var _ = require('lodash'), dataProvider = require('../models'), settings = require('./settings'), mail = require('./mail'), utils = require('./utils'), when = require('when'), errors = require('../errors'), config = require('../config'), ONE_DAY = 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000, authentication; /** * ## Authentication API Methods * * **See:** [API Methods](index.js.html#api%20methods) */ authentication = { /** * ## Generate Reset Token * generate a reset token for a given email address * @param {{passwordreset}} * @returns {Promise(passwordreset)} message */ generateResetToken: function generateResetToken(object) { var expires = + ONE_DAY, email; return authentication.isSetup().then(function (result) { var setup = result.setup[0].status; if (!setup) { return when.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError('Setup must be completed before making this request.')); } return utils.checkObject(object, 'passwordreset'); }).then(function (checkedPasswordReset) { if (checkedPasswordReset.passwordreset[0].email) { email = checkedPasswordReset.passwordreset[0].email; } else { return when.reject(new errors.BadRequestError('No email provided.')); } return{context: {internal: true}, key: 'dbHash'}).then(function (response) { var dbHash = response.settings[0].value; return dataProvider.User.generateResetToken(email, expires, dbHash); }).then(function (resetToken) { var baseUrl = config().forceAdminSSL ? (config().urlSSL || config().url) : config().url, siteLink = '' + baseUrl + '', resetUrl = baseUrl.replace(/\/$/, '') + '/ghost/reset/' + resetToken + '/', resetLink = '' + resetUrl + '', payload = { mail: [{ message: { to: email, subject: 'Reset Password', html: '


' + '

A request has been made to reset the password on the site ' + siteLink + '.

' + '

Please follow the link below to reset your password:

' + resetLink + '

' + '


' }, options: {} }] }; return mail.send(payload, {context: {internal: true}}); }).then(function () { return when.resolve({passwordreset: [{message: 'Check your email for further instructions.'}]}); }).otherwise(function (error) { // TODO: This is kind of sketchy, depends on magic string error.message from Bookshelf. if (error && error.message === 'NotFound') { error = new errors.UnauthorizedError('Invalid email address'); } return when.reject(error); }); }); }, /** * ## Reset Password * reset password if a valid token and password (2x) is passed * @param {{passwordreset}} * @returns {Promise(passwordreset)} message */ resetPassword: function resetPassword(object) { var resetToken, newPassword, ne2Password; return authentication.isSetup().then(function (result) { var setup = result.setup[0].status; if (!setup) { return when.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError('Setup must be completed before making this request.')); } return utils.checkObject(object, 'passwordreset'); }).then(function (checkedPasswordReset) { resetToken = checkedPasswordReset.passwordreset[0].token; newPassword = checkedPasswordReset.passwordreset[0].newPassword; ne2Password = checkedPasswordReset.passwordreset[0].ne2Password; return{context: {internal: true}, key: 'dbHash'}).then(function (response) { var dbHash = response.settings[0].value; return dataProvider.User.resetPassword(resetToken, newPassword, ne2Password, dbHash); }).then(function () { return when.resolve({passwordreset: [{message: 'Password changed successfully.'}]}); }).otherwise(function (error) { return when.reject(new errors.UnauthorizedError(error.message)); }); }); }, /** * ### Accept Invitation * @param {User} object the user to create * @returns {Promise(User}} Newly created user */ acceptInvitation: function acceptInvitation(object) { var resetToken, newPassword, ne2Password, name, email; return authentication.isSetup().then(function (result) { var setup = result.setup[0].status; if (!setup) { return when.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError('Setup must be completed before making this request.')); } return utils.checkObject(object, 'invitation'); }).then(function (checkedInvitation) { resetToken = checkedInvitation.invitation[0].token; newPassword = checkedInvitation.invitation[0].password; ne2Password = checkedInvitation.invitation[0].password; email = checkedInvitation.invitation[0].email; name = checkedInvitation.invitation[0].name; return{context: {internal: true}, key: 'dbHash'}).then(function (response) { var dbHash = response.settings[0].value; return dataProvider.User.resetPassword(resetToken, newPassword, ne2Password, dbHash); }).then(function (user) { return dataProvider.User.edit({name: name, email: email}, {id:}); }).then(function () { return when.resolve({invitation: [{message: 'Invitation accepted.'}]}); }).otherwise(function (error) { return when.reject(new errors.UnauthorizedError(error.message)); }); }); }, isSetup: function () { return dataProvider.User.query(function (qb) { qb.where('status', '=', 'active') .orWhere('status', '=', 'warn-1') .orWhere('status', '=', 'warn-2') .orWhere('status', '=', 'warn-3') .orWhere('status', '=', 'warn-4') .orWhere('status', '=', 'locked'); }).fetch().then(function (users) { if (users) { return when.resolve({ setup: [{status: true}]}); } else { return when.resolve({ setup: [{status: false}]}); } }); }, setup: function (object) { var setupUser, internal = {context: {internal: true}}; return authentication.isSetup().then(function (result) { var setup = result.setup[0].status; if (setup) { return when.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError('Setup has already been completed.')); } return utils.checkObject(object, 'setup'); }).then(function (checkedSetupData) { setupUser = { name: checkedSetupData.setup[0].name, email: checkedSetupData.setup[0].email, password: checkedSetupData.setup[0].password, blogTitle: checkedSetupData.setup[0].blogTitle, status: 'active' }; return dataProvider.User.findOne({role: 'Owner'}); }).then(function (ownerUser) { if (ownerUser) { return dataProvider.User.setup(setupUser, _.extend(internal, {id:})); } else { // TODO: needs to pass owner role when role endpoint is finished! return dataProvider.User.add(setupUser, internal); } }).then(function (user) { var userSettings = []; userSettings.push({key: 'email', value:}); // Handles the additional values set by the setup screen. if (!_.isEmpty(setupUser.blogTitle)) { userSettings.push({key: 'title', value: setupUser.blogTitle}); userSettings.push({key: 'description', value: 'Thoughts, stories and ideas by ' +}); } setupUser = user.toJSON(); return settings.edit({settings: userSettings}, {context: {user:}}); }).then(function () { var message = { to:, subject: 'Your New Ghost Blog', html: '


' + '

Good news! You\'ve successfully created a brand new Ghost blog over on ' + config().url + '

' + '

You can log in to your admin account with the following details:

' + '

Email Address: ' + + '
' + 'Password: The password you chose when you signed up

' + '

Keep this email somewhere safe for future reference, and have fun!

' + '


' + '

Team Ghost
' + '

' }, payload = { mail: [{ message: message, options: {} }] }; return mail.send(payload, {context: {internal: true}}).otherwise(function (error) { errors.logError( error.message, "Unable to send welcome email, your blog will continue to function.", "Please see for instructions on configuring email." ); }); }).then(function () { return when.resolve({ users: [setupUser]}); }); } }; module.exports = authentication;