const {agentProvider, fixtureManager, matchers} = require('../../utils/e2e-framework'); const {anyObjectId, anyISODateTime, anyErrorId, anyEtag, anyLocationFor} = matchers; const matchLabel = { id: anyObjectId, created_at: anyISODateTime, updated_at: anyISODateTime }; describe('Labels API', function () { let agent; before(async function () { agent = await agentProvider.getAdminAPIAgent(); await fixtureManager.init(); await agent.loginAsOwner(); }); it('Can add', async function () { await agent .post('labels') .body({labels: [{ name: 'test' }]}) .expectStatus(201) .matchBodySnapshot({ labels: [matchLabel] }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag, location: anyLocationFor('labels') }); }); it('Errors when adding label with the same name', async function () { await agent .post('labels') .body({labels: [{ name: 'test' }]}) .expectStatus(422) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyErrorId }] }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }); }); it('Can browse with member count', async function () { await agent .get('labels/?include=count.members') .expectStatus(200) .matchBodySnapshot({ labels: [matchLabel] }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }); }); it('Can read by slug and edit', async function () { const {body} = await agent .get('labels/slug/test/') .expectStatus(200) .matchBodySnapshot({ labels: [matchLabel] }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }); const id = body.labels[0].id; await agent .put(`labels/${id}`) .body({labels: [{name: 'testing'}]}) .expectStatus(200) .matchBodySnapshot({ labels: [matchLabel] }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }); }); it('Can destroy', async function () { const {body} = await agent .get('labels/slug/test/') .expectStatus(200) .matchBodySnapshot({ labels: [matchLabel] }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }); const id = body.labels[0].id; await agent .delete(`labels/${id}`) .expectStatus(204) .matchBodySnapshot() .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }); }); });