var when = require('when'), _ = require('lodash'), models = require('../../models'), utils = require('./utils'), Importer000; Importer000 = function () { _.bindAll(this, 'basicImport'); this.version = '000'; this.importFrom = { '000': this.basicImport, '001': this.basicImport, '002': this.basicImport, '003': this.basicImport }; }; Importer000.prototype.importData = function (data) { return this.canImport(data) .then(function (importerFunc) { return importerFunc(data); }, function (reason) { return when.reject(reason); }); }; Importer000.prototype.canImport = function (data) { if (data.meta && data.meta.version && this.importFrom[data.meta.version]) { return when.resolve(this.importFrom[data.meta.version]); } return when.reject('Unsupported version of data: ' + data.meta.version); }; // No data needs modifying, we just import whatever tables are available Importer000.prototype.basicImport = function (data) { var ops = [], tableData =; return models.Base.transaction(function (t) { // Do any pre-processing of relationships (we can't depend on ids) if (tableData.posts_tags && tableData.posts && tableData.tags) { tableData = utils.preProcessPostTags(tableData); } // Import things in the right order: if (tableData.tags && tableData.tags.length) { utils.importTags(ops, tableData.tags, t); } if (tableData.posts && tableData.posts.length) { utils.importPosts(ops, tableData.posts, t); } // If we only have 1 user, behave as we always have done, overwriting properties, // Else attempt to import users like any other resource, failing if there are clashes if (tableData.users && tableData.users.length && tableData.users.length > 1) { if (tableData.roles_users && tableData.roles_users.length) { tableData = utils.preProcessRolesUsers(tableData); } utils.importUsers(ops, tableData.users, t); } else if (tableData.users && tableData.users.length) { utils.importSingleUser(ops, tableData.users, t); } if (tableData.settings && tableData.settings.length) { utils.importSettings(ops, tableData.settings, t); } /** do nothing with these tables, the data shouldn't have changed from the fixtures * permissions * roles * permissions_roles * permissions_users * roles_users */ // Write changes to DB, if successful commit, otherwise rollback // when.all() does not work as expected, when.settle() does. when.settle(ops).then(function (descriptors) { var errors = []; descriptors.forEach(function (d) { if (d.state === 'rejected') { errors = errors.concat(d.reason); } }); if (errors.length === 0) { t.commit(); } else { t.rollback(errors); } }); }).then(function () { //TODO: could return statistics of imported items return when.resolve(); }, function (errors) { return when.reject(errors); }); }; module.exports = { Importer000: Importer000, importData: function (data) { return new Importer000().importData(data); } };