const sinon = require('sinon'); const should = require('should'); const rewire = require('rewire'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const path = require('path'); const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); const SettingsLoader = rewire('../../../../../core/server/services/route-settings/settings-loader'); describe('UNIT > SettingsLoader:', function () { afterEach(function () { sinon.restore(); }); describe('Settings Loader', function () { const yamlStubFile = { routes: null, collections: { '/': { permalink: '/{slug}/', template: ['home', 'index'] } }, taxonomies: {tag: '/tag/{slug}/', author: '/author/{slug}/'} }; let yamlParserStub; let validateStub; beforeEach(function () { yamlParserStub = sinon.stub(); validateStub = sinon.stub(); }); it('reads a settings object for routes.yaml file', async function () { const settingsLoader = new SettingsLoader({ parseYaml: yamlParserStub, settingFilePath: '/content/data/routes.yaml' }); const settingsStubFile = { routes: null, collections: { '/': { permalink: '/{slug}/', template: ['home', 'index'] } }, resources: { tag: '/tag/{slug}/', author: '/author/{slug}/' } }; const fsReadFileStub = sinon.stub(fs, 'readFile').returns(settingsStubFile); const result = await settingsLoader.loadSettings(); should.exist(result);'routes', 'collections', 'taxonomies');; }); it('can find yaml settings file and returns a settings object', async function () { const fsReadFileSpy = sinon.spy(fs, 'readFile'); const storageFolderPath = path.join(__dirname, '../../../../utils/fixtures/settings/'); const expectedSettingsFile = path.join(storageFolderPath, 'routes.yaml'); yamlParserStub.returns(yamlStubFile); validateStub.returns({routes: {}, collections: {}, taxonomies: {}}); SettingsLoader.__set__('validate', validateStub); const settingsLoader = new SettingsLoader({ parseYaml: yamlParserStub, settingFilePath: expectedSettingsFile }); const setting = await settingsLoader.loadSettings(); should.exist(setting);'routes', 'collections', 'taxonomies');; fsReadFileSpy.calledWith(expectedSettingsFile);; }); it('can handle errors from YAML parser', async function () { const storageFolderPath = path.join(__dirname, '../../../../utils/fixtures/settings/'); yamlParserStub.throws(new errors.InternalServerError({ message: 'could not parse yaml file', context: 'bad indentation of a mapping entry at line 5, column 10' })); const settingsLoader = new SettingsLoader({ parseYaml: yamlParserStub, settingFilePath: path.join(storageFolderPath, 'routes.yaml') }); try { await settingsLoader.loadSettings(); throw new Error('Should have failed already'); } catch (err) { should.exist(err);'could not parse yaml file');'bad indentation of a mapping entry at line 5, column 10');; } }); it('throws error if file can\'t be accessed', async function () { const storageFolderPath = path.join(__dirname, '../../../utils/fixtures/settings/'); const expectedSettingsFile = path.join(storageFolderPath, 'routes.yaml'); const fsError = new Error('no permission'); fsError.code = 'EPERM'; const originalFn = fs.readFile; const fsReadFileStub = sinon.stub(fs, 'readFile').callsFake(function (filePath, options) { if (filePath.match(/routes\.yaml/)) { throw fsError; } return originalFn(filePath, options); }); yamlParserStub = sinon.spy(); const settingsLoader = new SettingsLoader({ parseYaml: yamlParserStub, settingFilePath: expectedSettingsFile }); try { await settingsLoader.loadSettings(); throw new Error('Should have failed already'); } catch (err) { err.message.should.match(/Error trying to load YAML setting for routes from/); fsReadFileStub.calledWith(expectedSettingsFile);; } }); }); });