const _ = require('lodash'); const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); const moment = require('moment'); const config = require('../../../shared/config'); const urlUtils = require('../../../shared/url-utils'); const api = require('../../api').endpoints; const messages = { jobNotFound: 'Job not found.', jobPublishInThePast: 'Use the force flag to publish a post in the past.' }; class PostSchedulingService { /** * Publishes scheduled resource (a post or a page at the moment of writing) * * @param {String} resourceType one of 'post' or 'page' resources * @param {String} id resource id * @param {Boolean} force force publish flag * @param {Object} options api query options * @returns {Promise} */ async publish(resourceType, id, force, options) { const publishAPostBySchedulerToleranceInMinutes = config.get('times').publishAPostBySchedulerToleranceInMinutes; const result = await api[resourceType].read({id}, options); const preScheduledResource = result[resourceType][0]; const publishedAtMoment = moment(preScheduledResource.published_at); if (publishedAtMoment.diff(moment(), 'minutes') > publishAPostBySchedulerToleranceInMinutes) { return Promise.reject(new errors.NotFoundError({message: messages.jobNotFound})); } if (publishedAtMoment.diff(moment(), 'minutes') < publishAPostBySchedulerToleranceInMinutes * -1 && force !== true) { return Promise.reject(new errors.NotFoundError({message: messages.jobPublishInThePast})); } const editedResource = {}; editedResource[resourceType] = [{ status: 'published', updated_at: moment(preScheduledResource.updated_at).toISOString(true) }]; const editResult = await api[resourceType].edit( editedResource, _.pick(options, ['context', 'id', 'transacting', 'forUpdate']) ); const scheduledResource = editResult[resourceType][0]; return {scheduledResource, preScheduledResource}; } /** * * @param {Object} scheduledResource post or page resource object * @param {Object} preScheduledResource post or page resource object in state before publishing * @returns {Boolean|Object} */ handleCacheInvalidation(scheduledResource, preScheduledResource) { if ( (scheduledResource.status === 'published' && preScheduledResource.status !== 'published') || (scheduledResource.status === 'draft' && preScheduledResource.status === 'published') ) { return true; } else if ( (scheduledResource.status === 'draft' && preScheduledResource.status !== 'published') || (scheduledResource.status === 'scheduled' && preScheduledResource.status !== 'scheduled') ) { return { value: urlUtils.urlFor({ relativeUrl: urlUtils.urlJoin('/p', scheduledResource.uuid, '/') }) }; } else { return false; } } } /** * @returns {PostSchedulingService} instance of the PostsService */ const getPostSchedulingServiceInstance = () => { return new PostSchedulingService(); }; module.exports = getPostSchedulingServiceInstance;