const {agentProvider, fixtureManager, matchers} = require('../../utils/e2e-framework'); const {anyEtag, anyErrorId, anyObjectId, anyISODate, stringMatching} = matchers; const webhookMatcher = { id: anyObjectId, api_version: stringMatching(/v\d+\.\d+/), integration_id: anyObjectId, created_at: anyISODate, updated_at: anyISODate }; describe('Webhooks API', function () { let agent; let createdWebhookId; let webhookData; before(async function () { agent = await agentProvider.getAdminAPIAgent(); await fixtureManager.init('integrations'); await agent.loginAsOwner(); // create a webhook linked to a real integration webhookData = { event: 'test.create', target_url: '', name: 'test', secret: 'thisissecret', integration_id: fixtureManager.get('integrations', 0).id }; }); it('Can create a webhook', async function () { const {body} = await'/webhooks/') .body({webhooks: [webhookData]}) .expectStatus(201) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ // Note: No location header as there is no read method for webhooks etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ webhooks: [webhookMatcher] }); // Store an id for use in future tests. Not the best pattern but does keep the tests readable. createdWebhookId = body.webhooks[0].id; }); it('Fails nicely when adding a duplicate webhook', async function () { await'/webhooks/') .body({webhooks: [webhookData]}) .expectStatus(422) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyErrorId }] }); }); it('Fails nicely when creating an orphaned webhook', async function () { await agent .post('/webhooks/') .body({webhooks: [{ event: 'test.create', target_url: '', name: 'test', secret: 'thisissecret', integration_id: `fake-integration` }]}) .expectStatus(422) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyErrorId }] }); }); it('Can edit a webhook', async function () { await agent.put(`/webhooks/${createdWebhookId}/`) .body({ webhooks: [{ name: 'Edit Test', event: 'subscriber.added', target_url: '', integration_id: 'ignore_me' }] }) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ webhooks: [webhookMatcher] }); }); it('Can delete a webhook', async function () { await agent .delete(`/webhooks/${createdWebhookId}/`) .expectStatus(204) .expectEmptyBody() .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }); }); });