// # Templates // // Figure out which template should be used to render a request // based on the templates which are allowed, and what is available in the theme // TODO: consider where this should live as it deals with channels, singles, and errors var _ = require('lodash'), path = require('path'), config = require('../../config'), themes = require('../../themes'), _private = {}; /** * ## Get Error Template Hierarchy * * Fetch the ordered list of templates that can be used to render this error statusCode. * * The default is the * * @param {integer} statusCode * @returns {String[]} */ _private.getErrorTemplateHierarchy = function getErrorTemplateHierarchy(statusCode) { var errorCode = _.toString(statusCode), templateList = ['error']; // Add error class template: E.g. error-4xx.hbs or error-5xx.hbs templateList.unshift('error-' + errorCode[0] + 'xx'); // Add statusCode specific template: E.g. error-404.hbs templateList.unshift('error-' + errorCode); return templateList; }; /** * ## Get Channel Template Hierarchy * * Fetch the ordered list of templates that can be used to render this request. * 'index' is the default / fallback * For channels with slugs: [:channelName-:slug, :channelName, index] * For channels without slugs: [:channelName, index] * Channels can also have a front page template which is used if this is the first page of the channel, e.g. 'home.hbs' * * @param {Object} channelOpts * @returns {String[]} */ _private.getChannelTemplateHierarchy = function getChannelTemplateHierarchy(channelOpts) { var templateList = ['index']; if (channelOpts.name && channelOpts.name !== 'index') { templateList.unshift(channelOpts.name); if (channelOpts.slugTemplate && channelOpts.slugParam) { templateList.unshift(channelOpts.name + '-' + channelOpts.slugParam); } } if (channelOpts.frontPageTemplate && channelOpts.postOptions.page === 1) { templateList.unshift(channelOpts.frontPageTemplate); } return templateList; }; /** * ## Get Entry Template Hierarchy * * Fetch the ordered list of templates that can be used to render this request. * 'post' is the default / fallback * For posts: [post-:slug, custom-*, post] * For pages: [page-:slug, custom-*, page, post] * * @param {Object} postObject * @returns {String[]} */ _private.getEntryTemplateHierarchy = function getEntryTemplateHierarchy(postObject) { var templateList = ['post'], slugTemplate = 'post-' + postObject.slug; if (postObject.page) { templateList.unshift('page'); slugTemplate = 'page-' + postObject.slug; } if (postObject.custom_template) { templateList.unshift(postObject.custom_template); } templateList.unshift(slugTemplate); return templateList; }; /** * ## Pick Template * * Taking the ordered list of allowed templates for this request * Cycle through and find the first one which has a match in the theme * * @param {Array|String} templateList * @param {String} fallback - a fallback template */ _private.pickTemplate = function pickTemplate(templateList, fallback) { var template; if (!_.isArray(templateList)) { templateList = [templateList]; } if (!themes.getActive()) { template = fallback; } else { template = _.find(templateList, function (template) { return themes.getActive().hasTemplate(template); }); } if (!template) { template = fallback; } return template; }; _private.getTemplateForEntry = function getTemplateForEntry(postObject) { var templateList = _private.getEntryTemplateHierarchy(postObject), fallback = templateList[templateList.length - 1]; return _private.pickTemplate(templateList, fallback); }; _private.getTemplateForChannel = function getTemplateForChannel(channelOpts) { var templateList = _private.getChannelTemplateHierarchy(channelOpts), fallback = templateList[templateList.length - 1]; return _private.pickTemplate(templateList, fallback); }; _private.getTemplateForError = function getTemplateForError(statusCode) { var templateList = _private.getErrorTemplateHierarchy(statusCode), fallback = path.resolve(config.get('paths').defaultViews, 'error.hbs'); return _private.pickTemplate(templateList, fallback); }; module.exports.setTemplate = function setTemplate(req, res, data) { var routeConfig = res._route || {}; if (res._template) { return; } if (req.err) { res._template = _private.getTemplateForError(res.statusCode); return; } switch (routeConfig.type) { case 'custom': res._template = _private.pickTemplate(routeConfig.templateName, routeConfig.defaultTemplate); break; case 'channel': res._template = _private.getTemplateForChannel(res.locals.channel); break; case 'entry': res._template = _private.getTemplateForEntry(data.post); break; default: res._template = 'index'; } };