Can pass 'secure' flag in either context or data arg secure = (context && context.secure) || (data && data.secure); if (_.isObject(context) && context.relativeUrl) { urlPath = context.relativeUrl; } else if (_.isString(context) && _.indexOf(knownObjects, context) !== -1) { if (context === 'image' && data.image) { urlPath = data.image; imagePathRe = new RegExp('^' + getSubdir() + '/' + STATIC_IMAGE_URL_PREFIX); absolute = imagePathRe.test(data.image) ? absolute : false; if (absolute) { // Remove the sub-directory from the URL because ghostConfig will add it back. urlPath = urlPath.replace(new RegExp('^' + getSubdir()), ''); baseUrl = getBlogUrl(secure).replace(/\/$/, ''); urlPath = baseUrl + urlPath; } return urlPath; } else if (context === 'nav' && data.nav) { urlPath = data.nav.url; secure = data.nav.secure || secure; baseUrl = getBlogUrl(secure); hostname = baseUrl.split('//')[1]; // If the hostname is present in the url if (urlPath.indexOf(hostname) > -1 // do no not apply, if there is a subdomain, or a mailto link && !urlPath.split(hostname)[0].match(/\.|mailto:/) // do not apply, if there is a port after the hostname && urlPath.split(hostname)[1].substring(0, 1) !== ':') { // make link relative to account for possible mismatch in http/https etc, force absolute urlPath = urlPath.split(hostname)[1]; urlPath = urlJoin('/', urlPath); absolute = true; } } } else if (context === 'home' && absolute) { urlPath = getBlogUrl(secure); // CASE: there are cases where urlFor('home') needs to be returned without trailing // slash e. g. the `{{@site.url}}` helper. See https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues/8569 if (data && data.trailingSlash === false) { urlPath = urlPath.replace(/\/$/, ''); } } else if (context === 'admin') { urlPath = getAdminUrl() || getBlogUrl(); if (absolute) { urlPath += 'ghost/'; } else { urlPath = '/ghost/'; } } else if (context === 'api') { urlPath = getAdminUrl() || getBlogUrl(); let apiPath = getApiPath({version: 'v0.1', type: 'content'}); // CASE: with or without protocol? If your blog url (or admin url) is configured to http, it's still possible that e.g. nginx allows both https+http. // So it depends how you serve your blog. The main focus here is to avoid cors problems. // @TODO: rename cors if (data && data.cors) { if (!urlPath.match(/^https:/)) { urlPath = urlPath.replace(/^.*?:\/\//g, '//'); } } if (data && data.version) { apiPath = getApiPath({version: data.version, type: data.versionType}); } if (absolute) { urlPath = urlPath.replace(/\/$/, '') + apiPath; } else { urlPath = apiPath; } } else if (_.isString(context) && _.indexOf(_.keys(knownPaths), context) !== -1) { // trying to create a url for a named path urlPath = knownPaths[context]; } // This url already has a protocol so is likely an external url to be returned // or it is an alternative scheme, protocol-less, or an anchor-only path if (urlPath && (urlPath.indexOf('://') !== -1 || urlPath.match(/^(\/\/|#|[a-zA-Z0-9-]+:)/))) { return urlPath; } return createUrl(urlPath, absolute, secure); } function isSSL(urlToParse) { var protocol = url.parse(urlToParse).protocol; return protocol === 'https:'; } function redirect301(res, redirectUrl) { res.set({'Cache-Control': 'public, max-age=' + config.get('caching:301:maxAge')}); return res.redirect(301, redirectUrl); } function redirectToAdmin(status, res, adminPath) { var redirectUrl = urlJoin(urlFor('admin'), adminPath, '/'); if (status === 301) { return redirect301(res, redirectUrl); } return res.redirect(redirectUrl); } /** * Make absolute URLs * @param {string} html * @param {string} siteUrl (blog URL) * @param {string} itemUrl (URL of current context) * @returns {object} htmlContent * @description Takes html, blog url and item url and converts relative url into * absolute urls. Returns an object. The html string can be accessed by calling `html()` on * the variable that takes the result of this function */ function makeAbsoluteUrls(html, siteUrl, itemUrl, options = {assetsOnly: false}) { const htmlContent = cheerio.load(html, {decodeEntities: false}); const staticImageUrlPrefixRegex = new RegExp(STATIC_IMAGE_URL_PREFIX); // convert relative resource urls to absolute ['href', 'src'].forEach(function forEach(attributeName) { htmlContent('[' + attributeName + ']').each(function each(ix, el) { el = htmlContent(el); let attributeValue = el.attr(attributeName); // if URL is absolute move on to the next element try { const parsed = url.parse(attributeValue); if (parsed.protocol) { return; } // Do not convert protocol relative URLs if (attributeValue.lastIndexOf('//', 0) === 0) { return; } } catch (e) { return; } // CASE: don't convert internal links if (attributeValue[0] === '#') { return; } if (options.assetsOnly && !attributeValue.match(staticImageUrlPrefixRegex)) { return; } // compose an absolute URL // if the relative URL begins with a '/' use the blog URL (including sub-directory) // as the base URL, otherwise use the post's URL. const baseUrl = attributeValue[0] === '/' ? siteUrl : itemUrl; attributeValue = urlJoin(baseUrl, attributeValue); el.attr(attributeName, attributeValue); }); }); return htmlContent; } function absoluteToRelative(urlToModify, options) { options = options || {}; const urlObj = url.parse(urlToModify); const relativePath = urlObj.pathname; if (options.withoutSubdirectory) { const subDir = getSubdir(); if (!subDir) { return relativePath; } const subDirRegex = new RegExp('^' + subDir); return relativePath.replace(subDirRegex, ''); } return relativePath; } function relativeToAbsolute(url) { if (!url.startsWith('/') || url.startsWith('//')) { return url; } return createUrl(url, true); } function deduplicateDoubleSlashes(url) { return url.replace(/\/\//g, '/'); } module.exports.absoluteToRelative = absoluteToRelative; module.exports.relativeToAbsolute = relativeToAbsolute; module.exports.makeAbsoluteUrls = makeAbsoluteUrls; module.exports.getProtectedSlugs = getProtectedSlugs; module.exports.getSubdir = getSubdir; module.exports.urlJoin = urlJoin; module.exports.urlFor = urlFor; module.exports.isSSL = isSSL; module.exports.replacePermalink = replacePermalink; module.exports.redirectToAdmin = redirectToAdmin; module.exports.redirect301 = redirect301; module.exports.createUrl = createUrl; module.exports.deduplicateDoubleSlashes = deduplicateDoubleSlashes; module.exports.getApiPath = getApiPath; module.exports.getVersionPath = getVersionPath; module.exports.getBlogUrl = getBlogUrl; /** * If you request **any** image in Ghost, it get's served via * http://your-blog.com/content/images/2017/01/02/author.png * * /content/images/ is a static prefix for serving images! * * But internally the image is located for example in your custom content path: * my-content/another-dir/images/2017/01/02/author.png */ module.exports.STATIC_IMAGE_URL_PREFIX = STATIC_IMAGE_URL_PREFIX;