# Theme Fixtures These files are used throughout our tests to mock themes in various states. ## Updating the Casper theme fixture The casper fixture is a partial copy of the content/themes/casper folder. It should not include any files that aren't needed to run the theme. To update it: 1. Ensure your `content/themes/casper` folder is on the latest released version e.g. - Run `yarn main` - `cd content/themes/casper` - `git log -20` - find the latest tag - `git checkout vx.y.z` - checkout the latest tag 2. Ensure you are in side this folder (the fixtures/themes directory), remove casper entirely and then copy it across fresh: - `cd tests/utils/fixtures/themes` - `rm -rf casper` - `rsync -rv --exclude '.git*' --exclude 'assets/css*' --exclude 'assets/js*' --exclude 'gulpfile.js' --exclude 'yarn.lock' --exclude 'README.md' ../../../../content/themes/casper .` ### Modifying theme fixtures When a new rule is introduced in gscan one of these fixture files might break and you'll have to update a "zip" which isn't as easy as opening a text editor... It could become that one day but for now here are some commands to help out with the edit process - Unzip the theme files, e.g.: `cd $CURRENT_DIR && unzip valid.zip -d valid` - Make a change in the file which caused a warning/error/whatever - Zip the files back: `zip -r valid.zip ./valid` - Commit changed zip file: `git add valid.zip ;... you know the drill :)` Ideas for future improvements in theme tests: - Decouple tests from file system as much as possible - Track contents of what is in "zips" in source control. Right now, having a diff on a binary file is not useful at all