// # Users API // RESTful API for the User resource var when = require('when'), _ = require('lodash'), dataProvider = require('../models'), settings = require('./settings'), canThis = require('../permissions').canThis, errors = require('../errors'), utils = require('./utils'), docName = 'users', ONE_DAY = 86400000, users; /** * ## Posts API Methods * * **See:** [API Methods](index.js.html#api%20methods) */ users = { /** * ## Browse * Fetch all users * @param {{context}} options (optional) * @returns {Promise(Users)} Users Collection */ browse: function browse(options) { options = options || {}; return canThis(options.context).browse.user().then(function () { return dataProvider.User.findAll(options).then(function (result) { return { users: result.toJSON() }; }); }, function () { return when.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError('You do not have permission to browse users.')); }); }, /** * ### Read * @param {{id, context}} options * @returns {Promise(User)} User */ read: function read(options) { var attrs = ['id'], data = _.pick(options, attrs); options = _.omit(options, attrs); if (data.id === 'me' && options.context && options.context.user) { data.id = options.context.user; } return dataProvider.User.findOne(data, options).then(function (result) { if (result) { return { users: [result.toJSON()] }; } return when.reject(new errors.NotFoundError('User not found.')); }); }, /** * ### Edit * @param {User} object the user details to edit * @param {{id, context}} options * @returns {Promise(User)} */ edit: function edit(object, options) { if (options.id === 'me' && options.context && options.context.user) { options.id = options.context.user; } return canThis(options.context).edit.user(options.id).then(function () { return utils.checkObject(object, docName).then(function (checkedUserData) { return dataProvider.User.edit(checkedUserData.users[0], options); }).then(function (result) { if (result) { return { users: [result.toJSON()]}; } return when.reject(new errors.NotFoundError('User not found.')); }); }, function () { return when.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError('You do not have permission to edit this users.')); }); }, /** * ### Add * @param {User} object the user to create * @param {{context}} options * @returns {Promise(User}} Newly created user */ add: function add(object, options) { options = options || {}; return canThis(options.context).add.user().then(function () { return utils.checkObject(object, docName).then(function (checkedUserData) { // if the user is created by users.register(), use id: 1 as the creator for now if (options.context.internal) { options.context.user = 1; } return dataProvider.User.add(checkedUserData.users[0], options); }).then(function (result) { if (result) { return { users: [result.toJSON()]}; } }); }, function () { return when.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError('You do not have permission to add a users.')); }); }, /** * ### Destroy * @param {{id, context}} options * @returns {Promise(User)} */ destroy: function destroy(options) { return canThis(options.context).remove.user(options.id).then(function () { return users.read(options).then(function (result) { return dataProvider.User.destroy(options).then(function () { return result; }); }); }, function () { return when.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError('You do not have permission to remove the user.')); }); }, /** * ### Register * Allow to register a user using the API without beeing authenticated in. Needed to set up the first user. * @param {User} object the user to create * @returns {Promise(User}} Newly created user */ // TODO: create a proper API end point and use JSON API format register: function register(object) { // TODO: if we want to prevent users from being created with the signup form this is the right place to do it return users.add(object, {context: {internal: true}}); }, check: function check(object) { return dataProvider.User.check(object); }, /** * ### Change Password * @param {password} object * @param {{context}} options * @returns {Promise(password}} success message */ changePassword: function changePassword(object, options) { var oldPassword, newPassword, ne2Password; return utils.checkObject(object, 'password').then(function (checkedPasswordReset) { oldPassword = checkedPasswordReset.password[0].oldPassword; newPassword = checkedPasswordReset.password[0].newPassword; ne2Password = checkedPasswordReset.password[0].ne2Password; return dataProvider.User.changePassword(oldPassword, newPassword, ne2Password, options).then(function () { return when.resolve({password: [{message: 'Password changed successfully.'}]}); }).otherwise(function (error) { return when.reject(new errors.UnauthorizedError(error.message)); }); }); }, // TODO: remove when old admin is removed, functionality lives now in api/authentication generateResetToken: function generateResetToken(email) { var expires = Date.now() + ONE_DAY; return settings.read({context: {internal: true}, key: 'dbHash'}).then(function (response) { var dbHash = response.settings[0].value; return dataProvider.User.generateResetToken(email, expires, dbHash); }); }, // TODO: remove when old admin is removed -> not needed anymore validateToken: function validateToken(token) { return settings.read({context: {internal: true}, key: 'dbHash'}).then(function (response) { var dbHash = response.settings[0].value; return dataProvider.User.validateToken(token, dbHash); }); }, // TODO: remove when old admin is removed, functionality lives now in api/authentication resetPassword: function resetPassword(token, newPassword, ne2Password) { return settings.read({context: {internal: true}, key: 'dbHash'}).then(function (response) { var dbHash = response.settings[0].value; return dataProvider.User.resetPassword(token, newPassword, ne2Password, dbHash); }); }, doesUserExist: function doesUserExist() { return dataProvider.User.findAll().then(function (users) { if (users.length === 0) { return false; } return true; }); } }; module.exports = users;