const should = require('should'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); const {addEmail, _partitionMembersBySegment, _getEmailMemberRows, _transformEmailRecipientFilter} = require('../../../../core/server/services/mega/mega'); describe('MEGA', function () { describe('addEmail', function () { // via transformEmailRecipientFilter it('throws when "free" or "paid" strings are used as a email_recipient_filter', async function () { const postModel = { get: sinon.stub().returns('free') }; try { await addEmail(postModel);'addEmail did not throw'); } catch (err) { should.equal(err instanceof errors.GhostError, true); err.message.should.equal('Unexpected email_recipient_filter value "free", expected an NQL equivalent'); } }); // via transformEmailRecipientFilter it('throws when "none" is used as a email_recipient_filter', async function () { const postModel = { get: sinon.stub().returns('none') }; try { await addEmail(postModel);'addEmail did not throw'); } catch (err) { should.equal(err instanceof errors.GhostError, true); err.message.should.equal('Cannot send email to "none" email_recipient_filter'); } }); }); describe('transformEmailRecipientFilter', function () { it('enforces subscribed:true with correct operator precedence', function () { const transformedFilter = _transformEmailRecipientFilter('status:free,status:-free'); transformedFilter.should.equal('subscribed:true+(status:free,status:-free)'); }); }); describe('getEmailMemberRows', function () { it('addEmail throws when "free" or "paid" strings are used as a recipient_filter', async function () { const emailModel = { get: sinon.stub().returns('paid') }; try { await _getEmailMemberRows({emailModel});'getEmailMemberRows did not throw'); } catch (err) { should.equal(err instanceof errors.GhostError, true); err.message.should.equal('Unexpected recipient_filter value "paid", expected an NQL equivalent'); } }); it('addEmail throws when "none" is used as a recipient_filter', async function () { const emailModel = { get: sinon.stub().returns('none') }; try { await _getEmailMemberRows({emailModel});'getEmailMemberRows did not throw'); } catch (err) { should.equal(err instanceof errors.GhostError, true); err.message.should.equal('Cannot send email to "none" recipient_filter'); } }); }); describe('partitionMembersBySegment', function () { it('partition with no segments', function () { const members = [{ name: 'Free Rish', status: 'free' }, { name: 'Free Matt', status: 'free' }, { name: 'Paid Daniel', status: 'paid' }]; const segments = []; const partitions = _partitionMembersBySegment(members, segments); partitions.unsegmented.length.should.equal(3); partitions.unsegmented[0].name.should.equal('Free Rish'); }); it('partition members with single segment', function () { const members = [{ name: 'Free Rish', status: 'free' }, { name: 'Free Matt', status: 'free' }, { name: 'Paid Daniel', status: 'paid' }]; const segments = ['status:free']; const partitions = _partitionMembersBySegment(members, segments); should.exist(partitions['status:free']); partitions['status:free'].length.should.equal(2); partitions['status:free'][0].name.should.equal('Free Rish'); partitions['status:free'][1].name.should.equal('Free Matt'); should.exist(partitions.unsegmented); partitions.unsegmented.length.should.equal(1); partitions.unsegmented[0].name.should.equal('Paid Daniel'); }); it('partition members with two segments', function () { const members = [{ name: 'Free Rish', status: 'free' }, { name: 'Free Matt', status: 'free' }, { name: 'Paid Daniel', status: 'paid' }]; const segments = ['status:free', 'status:-free']; const partitions = _partitionMembersBySegment(members, segments); should.exist(partitions['status:free']); partitions['status:free'].length.should.equal(2); partitions['status:free'][0].name.should.equal('Free Rish'); partitions['status:free'][1].name.should.equal('Free Matt'); should.exist(partitions['status:-free']); partitions['status:-free'].length.should.equal(1); partitions['status:-free'][0].name.should.equal('Paid Daniel'); should.not.exist(partitions.unsegmented); }); it('throws if unsupported segment has been used', function () { const members = []; const segments = ['not a valid segment']; should.throws(() => { _partitionMembersBySegment(members, segments); }, errors.ValidationError); }); }); });