/* jshint expr:true */ import { expect } from 'chai'; import { describe, it } from 'mocha'; import Ember from 'ember'; import ValidationEngineMixin from 'ghost/mixins/validation-engine'; describe('ValidationEngineMixin', function () { // Replace this with your real tests. // it('works', function () { // var ValidationEngineObject = Ember.Object.extend(ValidationEngineMixin); // var subject = ValidationEngineObject.create(); // expect(subject).to.be.ok; // }); describe('#validate', function () { it('loads the correct validator'); it('rejects if the validator doesn\'t exist'); it('resolves with valid object'); it('rejects with invalid object'); it('clears all existing errors'); describe('with a specified property', function () { it('resolves with valid property'); it('rejects with invalid property'); it('adds property to hasValidated array'); it('clears existing error on specified property'); }); it('handles a passed in model'); it('uses this.model if available'); }); describe('#save', function () { it('calls validate'); it('rejects with validation errors'); it('calls object\'s #save if validation passes'); it('skips validation if it\'s a deletion'); }); });