/*globals describe, before, beforeEach, afterEach, it*/ var testUtils = require('../utils'), should = require('should'), when = require('when'), sinon = require('sinon'), express = require("express"), // Stuff we are testing colors = require("colors"), errors = require('../../server/errorHandling'), // storing current environment currentEnv = process.env.NODE_ENV, ONE_HOUR_S = 60 * 60; describe("Error handling", function () { // Just getting rid of jslint unused error should.exist(errors); describe('Throwing', function () { it("throws error objects", function () { var toThrow = new Error("test1"), runThrowError = function () { errors.throwError(toThrow); }; runThrowError.should['throw']("test1"); }); it("throws error strings", function () { var toThrow = "test2", runThrowError = function () { errors.throwError(toThrow); }; runThrowError.should['throw']("test2"); }); it("throws error even if nothing passed", function () { var runThrowError = function () { errors.throwError(); }; runThrowError.should['throw']("An error occurred"); }); }); describe('Logging', function () { var logStub; beforeEach(function () { logStub = sinon.stub(console, "error"); // give environment a value that will console log process.env.NODE_ENV = "development"; }); afterEach(function () { logStub.restore(); // reset the environment process.env.NODE_ENV = currentEnv; }); it("logs errors from error objects", function () { var err = new Error("test1"); errors.logError(err); // Calls log with message on Error objects logStub.calledThrice.should.be.true; logStub.firstCall.calledWith("\nERROR:".red, err.message.red).should.be.true; logStub.secondCall.calledWith('').should.be.true; logStub.thirdCall.calledWith(err.stack, '\n').should.be.true; }); it("logs errors from strings", function () { var err = "test2"; errors.logError(err); // Calls log with string on strings logStub.calledTwice.should.be.true; logStub.firstCall.calledWith("\nERROR:".red, err.red).should.be.true; logStub.secondCall.calledWith('').should.be.true; }); it("logs errors from an error object and two string arguments", function () { var err = new Error("test1"), message = "Testing"; errors.logError(err, message, message); // Calls log with message on Error objects logStub.callCount.should.equal(5); logStub.calledWith("\nERROR:".red, err.message.red).should.be.true; logStub.firstCall.calledWith("\nERROR:".red, err.message.red).should.be.true; logStub.secondCall.calledWith(message.white).should.be.true; logStub.thirdCall.calledWith(message.green).should.be.true; logStub.getCall(3).calledWith('').should.be.true; //nth call uses zero-based numbering logStub.lastCall.calledWith(err.stack, '\n').should.be.true; }); it("logs errors from three string arguments", function () { var message = "Testing"; errors.logError(message, message, message); // Calls log with message on Error objects logStub.callCount.should.equal(4); logStub.firstCall.calledWith("\nERROR:".red, message.red).should.be.true; logStub.secondCall.calledWith(message.white).should.be.true; logStub.thirdCall.calledWith(message.green).should.be.true; logStub.lastCall.calledWith('').should.be.true; }); it("logs promise errors and redirects", function (done) { var def = when.defer(), prom = def.promise, req = null, res = { redirect: function () { return; } }, redirectStub = sinon.stub(res, "redirect"); // give environment a value that will console log prom.then(function () { throw new Error("Ran success handler"); }, errors.logErrorWithRedirect("test1", null, null, "/testurl", req, res)); prom.otherwise(function () { logStub.calledWith("\nERROR:".red, "test1".red).should.equal(true); logStub.restore(); redirectStub.calledWith('/testurl').should.equal(true); redirectStub.restore(); done(); }); def.reject(); }); }); describe('Rendering', function () { var sandbox; before(function () { errors.updateActiveTheme('casper', false); }); beforeEach(function () { sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); }); afterEach(function () { sandbox.restore(); }); it('Renders end-of-middleware 404 errors correctly', function (done) { var req = {method: 'GET'}, res = express.response; sandbox.stub(express.response, 'render', function (view, options, fn) { view.should.match(/user-error\.hbs/); // Test that the message is correct options.message.should.equal('Page Not Found'); options.code.should.equal(404); this.statusCode.should.equal(404); // Test that the headers are correct this._headers['cache-control'].should.equal('public, max-age=' + ONE_HOUR_S); done(); }); sandbox.stub(express.response, 'status', function (status) { res.statusCode = status; return res; }); errors.error404(req, res, done); }); it('Renders thrown 404 errors correctly', function (done) { var err = new Error('A thing was not found'), req = {method: 'GET'}, res = express.response; sandbox.stub(express.response, 'render', function (view, options, fn) { view.should.match(/user-error\.hbs/); // Test that the message is correct options.message.should.equal('Page Not Found'); options.code.should.equal(404); this.statusCode.should.equal(404); // Test that the headers are correct this._headers['cache-control'].should.equal('public, max-age=' + ONE_HOUR_S); done(); }); sandbox.stub(express.response, 'status', function (status) { res.statusCode = status; return res; }); err.status = 404; errors.error500(err, req, res, null); }); it('Renders thrown errors correctly', function (done) { var err = new Error('I am a big bad error'), req = {method: 'GET'}, res = express.response; sandbox.stub(express.response, 'render', function (view, options, fn) { view.should.match(/user-error\.hbs/); // Test that the message is correct options.message.should.equal('I am a big bad error'); options.code.should.equal(500); this.statusCode.should.equal(500); // Test that the headers are correct this._headers['cache-control'].should.equal('no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); done(); }); sandbox.stub(express.response, 'status', function (status) { res.statusCode = status; return res; }); errors.error500(err, req, res, null); }); it('Renders 500 errors correctly', function (done) { var err = new Error('I am a big bad error'), req = {method: 'GET'}, res = express.response; sandbox.stub(express.response, 'render', function (view, options, fn) { view.should.match(/user-error\.hbs/); // Test that the message is correct options.message.should.equal('I am a big bad error'); options.code.should.equal(500); this.statusCode.should.equal(500); // Test that the headers are correct this._headers['cache-control'].should.equal('no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); done(); }); sandbox.stub(express.response, 'status', function (status) { res.statusCode = status; return res; }); err.code = 500; errors.error500(err, req, res, null); }); }); });