/*global Ghost, Backbone, $ */ (function () { 'use strict'; Ghost.Models.uploadModal = Ghost.TemplateModel.extend({ options: { close: true, type: 'action', style: ["wide"], animation: 'fade', afterRender: function (id) { var filestorage = $('#' + this.options.model.id).data('filestorage'); this.$('.js-drop-zone').upload({fileStorage: filestorage}); }, confirm: { reject: { func: function () { // The function called on rejection return true; }, buttonClass: true, text: "Cancel" // The reject button text } } }, content: { template: 'uploadImage' }, initialize: function (options) { this.options.id = options.id; this.options.key = options.key; this.options.src = options.src; this.options.confirm.accept = options.accept; this.options.acceptEncoding = options.acceptEncoding || 'image/*'; } }); }());