/*globals describe, beforeEach, afterEach, it*/ /*jshint expr:true*/ var moment = require('moment'), should = require('should'), sinon = require('sinon'), Promise = require('bluebird'), rewire = require('rewire'), _ = require('lodash'), // Stuff we are testing api = require('../../server/api'), frontend = rewire('../../server/controllers/frontend'), config = require('../../server/config'), origConfig = _.cloneDeep(config), defaultConfig = require('../../../config.example')[process.env.NODE_ENV]; // To stop jshint complaining should.equal(true, true); describe('Frontend Controller', function () { var sandbox, apiSettingsStub, adminEditPagePath = '/ghost/editor/', resetConfig = function () { config.set(_.merge({}, origConfig, defaultConfig)); }; beforeEach(function () { sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); // Reset frontend controller for next test frontend = rewire('../../server/controllers/frontend'); }); afterEach(function () { resetConfig(); sandbox.restore(); }); // Helper function to prevent unit tests // from failing via timeout when they // should just immediately fail function failTest(done, msg) { return function () { done(new Error(msg)); }; } describe('homepage redirects', function () { var res; beforeEach(function () { res = { redirect: sandbox.spy(), render: sandbox.spy() }; sandbox.stub(api.posts, 'browse', function () { return Promise.resolve({posts: {}, meta: {pagination: {pages: 3}}}); }); apiSettingsStub = sandbox.stub(api.settings, 'read'); apiSettingsStub.withArgs('postsPerPage').returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ key: 'postsPerPage', value: 5 }] })); }); afterEach(function () { config.set({paths: origConfig.paths}); frontend.__set__('config', {paths: origConfig.paths}); sandbox.restore(); }); it('Redirects to home if page number is -1', function () { var req = {params: {page: -1}, route: {path: '/page/:page/'}}; frontend.homepage(req, res, null); res.redirect.called.should.be.true; res.redirect.calledWith('/').should.be.true; res.render.called.should.be.false; }); it('Redirects to home if page number is 0', function () { var req = {params: {page: 0}, route: {path: '/page/:page/'}}; frontend.homepage(req, res, null); res.redirect.called.should.be.true; res.redirect.calledWith('/').should.be.true; res.render.called.should.be.false; }); it('Redirects to home if page number is 1', function () { var req = {params: {page: 1}, route: {path: '/page/:page/'}}; frontend.homepage(req, res, null); res.redirect.called.should.be.true; res.redirect.calledWith('/').should.be.true; res.render.called.should.be.false; }); it('Redirects to home if page number is 0 with subdirectory', function () { frontend.__set__('config', { paths: {subdir: '/blog'} }); var req = {params: {page: 0}, route: {path: '/page/:page/'}}; frontend.homepage(req, res, null); res.redirect.called.should.be.true; res.redirect.calledWith('/blog/').should.be.true; res.render.called.should.be.false; }); it('Redirects to home if page number is 1 with subdirectory', function () { frontend.__set__('config', { paths: {subdir: '/blog'} }); var req = {params: {page: 1}, route: {path: '/page/:page/'}}; frontend.homepage(req, res, null); res.redirect.called.should.be.true; res.redirect.calledWith('/blog/').should.be.true; res.render.called.should.be.false; }); it('Redirects to last page if page number too big', function (done) { var req = {params: {page: 4}, route: {path: '/page/:page/'}}; frontend.homepage(req, res, done).then(function () { res.redirect.called.should.be.true; res.redirect.calledWith('/page/3/').should.be.true; res.render.called.should.be.false; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('Redirects to last page if page number too big with subdirectory', function (done) { frontend.__set__('config', { paths: {subdir: '/blog'} }); var req = {params: {page: 4}, route: {path: '/page/:page/'}}; frontend.homepage(req, res, done).then(function () { res.redirect.calledOnce.should.be.true; res.redirect.calledWith('/blog/page/3/').should.be.true; res.render.called.should.be.false; done(); }).catch(done); }); }); describe('homepage', function () { beforeEach(function () { sandbox.stub(api.posts, 'browse', function () { return Promise.resolve({ posts: [], meta: { pagination: { page: 1, pages: 3 } } }); }); apiSettingsStub = sandbox.stub(api.settings, 'read'); apiSettingsStub.withArgs(sinon.match.has('key', 'activeTheme')).returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ key: 'activeTheme', value: 'casper' }] })); apiSettingsStub.withArgs('postsPerPage').returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ key: 'postsPerPage', value: '10' }] })); frontend.__set__('config', { paths: { subdir: '', availableThemes: { casper: { assets: null, 'default.hbs': '/content/themes/casper/default.hbs', 'index.hbs': '/content/themes/casper/index.hbs', 'home.hbs': '/content/themes/casper/home.hbs', 'page.hbs': '/content/themes/casper/page.hbs', 'tag.hbs': '/content/themes/casper/tag.hbs' } } }, routeKeywords: { page: 'page', tag: 'tag', author: 'author' } }); }); it('Renders home.hbs template when it exists in the active theme', function (done) { var req = { path: '/', params: {}, route: {} }, res = { locals: {}, render: function (view) { view.should.equal('home'); done(); } }; frontend.homepage(req, res, failTest(done)); }); it('Renders index.hbs template on 2nd page when home.bs exists', function (done) { var req = { path: '/page/2/', params: { page: 2 }, route: {} }, res = { locals: {}, render: function (view) { view.should.equal('index'); done(); } }; frontend.homepage(req, res, failTest(done)); }); it('Renders index.hbs template when home.hbs doesn\'t exist', function (done) { frontend.__set__('config', { paths: { subdir: '', availableThemes: { casper: { assets: null, 'default.hbs': '/content/themes/casper/default.hbs', 'index.hbs': '/content/themes/casper/index.hbs', 'page.hbs': '/content/themes/casper/page.hbs', 'tag.hbs': '/content/themes/casper/tag.hbs' } } }, routeKeywords: { page: 'page', tag: 'tag', author: 'author' } }); var req = { path: '/', params: {}, route: {} }, res = { locals: {}, render: function (view) { view.should.equal('index'); done(); } }; frontend.homepage(req, res, failTest(done)); }); }); describe('tag', function () { var mockPosts = [{ status: 'published', id: 1, title: 'Test static page', slug: 'test-static-page', markdown: 'Test static page content', page: 1, published_at: new Date('2013/12/30').getTime(), author: { id: 1, name: 'Test User', email: 'test@ghost.org' } }, { status: 'published', id: 2, title: 'Test normal post', slug: 'test-normal-post', markdown: 'The test normal post content', page: 0, published_at: new Date('2014/1/2').getTime(), author: { id: 1, name: 'Test User' } }], mockTags = [{ name: 'video', slug: 'video', id: 1 }, { name: 'audio', slug: 'audio', id: 2 }]; beforeEach(function () { sandbox.stub(api.posts, 'browse', function () { return Promise.resolve({ posts: mockPosts, meta: { pagination: { page: 1, pages: 1 }, filters: { tags: [mockTags[0]] } } }); }); apiSettingsStub = sandbox.stub(api.settings, 'read'); apiSettingsStub.withArgs(sinon.match.has('key', 'activeTheme')).returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ key: 'activeTheme', value: 'casper' }] })); apiSettingsStub.withArgs('postsPerPage').returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ key: 'postsPerPage', value: '10' }] })); frontend.__set__('config', { paths: { subdir: '', availableThemes: { casper: { assets: null, 'default.hbs': '/content/themes/casper/default.hbs', 'index.hbs': '/content/themes/casper/index.hbs', 'page.hbs': '/content/themes/casper/page.hbs', 'tag.hbs': '/content/themes/casper/tag.hbs' } } }, routeKeywords: { page: 'page', tag: 'tag', author: 'author' } }); }); describe('custom tag template', function () { beforeEach(function () { apiSettingsStub.withArgs('permalinks').returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ key: 'permalinks', value: '/tag/:slug/' }] })); }); it('it will render custom tag template if it exists', function (done) { var req = { path: '/tag/' + mockTags[0].slug, params: {}, route: { path: '/tag/:slug' } }, res = { locals: {}, render: function (view, context) { view.should.equal('tag'); context.tag.should.equal(mockTags[0]); done(); } }; frontend.tag(req, res, failTest(done)); }); }); }); describe('tag redirects', function () { var res; beforeEach(function () { res = { redirect: sandbox.spy(), render: sandbox.spy() }; sandbox.stub(api.posts, 'browse', function () { return Promise.resolve({posts: {}, meta: {pagination: {pages: 3}}}); }); apiSettingsStub = sandbox.stub(api.settings, 'read'); apiSettingsStub.withArgs('postsPerPage').returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ key: 'postsPerPage', value: 5 }] })); }); it('Redirects to base tag page if page number is -1', function () { var req = {params: {page: -1, slug: 'pumpkin'}}; frontend.tag(req, res, null); res.redirect.called.should.be.true; res.redirect.calledWith('/tag/pumpkin/').should.be.true; res.render.called.should.be.false; }); it('Redirects to base tag page if page number is 0', function () { var req = {params: {page: 0, slug: 'pumpkin'}}; frontend.tag(req, res, null); res.redirect.called.should.be.true; res.redirect.calledWith('/tag/pumpkin/').should.be.true; res.render.called.should.be.false; }); it('Redirects to base tag page if page number is 1', function () { var req = {params: {page: 1, slug: 'pumpkin'}}; frontend.tag(req, res, null); res.redirect.called.should.be.true; res.redirect.calledWith('/tag/pumpkin/').should.be.true; res.render.called.should.be.false; }); it('Redirects to base tag page if page number is 0 with subdirectory', function () { frontend.__set__('config', { paths: {subdir: '/blog'}, routeKeywords: {tag: 'tag'} }); var req = {params: {page: 0, slug: 'pumpkin'}}; frontend.tag(req, res, null); res.redirect.called.should.be.true; res.redirect.calledWith('/blog/tag/pumpkin/').should.be.true; res.render.called.should.be.false; }); it('Redirects to base tag page if page number is 1 with subdirectory', function () { frontend.__set__('config', { paths: {subdir: '/blog'}, routeKeywords: {tag: 'tag'} }); var req = {params: {page: 1, slug: 'pumpkin'}}; frontend.tag(req, res, null); res.redirect.called.should.be.true; res.redirect.calledWith('/blog/tag/pumpkin/').should.be.true; res.render.called.should.be.false; }); it('Redirects to last page if page number too big', function (done) { var req = {params: {page: 4, slug: 'pumpkin'}}; frontend.tag(req, res, done).then(function () { res.redirect.called.should.be.true; res.redirect.calledWith('/tag/pumpkin/page/3/').should.be.true; res.render.called.should.be.false; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('Redirects to last page if page number too big with subdirectory', function (done) { frontend.__set__('config', { paths: {subdir: '/blog'}, routeKeywords: {tag: 'tag'} }); var req = {params: {page: 4, slug: 'pumpkin'}}; frontend.tag(req, res, done).then(function () { res.redirect.calledOnce.should.be.true; res.redirect.calledWith('/blog/tag/pumpkin/page/3/').should.be.true; res.render.called.should.be.false; done(); }).catch(done); }); }); describe('single', function () { var mockPosts = [{ posts: [{ status: 'published', id: 1, title: 'Test static page', slug: 'test-static-page', markdown: 'Test static page content', page: 1, published_at: new Date('2013/12/30').getTime(), author: { id: 1, name: 'Test User', slug: 'test', email: 'test@ghost.org' }, url: '/test-static-page/' }] }, { posts: [{ status: 'published', id: 2, title: 'Test normal post', slug: 'test-normal-post', markdown: 'The test normal post content', page: 0, published_at: new Date('2014/1/2').getTime(), author: { id: 1, name: 'Test User', slug: 'test', email: 'test@ghost.org' } }] }, { posts: [{ status: 'published', id: 3, title: 'About', slug: 'about', markdown: 'This is the about page content', page: 1, published_at: new Date('2014/1/30').getTime(), author: { id: 1, name: 'Test User', slug: 'test', email: 'test@ghost.org' }, url: '/about/' }] }]; beforeEach(function () { sandbox.stub(api.posts, 'read', function (args) { return Promise.resolve(_.find(mockPosts, function (mock) { return mock.posts[0].slug === args.slug; })); }); apiSettingsStub = sandbox.stub(api.settings, 'read'); apiSettingsStub.withArgs(sinon.match.has('key', 'activeTheme')).returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ key: 'activeTheme', value: 'casper' }] })); frontend.__set__('config', { paths: { subdir: '', availableThemes: { casper: { assets: null, 'default.hbs': '/content/themes/casper/default.hbs', 'index.hbs': '/content/themes/casper/index.hbs', 'page.hbs': '/content/themes/casper/page.hbs', 'page-about.hbs': '/content/themes/casper/page-about.hbs', 'post.hbs': '/content/themes/casper/post.hbs' } } }, routeKeywords: { page: 'page', tag: 'tag', author: 'author' } }); }); describe('static pages', function () { describe('custom page templates', function () { beforeEach(function () { apiSettingsStub.withArgs('permalinks').returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ value: '/:slug/' }] })); }); it('it will render custom page template if it exists', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + mockPosts[2].posts[0].slug + '/', route: { path: '*' }, params: {} }, res = { locals: {}, render: function (view, context) { view.should.equal('page-' + mockPosts[2].posts[0].slug); context.post.should.equal(mockPosts[2].posts[0]); done(); } }; mockPosts[2].posts[0].url = req.path; frontend.single(req, res, failTest(done)); }); }); describe('permalink set to slug', function () { beforeEach(function () { apiSettingsStub.withArgs('permalinks').returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ value: '/:slug/' }] })); }); it('will render static page via /:slug/', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + mockPosts[0].posts[0].slug + '/', route: { path: '*' }, params: {} }, res = { locals: {}, render: function (view, context) { view.should.equal('page'); context.post.should.equal(mockPosts[0].posts[0]); done(); } }; frontend.single(req, res, failTest(done)); }); it('will NOT render static page via /YYY/MM/DD/:slug', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + ['2012/12/30', mockPosts[0].posts[0].slug].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); it('will NOT render static page via /:author/:slug', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + ['test', mockPosts[0].posts[0].slug].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); it('will redirect static page to admin edit page via /:slug/edit', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + [mockPosts[0].posts[0].slug, 'edit'].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy(), redirect: function (arg) { res.render.called.should.be.false; arg.should.eql(adminEditPagePath + mockPosts[0].posts[0].id + '/'); done(); } }; frontend.single(req, res, failTest(done)); }); it('will NOT redirect static page to admin edit page via /YYYY/MM/DD/:slug/edit', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + ['2012/12/30', mockPosts[0].posts[0].slug, 'edit'].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy(), redirect: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; res.redirect.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); it('will NOT redirect static page to admin edit page via /:author/:slug/edit', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + ['test', mockPosts[0].posts[0].slug, 'edit'].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy(), redirect: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; res.redirect.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); }); describe('permalink set to date', function () { beforeEach(function () { apiSettingsStub.withArgs('permalinks').returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ value: '/:year/:month/:day/:slug/' }] })); }); it('will render static page via /:slug', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + mockPosts[0].posts[0].slug + '/', route: { path: '*' }, params: {} }, res = { locals: {}, render: function (view, context) { view.should.equal('page'); context.post.should.equal(mockPosts[0].posts[0]); done(); } }; frontend.single(req, res, failTest(done)); }); it('will NOT render static page via /YYYY/MM/DD/:slug', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + ['2012/12/30', mockPosts[0].posts[0].slug].join('/') + '/' }, res = { render: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); it('will redirect static page to admin edit page via /:slug/edit', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + [mockPosts[0].posts[0].slug, 'edit'].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy(), redirect: function (arg) { res.render.called.should.be.false; arg.should.eql(adminEditPagePath + mockPosts[0].posts[0].id + '/'); done(); } }; frontend.single(req, res, failTest(done)); }); it('will NOT redirect static page to admin edit page via /YYYY/MM/DD/:slug/edit', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + ['2012/12/30', mockPosts[0].posts[0].slug, 'edit'].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy(), redirect: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; res.redirect.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); }); }); describe('post', function () { describe('permalink set to slug', function () { beforeEach(function () { apiSettingsStub.withArgs('permalinks').returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ value: '/:slug/' }] })); mockPosts[1].posts[0].url = '/' + mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug + '/'; }); it('will render post via /:slug/', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug + '/', route: { path: '*' }, params: {} }, res = { locals: {}, render: function (view, context) { view.should.equal('post'); context.post.should.exist; context.post.should.equal(mockPosts[1].posts[0]); done(); } }; frontend.single(req, res, failTest(done)); }); it('will NOT render post via /YYYY/MM/DD/:slug', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + ['2012/12/30', mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); it('will NOT render post via /:author/:slug', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + ['test', mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); // Handle Edit append it('will redirect post to admin edit page via /:slug/edit', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + [mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug, 'edit'].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy(), redirect: function (arg) { res.render.called.should.be.false; arg.should.eql(adminEditPagePath + mockPosts[1].posts[0].id + '/'); done(); } }; frontend.single(req, res, failTest(done)); }); it('will NOT redirect post to admin edit page via /YYYY/MM/DD/:slug/edit', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + ['2012/12/30', mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug, 'edit'].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy(), redirect: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; res.redirect.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); it('will NOT redirect post to admin edit page via /:author/:slug/edit', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + ['test', mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug, 'edit'].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy(), redirect: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; res.redirect.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); }); describe('permalink set to date', function () { beforeEach(function () { apiSettingsStub.withArgs('permalinks').returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ value: '/:year/:month/:day/:slug/' }] })); var date = moment(mockPosts[1].posts[0].published_at).format('YYYY/MM/DD'); mockPosts[1].posts[0].url = '/' + date + '/' + mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug + '/'; }); it('will render post via /YYYY/MM/DD/:slug/', function (done) { var date = moment(mockPosts[1].posts[0].published_at).format('YYYY/MM/DD'), req = { path: '/' + [date, mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug].join('/') + '/', route: { path: '*' }, params: {} }, res = { locals: {}, render: function (view, context) { view.should.equal('post'); context.post.should.exist; context.post.should.equal(mockPosts[1].posts[0]); done(); } }; frontend.single(req, res, failTest(done)); }); it('will NOT render post via /YYYY/MM/DD/:slug/ with non-matching date in url', function (done) { var date = moment(mockPosts[1].published_at).subtract(1, 'days').format('YYYY/MM/DD'), req = { path: '/' + [date, mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); it('will NOT render post via /:slug/', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); it('will NOT render post via /:author/:slug/', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + ['test', mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); // Handle Edit append it('will redirect post to admin edit page via /YYYY/MM/DD/:slug/edit/', function (done) { var dateFormat = moment(mockPosts[1].posts[0].published_at).format('YYYY/MM/DD'), req = { path: '/' + [dateFormat, mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug, 'edit'].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy(), redirect: function (arg) { res.render.called.should.be.false; arg.should.eql(adminEditPagePath + mockPosts[1].posts[0].id + '/'); done(); } }; frontend.single(req, res, failTest(done)); }); it('will NOT redirect post to admin edit page via /:slug/edit/', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + [mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug, 'edit'].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy(), redirect: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; res.redirect.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); it('will NOT redirect post to admin edit page via /:author/:slug/edit/', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + ['test', mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug, 'edit'].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy(), redirect: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; res.redirect.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); }); describe('permalink set to author', function () { beforeEach(function () { apiSettingsStub.withArgs('permalinks').returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ value: '/:author/:slug/' }] })); // set post url to permalink-defined url mockPosts[1].posts[0].url = '/test/' + mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug + '/'; }); it('will render post via /:author/:slug/', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + ['test', mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug].join('/') + '/', route: { path: '*' }, params: {} }, res = { locals: {}, render: function (view, context) { view.should.equal('post'); should.exist(context.post); context.post.should.equal(mockPosts[1].posts[0]); done(); } }; frontend.single(req, res, failTest(done)); }); it('will NOT render post via /YYYY/MM/DD/:slug/', function (done) { var date = moment(mockPosts[1].posts[0].published_at).format('YYYY/MM/DD'), req = { path: '/' + [date, mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); it('will NOT render post via /:author/:slug/ when author does not match post author', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + ['test-2', mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); it('will NOT render post via /:slug/', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); // Handle Edit append it('will redirect post to admin edit page via /:author/:slug/edit/', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + ['test', mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug, 'edit'].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy(), redirect: function (arg) { res.render.called.should.be.false; arg.should.eql(adminEditPagePath + mockPosts[1].posts[0].id + '/'); done(); } }; frontend.single(req, res, failTest(done)); }); it('will NOT redirect post to admin edit page via /YYYY/MM/DD/:slug/edit/', function (done) { var date = moment(mockPosts[1].posts[0].published_at).format('YYYY/MM/DD'), req = { path: '/' + [date, mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug, 'edit'].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy(), redirect: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; res.redirect.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); it('will NOT redirect post to admin edit page /:slug/edit/', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + [mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug, 'edit'].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy(), redirect: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; res.redirect.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); }); describe('permalink set to custom format', function () { beforeEach(function () { apiSettingsStub.withArgs('permalinks').returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ value: '/:year/:slug/' }] })); var date = moment(mockPosts[1].posts[0].published_at).format('YYYY'); mockPosts[1].posts[0].url = '/' + date + '/' + mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug + '/'; }); it('will render post via /:year/:slug/', function (done) { var date = moment(mockPosts[1].posts[0].published_at).format('YYYY'), req = { path: '/' + [date, mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug].join('/') + '/', route: { path: '*' }, params: {} }, res = { locals: {}, render: function (view, context) { view.should.equal('post'); should.exist(context.post); context.post.should.equal(mockPosts[1].posts[0]); done(); } }; frontend.single(req, res, failTest(done)); }); it('will NOT render post via /YYYY/MM/DD/:slug/', function (done) { var date = moment(mockPosts[1].posts[0].published_at).format('YYYY/MM/DD'), req = { path: '/' + [date, mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); it('will NOT render post via /:year/slug/ when year does not match post year', function (done) { var date = moment(mockPosts[1].posts[0].published_at).subtract(1, 'years').format('YYYY'), req = { path: '/' + [date, mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); it('will NOT render post via /:slug/', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); // Handle Edit append it('will redirect post to admin edit page via /:year/:slug/edit/', function (done) { var date = moment(mockPosts[1].posts[0].published_at).format('YYYY'), req = { path: '/' + [date, mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug, 'edit'].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy(), redirect: function (arg) { res.render.called.should.be.false; arg.should.eql(adminEditPagePath + mockPosts[1].posts[0].id + '/'); done(); } }; frontend.single(req, res, failTest(done)); }); it('will NOT redirect post to admin edit page /:slug/edit/', function (done) { var req = { path: '/' + [mockPosts[1].posts[0].slug, 'edit'].join('/') + '/' }, res = { locals: {}, render: sinon.spy(), redirect: sinon.spy() }; frontend.single(req, res, function () { res.render.called.should.be.false; res.redirect.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('rss redirects', function () { var res, apiUsersStub; beforeEach(function () { res = { locals: {version: ''}, redirect: sandbox.spy(), render: sandbox.spy() }; sandbox.stub(api.posts, 'browse', function () { return Promise.resolve({posts: {}, meta: {pagination: {pages: 3}}}); }); apiUsersStub = sandbox.stub(api.users, 'read').returns(Promise.resolve({})); apiSettingsStub = sandbox.stub(api.settings, 'read'); apiSettingsStub.withArgs('title').returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ key: 'title', value: 'Test' }] })); apiSettingsStub.withArgs('description').returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ key: 'description', value: 'Some Text' }] })); apiSettingsStub.withArgs('permalinks').returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ key: 'permalinks', value: '/:slug/' }] })); }); it('Redirects to rss if page number is 0', function () { var req = {params: {page: -1}, route: {path: '/rss/:page/'}}; frontend.rss(req, res, null); res.redirect.called.should.be.true; res.redirect.calledWith('/rss/').should.be.true; res.render.called.should.be.false; }); it('Redirects to rss if page number is 0', function () { var req = {params: {page: 0}, route: {path: '/rss/:page/'}}; frontend.rss(req, res, null); res.redirect.called.should.be.true; res.redirect.calledWith('/rss/').should.be.true; res.render.called.should.be.false; }); it('Redirects to home if page number is 1', function () { var req = {params: {page: 1}, route: {path: '/rss/:page/'}}; frontend.rss(req, res, null); res.redirect.called.should.be.true; res.redirect.calledWith('/rss/').should.be.true; res.render.called.should.be.false; }); it('Redirects to home if page number is 0 with subdirectory', function () { config.set({url: 'http://testurl.com/blog'}); var req = {params: {page: 0}, route: {path: '/rss/:page/'}}; frontend.rss(req, res, null); res.redirect.called.should.be.true; res.redirect.calledWith('/blog/rss/').should.be.true; res.render.called.should.be.false; }); it('Redirects to home if page number is 1 with subdirectory', function () { config.set({url: 'http://testurl.com/blog'}); var req = {params: {page: 1}, route: {path: '/rss/:page/'}}; frontend.rss(req, res, null); res.redirect.called.should.be.true; res.redirect.calledWith('/blog/rss/').should.be.true; res.render.called.should.be.false; }); it('Redirects to last page if page number too big', function (done) { config.set({url: 'http://testurl.com/'}); var req = {params: {page: 4}, route: {path: '/rss/:page/'}}; frontend.rss(req, res, done).then(function () { res.redirect.called.should.be.true; res.redirect.calledWith('/rss/3/').should.be.true; res.render.called.should.be.false; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('Redirects to last page if page number too big with subdirectory', function (done) { config.set({url: 'http://testurl.com/blog'}); var req = {params: {page: 4}, route: {path: '/rss/:page/'}}; frontend.rss(req, res, done).then(function () { res.redirect.calledOnce.should.be.true; res.redirect.calledWith('/blog/rss/3/').should.be.true; res.render.called.should.be.false; done(); }).catch(done); }); }); describe('private', function () { var req, res, config, defaultPath; defaultPath = '/core/server/views/private.hbs'; beforeEach(function () { res = { locals: {version: ''}, render: sandbox.spy() }, req = { route: {path: '/private/?r=/'}, query: {r: ''}, params: {} }, config = { paths: { adminViews: '/core/server/views', availableThemes: { casper: {} } }, routeKeywords: {private: 'private'} }; apiSettingsStub = sandbox.stub(api.settings, 'read'); apiSettingsStub.withArgs(sinon.match.has('key', 'activeTheme')).returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ key: 'activeTheme', value: 'casper' }] })); }); it('Should render default password page when theme has no password template', function (done) { frontend.__set__('config', config); frontend.private(req, res, done).then(function () { res.render.calledWith(defaultPath).should.be.true; res.locals.context.should.containEql('private'); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('Should render theme password page when it exists', function (done) { config.paths.availableThemes.casper = { 'private.hbs': '/content/themes/casper/private.hbs' }; frontend.__set__('config', config); frontend.private(req, res, done).then(function () { res.render.calledWith('private').should.be.true; res.locals.context.should.containEql('private'); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('Should render with error when error is passed in', function (done) { frontend.__set__('config', config); res.error = 'Test Error'; frontend.private(req, res, done).then(function () { res.render.calledWith(defaultPath, {error: 'Test Error'}).should.be.true; res.locals.context.should.containEql('private'); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); });