var configureGrunt = function(grunt) { var cfg = { // JSHint all the things! jshint2: { options: { jshintrc: ".jshintrc" }, all: [ // Lint files in the root, including Gruntfile.js "*.js", // Lint core files, but not libs ["core/**/*.js", "!**/assets/lib/**/*.js"] ] }, // Unit test all the things! nodeunit: { all: ['core/test/ghost/**/test-*.js'] }, // Compile all the SASS! compass: { options: { config: "config.rb" }, // No need for config, but separated for future options admin: {} } }; grunt.initConfig(cfg); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-jshint2"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-nodeunit"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-compass"); // Prepare the project for development // TODO: Git submodule init/update ( grunt.registerTask("init", ["compass:admin"]); // Run tests and lint code grunt.registerTask("validate", ["jshint2:all", "nodeunit:all"]); }; module.exports = configureGrunt;