const sinon = require('sinon'); const assert = require('assert'); // DI requirements const models = require('../../../../../core/server/models'); const mail = require('../../../../../core/server/services/mail'); // Mocked utilities const urlUtils = require('../../../../utils/urlUtils'); const {mockManager} = require('../../../../utils/e2e-framework'); const NewslettersService = require('../../../../../core/server/services/newsletters/service'); class TestTokenProvider { async create(data) { return JSON.stringify(data); } async validate(token) { return JSON.parse(token); } } describe('NewslettersService', function () { let newsletterService, getStub, tokenProvider; before(function () { models.init(); tokenProvider = new TestTokenProvider(); newsletterService = new NewslettersService({ NewsletterModel: models.Newsletter, mail, singleUseTokenProvider: tokenProvider, urlUtils: urlUtils.stubUrlUtilsFromConfig() }); }); beforeEach(function () { getStub = sinon.stub(); sinon.spy(tokenProvider, 'create'); sinon.spy(tokenProvider, 'validate'); mockManager.mockMail(); }); afterEach(function () { mockManager.restore(); }); // @TODO replace this with a specific function for fetching all available newsletters describe('browse', function () { it('lists all newsletters by calling findAll and toJSON', async function () { const toJSONStub = sinon.stub(); const findAllStub = sinon.stub(models.Newsletter, 'findAll').returns({toJSON: toJSONStub}); await newsletterService.browse({}); sinon.assert.calledOnce(findAllStub); sinon.assert.calledOnce(toJSONStub); }); }); describe('add', function () { let addStub; beforeEach(function () { // Stub add as a function that returns a get addStub = sinon.stub(models.Newsletter, 'add').returns({get: getStub}); }); it('rejects if called with no data', async function () { assert.rejects(await newsletterService.add, {name: 'TypeError'}); sinon.assert.notCalled(addStub); }); it('will attempt to add empty object without verification', async function () { const result = await newsletterService.add({}); assert.equal(result.meta, undefined); // meta property has not been added sinon.assert.calledOnceWithExactly(addStub, {}, undefined); }); it('will pass object and options through to model when there are no fields needing verification', async function () { const data = {name: 'hello world'}; const options = {foo: 'bar'}; const result = await newsletterService.add(data, options); assert.equal(result.meta, undefined); // meta property has not been added sinon.assert.calledOnceWithExactly(addStub, data, options); }); it('will trigger verification when sender_email is provided', async function () { const data = {name: 'hello world', sender_email: ''}; const options = {foo: 'bar'}; const result = await newsletterService.add(data, options); assert.deepEqual(result.meta, { sent_email_verification: [ 'sender_email' ] }); sinon.assert.calledOnceWithExactly(addStub, {name: 'hello world'}, options); mockManager.assert.sentEmail({to: ''}); sinon.assert.calledOnceWithExactly(tokenProvider.create, {id: undefined, property: 'sender_email', value: ''}); }); }); describe('edit', function () { let editStub, findOneStub; beforeEach(function () { // Stub edit as a function that returns its first argument editStub = sinon.stub(models.Newsletter, 'edit').returns({get: getStub}); findOneStub = sinon.stub(models.Newsletter, 'findOne').returns({get: getStub}); }); it('rejects if called with no data', async function () { assert.rejects(await newsletterService.add, {name: 'TypeError'}); sinon.assert.notCalled(editStub); }); it('will attempt to add empty object without verification', async function () { const result = await newsletterService.edit({}); assert.equal(result.meta, undefined); // meta property has not been added sinon.assert.calledOnceWithExactly(editStub, {}, undefined); }); it('will pass object and options through to model when there are no fields needing verification', async function () { const data = {name: 'hello world'}; const options = {foo: 'bar'}; const result = await newsletterService.edit(data, options); assert.equal(result.meta, undefined); // meta property has not been added sinon.assert.calledOnceWithExactly(editStub, data, options); sinon.assert.calledOnceWithExactly(findOneStub, options, {require: true}); }); it('will trigger verification when sender_email is provided', async function () { const data = {name: 'hello world', sender_email: ''}; const options = {foo: 'bar'}; const result = await newsletterService.edit(data, options); assert.deepEqual(result.meta, { sent_email_verification: [ 'sender_email' ] }); sinon.assert.calledOnceWithExactly(editStub, {name: 'hello world'}, options); sinon.assert.calledOnceWithExactly(findOneStub, options, {require: true}); mockManager.assert.sentEmail({to: ''}); sinon.assert.calledOnceWithExactly(tokenProvider.create, {id: undefined, property: 'sender_email', value: ''}); }); it('will NOT trigger verification when sender_email is provided but is already verified', async function () { const data = {name: 'hello world', sender_email: ''}; const options = {foo: 'bar'}; // The model says this is already verified getStub.withArgs('sender_email').returns(''); const result = await newsletterService.edit(data, options); assert.deepEqual(result.meta, undefined); sinon.assert.calledOnceWithExactly(editStub, {name: 'hello world', sender_email: ''}, options); sinon.assert.calledOnceWithExactly(findOneStub, options, {require: true}); mockManager.assert.sentEmailCount(0); }); }); describe('verifyPropertyUpdate', function () { let editStub; beforeEach(function () { editStub = sinon.stub(models.Newsletter, 'edit').returns({get: getStub}); sinon.assert.notCalled(editStub); }); it('rejects if called with no data', async function () { assert.rejects(await newsletterService.verifyPropertyUpdate, {name: 'TypeError'}); }); it('Updates model with values from token', async function () { const token = JSON.stringify({id: 'abc123', property: 'sender_email', value: ''}); await newsletterService.verifyPropertyUpdate(token); sinon.assert.calledOnceWithExactly(editStub, {sender_email: ''}, {id: 'abc123'}); }); }); });