const sinon = require('sinon'); const should = require('should'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const yaml = require('js-yaml'); const path = require('path'); const yamlParser = require('../../../../core/server/services/route-settings/yaml-parser'); describe('UNIT > Settings Service yaml parser:', function () { let yamlSpy; beforeEach(function () { yamlSpy = sinon.spy(yaml, 'load'); }); afterEach(function () { sinon.restore(); }); describe('Yaml Parser', function () { it('parses correct yaml file', function () { const file = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../../../utils/fixtures/settings/', 'goodroutes.yaml'), 'utf8'); const result = yamlParser(file); should.exist(result);'routes', 'collections', 'taxonomies');; }); it('rejects with clear error when parsing fails', function () { const file = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../../../utils/fixtures/settings/', 'badroutes.yaml'), 'utf8'); try { const result = yamlParser(file); should.not.exist(result); } catch (error) { should.exist(error); error.message.should.eql('Could not parse provided YAML file: bad indentation of a mapping entry.'); error.context.should.containEql('bad indentation of a mapping entry (5:14)');'Check provided file for typos and fix the named issues.');; } }); }); });