/*globals describe, beforeEach, afterEach, it*/ var testUtils = require('../utils'), should = require('should'), sinon = require('sinon'), when = require('when'), _ = require("underscore"), cp = require('child_process'), // Stuff we are testing Ghost = require('../../ghost'), defaultConfig = require('../../../config'), mailer = require('../../server/mail'), SMTP, SENDMAIL, fakeConfig, fakeSettings, fakeSendmail, sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(), ghost, config; // Mock SMTP config SMTP = { transport: 'SMTP', options: { service: 'Gmail', auth: { user: 'nil', pass: '123' } } }; // Mock Sendmail config SENDMAIL = { transport: 'sendmail', options: { path: '/nowhere/sendmail' } }; describe("Mail", function () { beforeEach(function () { // Mock config and settings fakeConfig = _.extend({}, defaultConfig); fakeSettings = { url: 'http://test.tryghost.org', email: 'ghost-test@localhost' }; fakeSendmail = '/fake/bin/sendmail'; ghost = new Ghost(); config = sinon.stub().returns(fakeConfig); sandbox.stub(ghost, "settings", function () { return fakeSettings; }); sandbox.stub(mailer, "isWindows", function () { return false; }); sandbox.stub(mailer, "detectSendmail", function () { return when.resolve(fakeSendmail); }); }); afterEach(function () { sandbox.restore(); }); it('should attach mail provider to ghost instance', function () { should.exist(mailer); mailer.should.have.property('init'); mailer.should.have.property('transport'); mailer.should.have.property('send').and.be.a.function; }); it('should setup SMTP transport on initialization', function (done) { fakeConfig.mail = SMTP; mailer.init(ghost, config).then(function () { mailer.should.have.property('transport'); mailer.transport.transportType.should.eql('SMTP'); mailer.transport.sendMail.should.be.a.function; done(); }).then(null, done); }); it('should setup sendmail transport on initialization', function (done) { fakeConfig.mail = SENDMAIL; mailer.init(ghost, config).then(function () { mailer.should.have.property('transport'); mailer.transport.transportType.should.eql('SENDMAIL'); mailer.transport.sendMail.should.be.a.function; done(); }).then(null, done); }); it('should fallback to sendmail if no config set', function (done) { fakeConfig.mail = null; mailer.init(ghost, config).then(function () { mailer.should.have.property('transport'); mailer.transport.transportType.should.eql('SENDMAIL'); mailer.transport.options.path.should.eql(fakeSendmail); done(); }).then(null, done); }); it('should fallback to sendmail if config is empty', function (done) { fakeConfig.mail = {}; mailer.init(ghost, config).then(function () { mailer.should.have.property('transport'); mailer.transport.transportType.should.eql('SENDMAIL'); mailer.transport.options.path.should.eql(fakeSendmail); done(); }).then(null, done); }); it('should disable transport if config is empty & sendmail not found', function (done) { fakeConfig.mail = {}; mailer.detectSendmail.restore(); sandbox.stub(mailer, "detectSendmail", when.reject); mailer.init(ghost, config).then(function () { should.not.exist(mailer.transport); done(); }).then(null, done); }); it('should disable transport if config is empty & platform is win32', function (done) { fakeConfig.mail = {}; mailer.detectSendmail.restore(); mailer.isWindows.restore(); sandbox.stub(mailer, 'isWindows', function () { return true; }); mailer.init(ghost, config).then(function () { should.not.exist(mailer.transport); done(); }).then(null, done); }); it('should fail to send messages when no transport is set', function (done) { mailer.detectSendmail.restore(); sandbox.stub(mailer, "detectSendmail", when.reject); mailer.init(ghost, config).then(function () { mailer.send().then(function () { should.fail(); done(); }, function (err) { err.should.be.an.instanceOf(Error); done(); }); }); }); it('should fail to send messages when given insufficient data', function (done) { when.settle([ mailer.send(), mailer.send({}), mailer.send({ subject: '123' }), mailer.send({ subject: '', html: '123' }) ]).then(function (descriptors) { descriptors.forEach(function (d) { d.state.should.equal('rejected'); d.reason.should.be.an.instanceOf(Error); }); done(); }); }); });