import Ember from 'ember'; export default Ember.Component.extend({ didInsertElement: function () { this.$('.js-modal-container, .js-modal-background').addClass('fade-in open'); this.$('.js-modal').addClass('open'); }, close: function () { var self = this; this.$('.js-modal, .js-modal-background').removeClass('fade-in').addClass('fade-out'); // The background should always be the last thing to fade out, so check on that instead of the content this.$('.js-modal-background').on('animationend webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend MSAnimationEnd', function (event) { if (event.originalEvent.animationName === 'fade-out') { self.$('.js-modal, .js-modal-background').removeClass('open'); } }); this.sendAction(); }, confirmaccept: 'confirmAccept', confirmreject: 'confirmReject', actions: { closeModal: function () { this.close(); }, confirm: function (type) { this.sendAction('confirm' + type); this.close(); }, noBubble: Ember.K }, klass: Ember.computed('type', 'style', function () { var classNames = []; classNames.push(this.get('type') ? 'modal-' + this.get('type') : 'modal'); if (this.get('style')) { this.get('style').split(',').forEach(function (style) { classNames.push('modal-style-' + style); }); } return classNames.join(' '); }), acceptButtonClass: Ember.computed('confirm.accept.buttonClass', function () { return this.get('confirm.accept.buttonClass') ? this.get('confirm.accept.buttonClass') : 'btn btn-green'; }), rejectButtonClass: Ember.computed('confirm.reject.buttonClass', function () { return this.get('confirm.reject.buttonClass') ? this.get('confirm.reject.buttonClass') : 'btn btn-red'; }) });