/*globals describe, beforeEach, afterEach, it*/ /*jshint expr:true*/ var assert = require('assert'), should = require('should'), sinon = require('sinon'), Promise = require('bluebird'), middleware = require('../../server/middleware').middleware, api = require('../../server/api'), errors = require('../../server/errors'), bcrypt = require('bcryptjs'), fs = require('fs'); describe('Middleware', function () { var sandbox, apiSettingsStub; beforeEach(function () { sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); }); afterEach(function () { sandbox.restore(); }); // TODO: needs new test for ember admin // describe('redirectToDashboard', function () { // var req, res; // beforeEach(function () { // req = { // session: {} // }; // res = { // redirect: sinon.spy() // }; // }); // it('should redirect to dashboard', function () { // req.session.user = {}; // middleware.redirectToDashboard(req, res, null); // assert(res.redirect.calledWithMatch('/ghost/')); // }); // it('should call next if no user in session', function (done) { // middleware.redirectToDashboard(req, res, function (a) { // should.not.exist(a); // assert(res.redirect.calledOnce.should.be.false); // done(); // }); // }); // }); describe('cacheControl', function () { var res; beforeEach(function () { res = { set: sinon.spy() }; }); it('correctly sets the public profile headers', function (done) { middleware.cacheControl('public')(null, res, function (a) { should.not.exist(a); res.set.calledOnce.should.be.true; res.set.calledWith({'Cache-Control': 'public, max-age=0'}); done(); }); }); it('correctly sets the private profile headers', function (done) { middleware.cacheControl('private')(null, res, function (a) { should.not.exist(a); res.set.calledOnce.should.be.true; res.set.calledWith({ 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0' }); done(); }); }); it('will not set headers without a profile', function (done) { middleware.cacheControl()(null, res, function (a) { should.not.exist(a); res.set.called.should.be.false; done(); }); }); }); describe('whenEnabled', function () { var cbFn, blogApp; beforeEach(function () { cbFn = sinon.spy(); blogApp = { enabled: function (setting) { if (setting === 'enabled') { return true; } else { return false; } } }; middleware.cacheBlogApp(blogApp); }); it('should call function if setting is enabled', function (done) { var req = 1, res = 2, next = 3; middleware.whenEnabled('enabled', function (a, b, c) { assert.equal(a, 1); assert.equal(b, 2); assert.equal(c, 3); done(); })(req, res, next); }); it('should call next() if setting is disabled', function (done) { middleware.whenEnabled('rando', cbFn)(null, null, function (a) { should.not.exist(a); cbFn.calledOnce.should.be.false; done(); }); }); }); describe('staticTheme', function () { beforeEach(function () { sinon.stub(middleware, 'forwardToExpressStatic').yields(); }); afterEach(function () { middleware.forwardToExpressStatic.restore(); }); it('should call next if hbs file type', function (done) { var req = { url: 'mytemplate.hbs' }; middleware.staticTheme(null)(req, null, function (a) { should.not.exist(a); middleware.forwardToExpressStatic.calledOnce.should.be.false; done(); }); }); it('should call next if md file type', function (done) { var req = { url: 'README.md' }; middleware.staticTheme(null)(req, null, function (a) { should.not.exist(a); middleware.forwardToExpressStatic.calledOnce.should.be.false; done(); }); }); it('should call next if json file type', function (done) { var req = { url: 'sample.json' }; middleware.staticTheme(null)(req, null, function (a) { should.not.exist(a); middleware.forwardToExpressStatic.calledOnce.should.be.false; done(); }); }); it('should call express.static if valid file type', function (done) { var req = { url: 'myvalidfile.css' }; middleware.staticTheme(null)(req, null, function (reqArg, res, next) { /*jshint unused:false */ middleware.forwardToExpressStatic.calledOnce.should.be.true; assert.deepEqual(middleware.forwardToExpressStatic.args[0][0], req); done(); }); }); }); describe('isSSLRequired', function () { var isSSLrequired = middleware.isSSLrequired; it('SSL is required if config.url starts with https', function () { isSSLrequired(undefined, 'https://example.com', undefined).should.be.true; }); it('SSL is required if isAdmin and config.forceAdminSSL is set', function () { isSSLrequired(true, 'http://example.com', true).should.be.true; }); it('SSL is not required if config.url starts with "http:/" and forceAdminSSL is not set', function () { isSSLrequired(false, 'http://example.com', false).should.be.false; }); }); describe('sslForbiddenOrRedirect', function () { var sslForbiddenOrRedirect = middleware.sslForbiddenOrRedirect; it('Return forbidden if config forces admin SSL for AdminSSL redirect is false.', function () { var response = sslForbiddenOrRedirect({ forceAdminSSL: {redirect: false}, configUrl: 'http://example.com' }); response.isForbidden.should.be.true; }); it('If not forbidden, should produce SSL to redirect to when config.url ends with no slash', function () { var response = sslForbiddenOrRedirect({ forceAdminSSL: {redirect: true}, configUrl: 'http://example.com/config/path', reqUrl: '/req/path' }); response.isForbidden.should.be.false; response.redirectUrl({}).should.equal('https://example.com/config/path/req/path'); }); it('If config ends is slash, potential double-slash in resulting URL is removed', function () { var response = sslForbiddenOrRedirect({ forceAdminSSL: {redirect: true}, configUrl: 'http://example.com/config/path/', reqUrl: '/req/path' }); response.redirectUrl({}).should.equal('https://example.com/config/path/req/path'); }); it('If config.urlSSL is provided it is preferred over config.url', function () { var response = sslForbiddenOrRedirect({ forceAdminSSL: {redirect: true}, configUrl: 'http://example.com/config/path/', configUrlSSL: 'https://example.com/ssl/config/path/', reqUrl: '/req/path' }); response.redirectUrl({}).should.equal('https://example.com/ssl/config/path/req/path'); }); it('query string in request is preserved in redirect URL', function () { var response = sslForbiddenOrRedirect({ forceAdminSSL: {redirect: true}, configUrl: 'http://example.com/config/path/', configUrlSSL: 'https://example.com/ssl/config/path/', reqUrl: '/req/path' }); response.redirectUrl({a: 'b'}).should.equal('https://example.com/ssl/config/path/req/path?a=b'); }); }); describe('passProtect', function () { var req, res, next; beforeEach(function () { req = {}, res = {}; apiSettingsStub = sandbox.stub(api.settings, 'read'); next = sinon.spy(); }); it('checkIsPrivate should call next if not private', function (done) { apiSettingsStub.withArgs(sinon.match.has('key', 'isPrivate')).returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ key: 'isPrivate', value: 'false' }] })); middleware.checkIsPrivate(req, res, next).then(function () { next.called.should.be.true; res.isPrivateBlog.should.be.false; done(); }); }); it('checkIsPrivate should load session if private', function (done) { apiSettingsStub.withArgs(sinon.match.has('key', 'isPrivate')).returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ key: 'isPrivate', value: 'true' }] })); middleware.checkIsPrivate(req, res, next).then(function () { res.isPrivateBlog.should.be.true; done(); }); }); describe('not private', function () { beforeEach(function () { res.isPrivateBlog = false; }); it('filterPrivateRoutes should call next if not private', function () { middleware.filterPrivateRoutes(req, res, next); next.called.should.be.true; }); it('isPrivateSessionAuth should redirect if blog is not private', function () { res = { redirect: sinon.spy(), isPrivateBlog: false }; middleware.isPrivateSessionAuth(req, res, next); res.redirect.called.should.be.true; }); }); describe('private', function () { var errorSpy; beforeEach(function () { res.isPrivateBlog = true; errorSpy = sandbox.spy(errors, 'error404'); res = { status: function () { return this; }, send: function () {}, set: function () {}, isPrivateBlog: true }; }); it('filterPrivateRoutes should call next if admin', function () { res.isAdmin = true; middleware.filterPrivateRoutes(req, res, next); next.called.should.be.true; }); it('filterPrivateRoutes should call next if is the "private" route', function () { req.url = '/private/'; middleware.filterPrivateRoutes(req, res, next); next.called.should.be.true; }); it('filterPrivateRoutes should throw 404 if url is sitemap', function () { req.url = '/sitemap.xml'; middleware.filterPrivateRoutes(req, res, next); errorSpy.called.should.be.true; }); it('filterPrivateRoutes should throw 404 if url is rss', function () { req.url = '/rss'; middleware.filterPrivateRoutes(req, res, next); errorSpy.called.should.be.true; }); it('filterPrivateRoutes should throw 404 if url is rss plus something', function () { req.url = '/rss/sometag'; middleware.filterPrivateRoutes(req, res, next); errorSpy.called.should.be.true; }); it('filterPrivateRoutes should render custom robots.txt', function () { req.url = '/robots.txt'; res.writeHead = sinon.spy(); res.end = sinon.spy(); sandbox.stub(fs, 'readFile', function (file, cb) { cb(null, 'User-agent: * Disallow: /'); }); middleware.filterPrivateRoutes(req, res, next); res.writeHead.called.should.be.true; res.end.called.should.be.true; }); it('authenticateProtection should call next if error', function () { res.error = 'Test Error'; middleware.authenticateProtection(req, res, next); next.called.should.be.true; }); describe('with hash verification', function () { beforeEach(function () { sandbox.stub(bcrypt, 'compare', function (check, hash, cb) { var isVerified = (check === hash) ? true : false; cb(null, isVerified); }); apiSettingsStub.withArgs(sinon.match.has('key', 'password')).returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ key: 'password', value: 'rightpassword' }] })); }); it('authenticatePrivateSession should return next if hash is verified', function (done) { req.session = { token: 'rightpassword' }; middleware.authenticatePrivateSession(req, res, next).then(function () { next.called.should.be.true; done(); }); }); it('authenticatePrivateSession should redirect if hash is not verified', function (done) { req.url = '/welcome-to-ghost'; req.session = { token: 'wrongpassword' }; res.redirect = sinon.spy(); middleware.authenticatePrivateSession(req, res, next).then(function () { res.redirect.called.should.be.true; done(); }); }); it('isPrivateSessionAuth should redirect if hash is verified', function (done) { req.session = { token: 'rightpassword' }; res.redirect = sandbox.spy(); middleware.isPrivateSessionAuth(req, res, next).then(function () { res.redirect.called.should.be.true; done(); }); }); it('isPrivateSessionAuth should return next if hash is not verified', function (done) { req.session = { token: 'wrongpassword' }; middleware.isPrivateSessionAuth(req, res, next).then(function () { next.called.should.be.true; done(); }); }); it('authenticateProtection should return next if password is incorrect', function (done) { req.body = {password:'wrongpassword'}; middleware.authenticateProtection(req, res, next).then(function () { res.error.should.not.be.empty; next.called.should.be.true; done(); }); }); it('authenticateProtection should redirect if password is correct', function (done) { req.body = {password:'rightpassword'}; req.session = {}; res.redirect = sandbox.spy(); sandbox.stub(bcrypt, 'hash', function (pass, salt, cb) { cb(null, pass + 'hash'); }); middleware.authenticateProtection(req, res, next).then(function () { req.session.token.should.equal('rightpasswordhash'); res.redirect.called.should.be.true; done(); }); }); }); }); }); });