/*globals describe, before, beforeEach, afterEach, it*/ var should = require('should'), sinon = require('sinon'), rewire = require('rewire'), _ = require('lodash'), Promise = require('bluebird'), testUtils = require('../utils'), channelConfig = require('../../server/controllers/frontend/channel-config'), // Things that get overridden api = require('../../server/api'), rss = rewire('../../server/data/xml/rss'), configUtils = require('../utils/configUtils'); // Helper function to prevent unit tests // from failing via timeout when they // should just immediately fail function failTest(done) { return function (err) { done(err); }; } describe('RSS', function () { var sandbox, req, res, posts; before(function () { posts = _.filter(testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.posts, function filter(post) { return post.status === 'published' && post.page === false; }); _.each(posts, function (post) { post.url = '/' + post.slug + '/'; post.author = {name: 'Joe Bloggs'}; }); }); beforeEach(function () { sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); }); afterEach(function () { sandbox.restore(); rss = rewire('../../server/data/xml/rss'); configUtils.restore(); }); describe('Check XML', function () { beforeEach(function () { req = { params: {}, originalUrl: '/rss/' }; res = { locals: { safeVersion: '0.6' }, set: sinon.stub() }; configUtils.set({url: 'http://my-ghost-blog.com'}); }); it('should get the RSS tags correct', function (done) { rss.__set__('getData', function () { return Promise.resolve({ title: 'Test Title', description: 'Testing Desc', permalinks: '/:slug/', results: {posts: [], meta: {pagination: {pages: 1}}} }); }); res.send = function send(xmlData) { should.exist(xmlData); res.set.calledWith('Content-Type', 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8').should.be.true(); // xml & rss tags xmlData.should.match(/^<\?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"\?>/); xmlData.should.match(/<!\[CDATA\[Test Title\]\]><\/title>/); xmlData.should.match(/<description><!\[CDATA\[Testing Desc\]\]><\/description>/); xmlData.should.match(/<link>http:\/\/my-ghost-blog.com\/<\/link>/); xmlData.should.match(/<generator>Ghost 0.6<\/generator>/); xmlData.should.match(/<lastBuildDate>.*?<\/lastBuildDate>/); xmlData.should.match(/<atom:link href="http:\/\/my-ghost-blog.com\/rss\/" rel="self"/); xmlData.should.match(/type="application\/rss\+xml"\/><ttl>60<\/ttl>/); xmlData.should.match(/<\/channel><\/rss>$/); done(); }; req.channelConfig = channelConfig.get('index'); req.channelConfig.isRSS = true; rss(req, res, failTest(done)); }); it('should get the item tags correct', function (done) { rss.__set__('getData', function () { return Promise.resolve({ title: 'Test Title', description: 'Testing Desc', permalinks: '/:slug/', results: {posts: posts, meta: {pagination: {pages: 1}}} }); }); res.send = function send(xmlData) { should.exist(xmlData); // item tags xmlData.should.match(/<item><title><!\[CDATA\[HTML Ipsum\]\]><\/title>/); xmlData.should.match(/<description><!\[CDATA\[<h1>HTML Ipsum Presents<\/h1>/); xmlData.should.match(/<link>http:\/\/my-ghost-blog.com\/html-ipsum\/<\/link>/); xmlData.should.match(/<guid isPermaLink="false">/); xmlData.should.match(/<\/guid><dc:creator><!\[CDATA\[Joe Bloggs\]\]><\/dc:creator>/); xmlData.should.match(/<pubDate>Thu, 01 Jan 2015/); xmlData.should.match(/<content:encoded><!\[CDATA\[<h1>HTML Ipsum Presents<\/h1><p><strong>Pellentes/); xmlData.should.match(/<\/code><\/pre>\]\]><\/content:encoded><\/item>/); xmlData.should.not.match(/<author>/); // basic structure check var postEnd = '<\/code><\/pre>\]\]><\/content:encoded>', firstIndex = xmlData.indexOf(postEnd); // The first title should be before the first content xmlData.indexOf('HTML Ipsum').should.be.below(firstIndex); // The second title should be after the first content xmlData.indexOf('Ghostly Kitchen Sink').should.be.above(firstIndex); // done done(); }; req.channelConfig = channelConfig.get('index'); req.channelConfig.isRSS = true; rss(req, res, failTest(done)); }); it('should use meta_description and image where available', function (done) { rss.__set__('getData', function () { return Promise.resolve({ title: 'Test Title', description: 'Testing Desc', permalinks: '/:slug/', results: {posts: [posts[2]], meta: {pagination: {pages: 1}}} }); }); res.send = function send(xmlData) { should.exist(xmlData); // special/optional tags xmlData.should.match(/<title><!\[CDATA\[Short and Sweet\]\]>/); xmlData.should.match(/<description><!\[CDATA\[test stuff/); xmlData.should.match(/<content:encoded><!\[CDATA\[<h2 id="testing">testing<\/h2>\n\n/); xmlData.should.match(/<img src="http:\/\/placekitten.com\/500\/200"/); xmlData.should.match(/<media:content url="http:\/\/placekitten.com\/500\/200" medium="image"\/>/); // done done(); }; req.channelConfig = channelConfig.get('index'); req.channelConfig.isRSS = true; rss(req, res, failTest(done)); }); it('should process urls correctly', function (done) { rss.__set__('getData', function () { return Promise.resolve({ title: 'Test Title', description: 'Testing Desc', permalinks: '/:slug/', results: {posts: [posts[3]], meta: {pagination: {pages: 1}}} }); }); res.send = function send(xmlData) { should.exist(xmlData); // anchor URL - <a href="#nowhere" title="Anchor URL"> xmlData.should.match(/<a href="http:\/\/my-ghost-blog.com\/not-so-short-bit-complex\/#nowhere" title="Anchor URL">/); // relative URL - <a href="/about#nowhere" title="Relative URL"> xmlData.should.match(/<a href="http:\/\/my-ghost-blog.com\/about#nowhere" title="Relative URL">/); // protocol relative URL - <a href="//somewhere.com/link#nowhere" title="Protocol Relative URL"> xmlData.should.match(/<a href="\/\/somewhere.com\/link#nowhere" title="Protocol Relative URL">/); // absolute URL - <a href="http://somewhere.com/link#nowhere" title="Absolute URL"> xmlData.should.match(/<a href="http:\/\/somewhere.com\/link#nowhere" title="Absolute URL">/); // done done(); }; req.channelConfig = channelConfig.get('index'); req.channelConfig.isRSS = true; rss(req, res, failTest(done)); }); it('should process urls correctly with subdirectory', function (done) { configUtils.set({url: 'http://my-ghost-blog.com/blog/'}); rss.__set__('getData', function () { return Promise.resolve({ title: 'Test Title', description: 'Testing Desc', permalinks: '/:slug/', results: {posts: [posts[3]], meta: {pagination: {pages: 1}}} }); }); res.send = function send(xmlData) { should.exist(xmlData); // anchor URL - <a href="#nowhere" title="Anchor URL"> xmlData.should.match(/<a href="http:\/\/my-ghost-blog.com\/blog\/not-so-short-bit-complex\/#nowhere" title="Anchor URL">/); // relative URL - <a href="/about#nowhere" title="Relative URL"> xmlData.should.match(/<a href="http:\/\/my-ghost-blog.com\/blog\/about#nowhere" title="Relative URL">/); // absolute URL - <a href="http://somewhere.com/link#nowhere" title="Absolute URL"> xmlData.should.match(/<a href="http:\/\/somewhere.com\/link#nowhere" title="Absolute URL">/); // done done(); }; req.channelConfig = channelConfig.get('index'); req.channelConfig.isRSS = true; rss(req, res, failTest(done)); }); }); describe('dataBuilder', function () { var apiBrowseStub, apiTagStub, apiUserStub; beforeEach(function () { apiBrowseStub = sandbox.stub(api.posts, 'browse', function () { return Promise.resolve({posts: [], meta: {pagination: {pages: 3}}}); }); apiTagStub = sandbox.stub(api.tags, 'read', function () { return Promise.resolve({tags: [{name: 'Magic'}]}); }); apiUserStub = sandbox.stub(api.users, 'read', function () { return Promise.resolve({users: [{name: 'Joe Blogs'}]}); }); req = { params: {}, originalUrl: '/rss/' }; res = { locals: { safeVersion: '0.6' }, set: sinon.stub() }; configUtils.set({url: 'http://my-ghost-blog.com', theme: { title: 'Test', description: 'Some Text', permalinks: '/:slug/' }}); }); it('should process the data correctly for the index feed', function (done) { res.send = function send(xmlData) { apiBrowseStub.calledOnce.should.be.true(); apiBrowseStub.calledWith({page: 1, include: 'author,tags'}).should.be.true(); xmlData.should.match(/<channel><title><!\[CDATA\[Test\]\]><\/title>/); done(); }; req.channelConfig = channelConfig.get('index'); req.channelConfig.isRSS = true; rss(req, res, failTest(done)); }); it('should process the data correctly for a tag feed', function (done) { // setup req.originalUrl = '/tag/magic/rss/'; req.params.slug = 'magic'; req.channelConfig = channelConfig.get('tag'); req.channelConfig.isRSS = true; // test res.send = function send(xmlData) { apiBrowseStub.calledOnce.should.be.true(); apiBrowseStub.calledWith({page: 1, filter: 'tags:\'magic\'', include: 'author,tags'}).should.be.true(); apiTagStub.calledOnce.should.be.true(); xmlData.should.match(/<channel><title><!\[CDATA\[Magic - Test\]\]><\/title>/); done(); }; rss(req, res, failTest(done)); }); it('should process the data correctly for an author feed', function (done) { req.originalUrl = '/author/joe/rss/'; req.params.slug = 'joe'; req.channelConfig = channelConfig.get('author'); req.channelConfig.isRSS = true; // test res.send = function send(xmlData) { apiBrowseStub.calledOnce.should.be.true(); apiBrowseStub.calledWith({page: 1, filter: 'author:\'joe\'', include: 'author,tags'}).should.be.true(); apiUserStub.calledOnce.should.be.true(); xmlData.should.match(/<channel><title><!\[CDATA\[Joe Blogs - Test\]\]><\/title>/); done(); }; rss(req, res, failTest(done)); }); }); describe('caching', function () { beforeEach(function () { req = { params: {}, originalUrl: '/rss/' }; res = { locals: { safeVersion: '0.6' }, set: sinon.stub() }; configUtils.set({url: 'http://my-ghost-blog.com'}); }); it('should not rebuild xml for same data and url', function (done) { var xmlData; rss.__set__('getData', function () { return Promise.resolve({ title: 'Test Title', description: 'Testing Desc', permalinks: '/:slug/', results: {posts: [], meta: {pagination: {pages: 1}}} }); }); req.channelConfig = channelConfig.get('index'); req.channelConfig.isRSS = true; function secondCall() { res.send = function sendFirst(data) { // The data should be identical, no changing lastBuildDate data.should.equal(xmlData); // Now call done! done(); }; rss(req, res, failTest(done)); } function firstCall() { res.send = function sendFirst(data) { xmlData = data; // Call RSS again to check that we didn't rebuild secondCall(); }; rss(req, res, failTest(done)); } firstCall(); }); }); describe('pagination', function () { beforeEach(function () { res = { locals: {version: ''}, redirect: sandbox.spy(), render: sandbox.spy() }; rss.__set__('getData', function () { return Promise.resolve({ title: 'Test', description: 'Testing', permalinks: '/:slug/', results: {posts: [], meta: {pagination: {pages: 3}}} }); }); }); it('Should 404 if page number too big', function (done) { configUtils.set({url: 'http://testurl.com/'}); req = {params: {page: 4}, route: {path: '/rss/:page/'}}; req.originalUrl = req.route.path.replace(':page', req.params.page); req.channelConfig = channelConfig.get('index'); req.channelConfig.isRSS = true; rss(req, res, function (err) { should.exist(err); err.code.should.eql(404); res.redirect.called.should.be.false(); res.render.called.should.be.false(); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('Redirects to last page if page number too big with subdirectory', function (done) { configUtils.set({url: 'http://testurl.com/blog'}); req = {params: {page: 4}, route: {path: '/rss/:page/'}}; req.originalUrl = req.route.path.replace(':page', req.params.page); req.channelConfig = channelConfig.get('index'); req.channelConfig.isRSS = true; rss(req, res, function (err) { should.exist(err); err.code.should.eql(404); res.redirect.called.should.be.false(); res.render.called.should.be.false(); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); });