/*globals describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach */ var should = require('should'), sinon = require('sinon'), when = require('when'), path = require('path'), fs = require('fs'), _ = require('underscore'), rewire = require("rewire"), // Thing we are testing defaultConfig = require('../../../config.example')[process.env.NODE_ENV], loader = rewire('../../server/config/loader'), theme = rewire('../../server/config/theme'), paths = rewire('../../server/config/paths'); describe('Config', function () { describe('Loader', function () { var sandbox, rejectMessage = loader.__get__('rejectMessage'), overrideConfig = function (newConfig) { loader.__set__("readConfigFile", sandbox.stub().returns( _.extend({}, defaultConfig, newConfig) )); }; beforeEach(function () { sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); }); afterEach(function () { loader = rewire('../../server/config/loader'); sandbox.restore(); }); it('loads the config file if one exists', function (done) { // the test infrastructure is setup so that there is always config present, // but we want to overwrite the test to actually load config.example.js, so that any local changes // don't break the tests loader.__set__("configFile", path.join(paths().appRoot, 'config.example.js')); loader().then(function (config) { config.url.should.equal(defaultConfig.url); config.database.client.should.equal(defaultConfig.database.client); config.database.connection.should.eql(defaultConfig.database.connection); config.server.host.should.equal(defaultConfig.server.host); config.server.port.should.equal(defaultConfig.server.port); done(); }).then(null, done); }); it('creates the config file if one does not exist', function (done) { var deferred = when.defer(), // trick loader into thinking that the config file doesn't exist yet existsStub = sandbox.stub(fs, 'exists', function (file, cb) { return cb(false); }), // create a method which will return a pre-resolved promise resolvedPromise = sandbox.stub().returns(deferred.promise); deferred.resolve(); // ensure that the file creation is a stub, the tests shouldn't really create a file loader.__set__("writeConfigFile", resolvedPromise); loader.__set__("validateConfigEnvironment", resolvedPromise); loader().then(function () { existsStub.calledOnce.should.be.true; resolvedPromise.calledTwice.should.be.true; done(); }).then(null, done); }); it('accepts valid urls', function (done) { // replace the config file with invalid data overrideConfig({url: 'http://testurl.com'}); loader().then(function (localConfig) { localConfig.url.should.equal('http://testurl.com'); // Next test overrideConfig({url: 'https://testurl.com'}); return loader(); }).then(function (localConfig) { localConfig.url.should.equal('https://testurl.com'); // Next test overrideConfig({url: 'http://testurl.com/blog/'}); return loader(); }).then(function (localConfig) { localConfig.url.should.equal('http://testurl.com/blog/'); // Next test overrideConfig({url: 'http://testurl.com/ghostly/'}); return loader(); }).then(function (localConfig) { localConfig.url.should.equal('http://testurl.com/ghostly/'); // Next test overrideConfig({url: '//testurl.com'}); return loader(); }).then(function (localConfig) { localConfig.url.should.equal('//testurl.com'); done(); }).then(null, done); }); it('rejects invalid urls', function (done) { // replace the config file with invalid data overrideConfig({url: 'notvalid'}); loader().otherwise(function (error) { error.should.include(rejectMessage); // Next test overrideConfig({url: 'something.com'}); return loader(); }).otherwise(function (error) { error.should.include(rejectMessage); done(); }).then(function () { should.fail('no error was thrown when it should have been'); done(); }).then(done, null); }); it('does not permit subdirectories named ghost', function (done) { // replace the config file with invalid data overrideConfig({url: 'http://testurl.com/ghost/'}); loader().otherwise(function (error) { error.should.include(rejectMessage); // Next test overrideConfig({url: 'http://testurl.com/ghost/blog/'}); return loader(); }).otherwise(function (error) { error.should.include(rejectMessage); // Next test overrideConfig({url: 'http://testurl.com/blog/ghost'}); return loader(); }).otherwise(function (error) { error.should.include(rejectMessage); done(); }).then(function () { should.fail('no error was thrown when it should have been'); done(); }).then(done, null); }); it('requires a database config', function (done) { // replace the config file with invalid data overrideConfig({database: null}); loader().otherwise(function (error) { error.should.include(rejectMessage); // Next test overrideConfig({database: {}}); return loader(); }).otherwise(function (error) { error.should.include(rejectMessage); done(); }).then(function () { should.fail('no error was thrown when it should have been'); done(); }).then(done, null); }); it('requires a socket or a host and port', function (done) { // replace the config file with invalid data overrideConfig({server: {socket: 'test'}}); loader().then(function (localConfig) { localConfig.server.socket.should.equal('test'); // Next test overrideConfig({server: null}); return loader(); }).otherwise(function (error) { error.should.include(rejectMessage); // Next test overrideConfig({server: {host: null}}); return loader(); }).otherwise(function (error) { error.should.include(rejectMessage); // Next test overrideConfig({server: {port: null}}); return loader(); }).otherwise(function (error) { error.should.include(rejectMessage); // Next test overrideConfig({server: {host: null, port: null}}); return loader(); }).otherwise(function (error) { error.should.include(rejectMessage); done(); }).then(function () { should.fail('no error was thrown when it should have been'); done(); }).then(done, null); }); }); describe('Theme', function () { var sandbox, settings, settingsStub; beforeEach(function (done) { sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); settings = {'read': function read() {}}; settingsStub = sandbox.stub(settings, 'read', function () { return when({value: 'casper'}); }); theme.update(settings, 'http://my-ghost-blog.com') .then(done) .then(null, done); }); afterEach(function (done) { theme.update(settings, defaultConfig.url) .then(done) .then(null, done); sandbox.restore(); }); it('should have exactly the right keys', function () { var themeConfig = theme(); // This will fail if there are any extra keys themeConfig.should.have.keys('url', 'title', 'description', 'logo', 'cover'); }); it('should have the correct values for each key', function () { var themeConfig = theme(); // Check values are as we expect themeConfig.should.have.property('url', 'http://my-ghost-blog.com'); themeConfig.should.have.property('title', 'casper'); themeConfig.should.have.property('description', 'casper'); themeConfig.should.have.property('logo', 'casper'); themeConfig.should.have.property('cover', 'casper'); // Check settings.read gets called exactly 4 times settingsStub.callCount.should.equal(4); }); }); describe('Paths', function () { var sandbox; beforeEach(function () { sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); }); afterEach(function (done) { paths.update(defaultConfig.url) .then(done) .then(null, done); sandbox.restore(); }); it('should have exactly the right keys', function () { var pathConfig = paths(); // This will fail if there are any extra keys pathConfig.should.have.keys( 'appRoot', 'subdir', 'config', 'configExample', 'contentPath', 'corePath', 'themePath', 'pluginPath', 'imagesPath', 'imagesRelPath', 'adminViews', 'helperTemplates', 'exportPath', 'lang', 'debugPath', 'availableThemes', 'availablePlugins' ); }); it('should have the correct values for each key', function () { var pathConfig = paths(), appRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../'); pathConfig.should.have.property('appRoot', appRoot); pathConfig.should.have.property('subdir', ''); }); it('should not return a slash for subdir', function (done) { paths.update('http://my-ghost-blog.com').then(function () { paths().should.have.property('subdir', ''); return paths.update('http://my-ghost-blog.com/'); }).then(function () { paths().should.have.property('subdir', ''); done(); }).otherwise(done); }); it('should handle subdirectories properly', function (done) { paths.update('http://my-ghost-blog.com/blog').then(function () { paths().should.have.property('subdir', '/blog'); return paths.update('http://my-ghost-blog.com/blog/'); }).then(function () { paths().should.have.property('subdir', '/blog'); return paths.update('http://my-ghost-blog.com/my/blog'); }).then(function () { paths().should.have.property('subdir', '/my/blog'); return paths.update('http://my-ghost-blog.com/my/blog/'); }).then(function () { paths().should.have.property('subdir', '/my/blog'); done(); }).otherwise(done); }); }); });