var _ = require('lodash'), Promise = require('bluebird'), IndexMapGenerator = require('./index-generator'), PagesMapGenerator = require('./page-generator'), PostsMapGenerator = require('./post-generator'), UsersMapGenerator = require('./user-generator'), TagsMapGenerator = require('./tag-generator'), SiteMapManager; SiteMapManager = function (opts) { opts = opts || {}; this.initialized = false; this.pages = opts.pages || this.createPagesGenerator(opts); this.posts = opts.posts || this.createPostsGenerator(opts); this.authors = opts.authors || this.createUsersGenerator(opts); this.tags = opts.tags || this.createTagsGenerator(opts); this.index = opts.index || this.createIndexGenerator(opts); }; _.extend(SiteMapManager.prototype, { createIndexGenerator: function () { return new IndexMapGenerator(_.pick(this, 'pages', 'posts', 'authors', 'tags')); }, createPagesGenerator: function (opts) { return new PagesMapGenerator(opts); }, createPostsGenerator: function (opts) { return new PostsMapGenerator(opts); }, createUsersGenerator: function (opts) { return new UsersMapGenerator(opts); }, createTagsGenerator: function (opts) { return new TagsMapGenerator(opts); }, init: function () { var self = this, initOps = [ this.pages.init(), this.posts.init(), this.authors.init(), this.tags.init() ]; return Promise.all(initOps).then(function () { self.initialized = true; }); }, getIndexXml: function () { if (!this.initialized) { return ''; } return this.index.getIndexXml(); }, getSiteMapXml: function (type) { if (!this.initialized || !this[type]) { return null; } return this[type].siteMapContent; }, pageAdded: function (page) { if (!this.initialized) { return; } if (page.get('status') !== 'published') { return; } this.pages.addUrl(page.toJSON()); }, pageEdited: function (page) { if (!this.initialized) { return; } var pageData = page.toJSON(), wasPublished = page.updated('status') === 'published', isPublished = pageData.status === 'published'; // Published status hasn't changed and it's published if (isPublished === wasPublished && isPublished) { this.pages.updateUrl(pageData); } else if (!isPublished && wasPublished) { // Handle page going from published to draft this.pageDeleted(page); } else if (isPublished && !wasPublished) { // ... and draft to published this.pageAdded(page); } }, pageDeleted: function (page) { if (!this.initialized) { return; } this.pages.removeUrl(page.toJSON()); }, postAdded: function (post) { if (!this.initialized) { return; } this.posts.addUrl(post.toJSON()); }, postEdited: function (post) { if (!this.initialized) { return; } var postData = post.toJSON(), wasPublished = post.updated('status') === 'published', isPublished = postData.status === 'published'; // Published status hasn't changed and it's published if (isPublished === wasPublished && isPublished) { this.posts.updateUrl(postData); } else if (!isPublished && wasPublished) { // Handle post going from published to draft this.postDeleted(post); } else if (isPublished && !wasPublished) { // ... and draft to published this.postAdded(post); } }, postDeleted: function (post) { if (!this.initialized) { return; } this.posts.removeUrl(post.toJSON()); }, userAdded: function (user) { if (!this.initialized) { return; } this.authors.addUrl(user.toJSON()); }, userEdited: function (user) { if (!this.initialized) { return; } var userData = user.toJSON(); this.authors.updateUrl(userData); }, userDeleted: function (user) { if (!this.initialized) { return; } this.authors.removeUrl(user.toJSON()); }, tagAdded: function (tag) { if (!this.initialized) { return; } this.tags.addUrl(tag.toJSON()); }, tagEdited: function (tag) { if (!this.initialized) { return; } this.tags.updateUrl(tag.toJSON()); }, tagDeleted: function (tag) { if (!this.initialized) { return; } this.tags.removeUrl(tag.toJSON()); }, // TODO: Call this from settings model when it's changed permalinksUpdated: function (permalinks) { if (!this.initialized) { return; } this.posts.updatePermalinksValue(permalinks.toJSON ? permalinks.toJSON() : permalinks); }, _refreshAllPosts: _.throttle(function () { this.posts.refreshAllPosts(); }, 3000, { leading: false, trailing: true }) }); module.exports = SiteMapManager;