/*global describe, it, before, after */ // # Frontend Route tests // As it stands, these tests depend on the database, and as such are integration tests. // Mocking out the models to not touch the DB would turn these into unit tests, and should probably be done in future, // But then again testing real code, rather than mock code, might be more useful... var request = require('supertest'), should = require('should'), moment = require('moment'), testUtils = require('../../utils'), ghost = require('../../../../core'), cacheRules = { public: 'public, max-age=0', day: 'public, max-age=' + testUtils.ONE_DAY_S, hour: 'public, max-age=' + testUtils.ONE_HOUR_S, year: 'public, max-age=' + testUtils.ONE_YEAR_S, private: 'no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0' }; describe('Frontend Routing', function () { function doEnd(done) { return function (err, res) { if (err) { return done(err); } should.not.exist(res.headers['x-cache-invalidate']); should.not.exist(res.headers['X-CSRF-Token']); should.not.exist(res.headers['set-cookie']); should.exist(res.headers.date); done(); }; } before(function (done) { ghost().then(function (ghostServer) { // Setup the request object with the ghost express app request = request(ghostServer.rootApp); done(); }).catch(function (e) { console.log('Ghost Error: ', e); console.log(e.stack); }); }); after(function (done) { testUtils.clearData().then(function () { done(); }).catch(done); }); describe('Home', function () { it('should respond with html', function (done) { request.get('/') .expect('Content-Type', /html/) .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(200) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should not have as second page', function (done) { request.get('/page/2/') .expect('Location', '/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(302) .end(doEnd(done)); }); }); describe('Welcome post', function () { it('should redirect without slash', function (done) { request.get('/welcome-to-ghost') .expect('Location', '/welcome-to-ghost/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules.year) .expect(301) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should redirect uppercase', function (done) { request.get('/Welcome-To-Ghost/') .expect('Location', '/welcome-to-ghost/') .expect(301) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should respond with html for valid url', function (done) { request.get('/welcome-to-ghost/') .expect('Content-Type', /html/) .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(200) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should not work with date permalinks', function (done) { // get today's date var date = moment().format('YYYY/MM/DD'); request.get('/' + date + '/welcome-to-ghost/') // .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['private']) .expect(404) .expect(/Page Not Found/) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should 404 for unknown post', function (done) { request.get('/spectacular/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['private']) .expect(404) .expect(/Page Not Found/) .end(doEnd(done)); }); }); describe('Post edit', function () { it('should redirect without slash', function (done) { request.get('/welcome-to-ghost/edit') .expect('Location', '/welcome-to-ghost/edit/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules.year) .expect(301) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should redirect to editor', function (done) { request.get('/welcome-to-ghost/edit/') .expect('Location', '/ghost/editor/1/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(302) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should 404 for non-edit parameter', function (done) { request.get('/welcome-to-ghost/notedit/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['private']) .expect(404) .expect(/Page Not Found/) .end(doEnd(done)); }); }); // we'll use X-Forwarded-Proto: https to simulate an 'https://' request behind a proxy describe('HTTPS', function () { var forkedGhost, request; before(function (done) { var configTestHttps = testUtils.fork.config(); configTestHttps.forceAdminSSL = {redirect: false}; configTestHttps.urlSSL = 'https://localhost/'; testUtils.fork.ghost(configTestHttps, 'testhttps') .then(function (child) { forkedGhost = child; request = require('supertest'); request = request(configTestHttps.url.replace(/\/$/, '')); }).then(done).catch(done); }); after(function (done) { if (forkedGhost) { forkedGhost.kill(done); } }); it('should set links to url over non-HTTPS', function (done) { request.get('/') .expect(200) .expect(//) .expect(/Ghost<\/a\>/) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should set links to urlSSL over HTTPS', function (done) { request.get('/') .set('X-Forwarded-Proto', 'https') .expect(200) .expect(//) .expect(/Ghost<\/a\>/) .end(doEnd(done)); }); }); describe('RSS', function () { it('should redirect without slash', function (done) { request.get('/rss') .expect('Location', '/rss/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules.year) .expect(301) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should respond with xml', function (done) { request.get('/rss/') .expect('Content-Type', /xml/) .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(200) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should not have as second page', function (done) { request.get('/rss/2/') // TODO this should probably redirect straight to /rss/ with 301? .expect('Location', '/rss/1/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(302) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should get redirected to /rss/ from /feed/', function (done) { request.get('/feed/') .expect('Location', '/rss/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules.year) .expect(301) .end(doEnd(done)); }); }); // ### The rest of the tests require more data describe('Archive pages', function () { // Add enough posts to trigger pages for both the archive (5 pp) and rss (15 pp) // insertPosts adds 5 published posts, 1 draft post, 1 published static page and one draft page // we then insert with max 11 which ensures we have 16 published posts before(function (done) { testUtils.fixtures.insertPosts().then(function () { return testUtils.fixtures.insertMorePosts(9); }).then(function () { done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should redirect without slash', function (done) { request.get('/page/2') .expect('Location', '/page/2/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules.year) .expect(301) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should respond with html', function (done) { request.get('/page/2/') .expect('Content-Type', /html/) .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(200) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should redirect page 1', function (done) { request.get('/page/1/') .expect('Location', '/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) // TODO: This should probably be a 301? .expect(302) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should redirect to last page if page too high', function (done) { request.get('/page/4/') .expect('Location', '/page/3/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(302) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should redirect to first page if page too low', function (done) { request.get('/page/0/') .expect('Location', '/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(302) .end(doEnd(done)); }); }); describe('RSS pages', function () { before(function (done) { testUtils.fixtures.insertMorePosts(2).then(function () { done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should redirect without slash', function (done) { request.get('/rss/2') .expect('Location', '/rss/2/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules.year) .expect(301) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should respond with xml', function (done) { request.get('/rss/2/') .expect('Content-Type', /xml/) .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(200) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should redirect page 1', function (done) { request.get('/rss/1/') .expect('Location', '/rss/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) // TODO: This should probably be a 301? .expect(302) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should redirect to last page if page too high', function (done) { request.get('/rss/3/') .expect('Location', '/rss/2/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(302) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should redirect to first page if page too low', function (done) { request.get('/rss/0/') .expect('Location', '/rss/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(302) .end(doEnd(done)); }); }); describe('Tag based RSS pages', function () { it('should redirect without slash', function (done) { request.get('/tag/getting-started/rss') .expect('Location', '/tag/getting-started/rss/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules.year) .expect(301) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should respond with xml', function (done) { request.get('/tag/getting-started/rss/') .expect('Content-Type', /xml/) .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(200) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should redirect page 1', function (done) { request.get('/tag/getting-started/rss/1/') .expect('Location', '/tag/getting-started/rss/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) // TODO: This should probably be a 301? .expect(302) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should redirect to last page if page too high', function (done) { request.get('/tag/getting-started/rss/2/') .expect('Location', '/tag/getting-started/rss/1/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(302) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should redirect to first page if page too low', function (done) { request.get('/tag/getting-started/rss/0/') .expect('Location', '/tag/getting-started/rss/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(302) .end(doEnd(done)); }); }); describe('Author based RSS pages', function () { it('should redirect without slash', function (done) { request.get('/author/ghost-owner/rss') .expect('Location', '/author/ghost-owner/rss/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules.year) .expect(301) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should respond with xml', function (done) { request.get('/author/ghost-owner/rss/') .expect('Content-Type', /xml/) .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(200) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should redirect page 1', function (done) { request.get('/author/ghost-owner/rss/1/') .expect('Location', '/author/ghost-owner/rss/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) // TODO: This should probably be a 301? .expect(302) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should redirect to last page if page too high', function (done) { request.get('/author/ghost-owner/rss/3/') .expect('Location', '/author/ghost-owner/rss/2/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(302) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should redirect to first page if page too low', function (done) { request.get('/author/ghost-owner/rss/0/') .expect('Location', '/author/ghost-owner/rss/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(302) .end(doEnd(done)); }); }); describe('Static page', function () { it('should redirect without slash', function (done) { request.get('/static-page-test') .expect('Location', '/static-page-test/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules.year) .expect(301) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should respond with xml', function (done) { request.get('/static-page-test/') .expect('Content-Type', /html/) .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(200) .end(doEnd(done)); }); }); describe('Post with Ghost in the url', function () { // All of Ghost's admin depends on the /ghost/ in the url to work properly // Badly formed regexs can cause breakage if a post slug starts with the 5 letters ghost it('should retrieve a blog post with ghost at the start of the url', function (done) { request.get('/ghostly-kitchen-sink/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(200) .end(doEnd(done)); }); }); describe('Static assets', function () { it('should retrieve shared assets', function (done) { request.get('/shared/img/user-image.png') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules.hour) .expect(200) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should retrieve theme assets', function (done) { request.get('/assets/css/screen.css') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules.year) .expect(200) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should retrieve built assets', function (done) { request.get('/ghost/scripts/vendor-dev.js') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules.year) .expect(200) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should retrieve default robots.txt', function (done) { request.get('/robots.txt') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules.year) .expect('ETag', /[0-9a-f]{32}/i) .expect(200) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should retrieve default favicon.ico', function (done) { request.get('/favicon.ico') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules.day) .expect('ETag', /[0-9a-f]{32}/i) .expect(200) .end(doEnd(done)); }); // at the moment there is no image fixture to test // it('should retrieve image assets', function (done) { // request.get('/content/images/some.jpg') // .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules.year) // .end(doEnd(done)); // }); }); describe('Tag pages', function () { // Add enough posts to trigger tag pages before(function (done) { testUtils.clearData().then(function () { // we initialise data, but not a user. No user should be required for navigating the frontend return testUtils.initData(); }).then(function () { return testUtils.fixtures.insertPosts(); }).then(function () { return testUtils.fixtures.insertMorePosts(22); }).then(function () { return testUtils.fixtures.insertMorePostsTags(22); }).then(function () { done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should redirect without slash', function (done) { request.get('/tag/injection/page/2') .expect('Location', '/tag/injection/page/2/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules.year) .expect(301) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should respond with html', function (done) { request.get('/tag/injection/page/2/') .expect('Content-Type', /html/) .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(200) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should redirect page 1', function (done) { request.get('/tag/injection/page/1/') .expect('Location', '/tag/injection/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) // TODO: This should probably be a 301? .expect(302) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should redirect to last page if page too high', function (done) { request.get('/tag/injection/page/4/') .expect('Location', '/tag/injection/page/3/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(302) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should redirect to first page if page too low', function (done) { request.get('/tag/injection/page/0/') .expect('Location', '/tag/injection/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(302) .end(doEnd(done)); }); }); describe('Author pages', function () { // Add enough posts to trigger tag pages before(function (done) { testUtils.clearData().then(function () { // we initialise data, but not a user. No user should be required for navigating the frontend return testUtils.initData(); }).then(function () { return testUtils.fixtures.insertPosts(); }).then(function () { return testUtils.fixtures.insertMorePosts(10); }).then(function () { done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should redirect without slash', function (done) { request.get('/author/ghost-owner/page/2') .expect('Location', '/author/ghost-owner/page/2/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules.year) .expect(301) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should respond with html', function (done) { request.get('/author/ghost-owner/page/2/') .expect('Content-Type', /html/) .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(200) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should redirect page 1', function (done) { request.get('/author/ghost-owner/page/1/') .expect('Location', '/author/ghost-owner/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) // TODO: This should probably be a 301? .expect(302) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should redirect to last page if page too high', function (done) { request.get('/author/ghost-owner/page/4/') .expect('Location', '/author/ghost-owner/page/3/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(302) .end(doEnd(done)); }); it('should redirect to first page if page too low', function (done) { request.get('/author/ghost-owner/page/0/') .expect('Location', '/author/ghost-owner/') .expect('Cache-Control', cacheRules['public']) .expect(302) .end(doEnd(done)); }); }); // ### The rest of the tests switch to date permalinks // describe('Date permalinks', function () { // before(function (done) { // // Only way to swap permalinks setting is to login and visit the URL because // // poking the database doesn't work as settings are cached // }); // // it('should load a post with date permalink', function (done) { // // // get today's date // var date = moment().format('YYYY/MM/DD'); // // // request.get('/' + date + '/welcome-to-ghost/') // .expect(200) // .expect('Content-Type', /html/) // .end(doEnd(done)); // }); // }); });