var Promise = require('bluebird'), _ = require('lodash'), debug = require('ghost-ignition').debug('auth:utils'), models = require('../models'), globalUtils = require('../utils'), knex = require('../data/db').knex, _private = {}; /** * The initial idea was to delete all old tokens connected to a user and a client. * But if multiple browsers/apps are using the same client, we would log out them out. * So the idea is to always decrease the expiry of the old access token if available. * This access token auto expires and get's cleaned up on bootstrap (see oauth.js). */ _private.decreaseOldAccessTokenExpiry = function decreaseOldAccessTokenExpiry(data, options) { debug('decreaseOldAccessTokenExpiry', data); if (!data.token) { return Promise.resolve(); } return models.Accesstoken.findOne(data, options) .then(function (oldAccessToken) { if (!oldAccessToken) { return Promise.resolve(); } return models.Accesstoken.edit({ expires: + globalUtils.FIVE_MINUTES_MS }, _.merge({id:}, options)); }); }; _private.destroyOldRefreshToken = function destroyOldRefreshToken(options) { debug('destroyOldRefreshToken', options.token); if (!options.token) { return Promise.resolve(); } return models.Refreshtoken.destroyByToken(options); }; /** * A user can have one token per client at a time. * If the user requests a new pair of tokens, we decrease the expiry of the old access token * and re-add the refresh token (this happens because this function is used for 3 different cases). * If the operation fails in between, the user can still use e.g. the refresh token and try again. */ module.exports.createTokens = function createTokens(options) { options = options || {}; debug('createTokens'); var oldAccessToken = options.oldAccessToken, oldRefreshToken = options.oldRefreshToken, newAccessToken = globalUtils.uid(191), newRefreshToken = oldRefreshToken || globalUtils.uid(191), accessExpires = + globalUtils.ONE_MONTH_MS, refreshExpires = + globalUtils.SIX_MONTH_MS, clientId = options.clientId, userId = options.userId, modelOptions; return knex.transaction(function (transaction) { modelOptions = {transacting: transaction}; return _private.decreaseOldAccessTokenExpiry({token: oldAccessToken}, modelOptions) .then(function () { return _private.destroyOldRefreshToken(_.merge({ token: oldRefreshToken }, modelOptions)); }) .then(function () { return models.Refreshtoken.add({ token: newRefreshToken, user_id: userId, client_id: clientId, expires: refreshExpires }, modelOptions); }) .then(function (refreshToken) { return models.Accesstoken.add({ token: newAccessToken, user_id: userId, client_id: clientId, issued_by:, expires: accessExpires }, modelOptions); }) .then(function () { return { access_token: newAccessToken, refresh_token: newRefreshToken, expires_in: globalUtils.ONE_MONTH_S }; }); }); }; module.exports.getBearerAutorizationToken = function (req) { var parts, scheme, token; if (req.headers && req.headers.authorization) { parts = req.headers.authorization.split(' '); scheme = parts[0]; if (/^Bearer$/i.test(scheme)) { token = parts[1]; } } else if (req.query && req.query.access_token) { token = req.query.access_token; } return token; }; module.exports.hasGrantType = function hasGrantType(req, type) { return req.body && req.body.hasOwnProperty('grant_type') && req.body.grant_type === type || req.query && req.query.hasOwnProperty('grant_type') && req.query.grant_type === type; };