import { getRequestErrorMessage } from 'ghost/utils/ajax'; import ValidatorExtensions from 'ghost/utils/validator-extensions'; import PostValidator from 'ghost/validators/post'; ValidatorExtensions.init(); var ValidationEngine = Ember.Mixin.create({ validators: { post: PostValidator }, validate: function () { var self = this, type = this.get('validationType'), validator = this.get('validators.' + type); return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { if (!type || !validator) { return reject('The validator specified, "' + type + '", did not exist!'); } var validationErrors = validator.validate(self); if (Ember.isEmpty(validationErrors)) { return resolve(); } return reject(validationErrors); }); }, // override save to do validation first save: function () { var self = this, // this is a hack, but needed for async _super calls. // ref: _super = this.__nextSuper; // If validation fails, reject with validation errors. // If save to the server fails, reject with server response. return this.validate().then(function () { return; }).catch(function (result) { var message = 'There was an error saving this ' + self.get('validationType'); if (Ember.isArray(result)) { // get validation error messages message += ': ' + result.mapBy('message').join(' '); } else if (typeof result === 'object') { // Get messages from server response message += ': ' + getRequestErrorMessage(result); } else if (typeof result === 'string') { message += ': ' + result; } else { message += '.'; } // set format for notifications.showErrors message = [{ message: message }]; return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { reject(message); }); }); } }); export default ValidationEngine;