/*globals describe, beforeEach, afterEach, it*/ /*jshint expr:true*/ var crypto = require('crypto'), should = require('should'), sinon = require('sinon'), Promise = require('bluebird'), privateBlogging = require('../../../server/middleware/private-blogging'), api = require('../../../server/api'), errors = require('../../../server/errors'), fs = require('fs'); should.equal(true, true); function hash(password, salt) { var hasher = crypto.createHash('sha256'); hasher.update(password + salt, 'utf8'); return hasher.digest('hex'); } describe('Private Blogging', function () { var sandbox, apiSettingsStub; beforeEach(function () { sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); }); afterEach(function () { sandbox.restore(); }); describe('passProtect', function () { var req, res, next; beforeEach(function () { req = {}, res = {}; apiSettingsStub = sandbox.stub(api.settings, 'read'); next = sinon.spy(); }); it('checkIsPrivate should call next if not private', function (done) { apiSettingsStub.withArgs(sinon.match.has('key', 'isPrivate')).returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ key: 'isPrivate', value: 'false' }] })); privateBlogging.checkIsPrivate(req, res, next).then(function () { next.called.should.be.true; res.isPrivateBlog.should.be.false; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('checkIsPrivate should load session if private', function (done) { apiSettingsStub.withArgs(sinon.match.has('key', 'isPrivate')).returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ key: 'isPrivate', value: 'true' }] })); privateBlogging.checkIsPrivate(req, res, next).then(function () { res.isPrivateBlog.should.be.true; done(); }).catch(done); }); describe('not private', function () { beforeEach(function () { res.isPrivateBlog = false; }); it('filterPrivateRoutes should call next if not private', function () { privateBlogging.filterPrivateRoutes(req, res, next); next.called.should.be.true; }); it('isPrivateSessionAuth should redirect if blog is not private', function () { res = { redirect: sinon.spy(), isPrivateBlog: false }; privateBlogging.isPrivateSessionAuth(req, res, next); res.redirect.called.should.be.true; }); }); describe('private', function () { var errorSpy; beforeEach(function () { res.isPrivateBlog = true; errorSpy = sandbox.spy(errors, 'error404'); res = { status: function () { return this; }, send: function () {}, set: function () {}, isPrivateBlog: true }; }); it('filterPrivateRoutes should call next if admin', function () { res.isAdmin = true; privateBlogging.filterPrivateRoutes(req, res, next); next.called.should.be.true; }); it('filterPrivateRoutes should call next if is the "private" route', function () { req.path = req.url = '/private/'; privateBlogging.filterPrivateRoutes(req, res, next); next.called.should.be.true; }); it('filterPrivateRoutes should throw 404 if url is sitemap', function () { req.path = req.url = '/sitemap.xml'; privateBlogging.filterPrivateRoutes(req, res, next); errorSpy.called.should.be.true; }); it('filterPrivateRoutes should throw 404 if url is sitemap with param', function () { req.url = '/sitemap.xml?weird=param'; req.path = '/sitemap.xml'; privateBlogging.filterPrivateRoutes(req, res, next); errorSpy.called.should.be.true; }); it('filterPrivateRoutes should throw 404 if url is rss', function () { req.path = req.url = '/rss/'; privateBlogging.filterPrivateRoutes(req, res, next); errorSpy.called.should.be.true; }); it('filterPrivateRoutes should throw 404 if url is author rss', function () { req.path = req.url = '/author/halfdan/rss/'; privateBlogging.filterPrivateRoutes(req, res, next); errorSpy.called.should.be.true; }); it('filterPrivateRoutes should throw 404 if url is tag rss', function () { req.path = req.url = '/tag/slimer/rss/'; privateBlogging.filterPrivateRoutes(req, res, next); errorSpy.called.should.be.true; }); it('filterPrivateRoutes should throw 404 if url is rss plus something', function () { req.path = req.url = '/rss/sometag'; privateBlogging.filterPrivateRoutes(req, res, next); errorSpy.called.should.be.true; }); it('filterPrivateRoutes should render custom robots.txt', function () { req.url = req.path = '/robots.txt'; res.writeHead = sinon.spy(); res.end = sinon.spy(); sandbox.stub(fs, 'readFile', function (file, cb) { cb(null, 'User-agent: * Disallow: /'); }); privateBlogging.filterPrivateRoutes(req, res, next); res.writeHead.called.should.be.true; res.end.called.should.be.true; }); it('authenticateProtection should call next if error', function () { res.error = 'Test Error'; privateBlogging.authenticateProtection(req, res, next); next.called.should.be.true; }); describe('with hash verification', function () { beforeEach(function () { apiSettingsStub.withArgs(sinon.match.has('key', 'password')).returns(Promise.resolve({ settings: [{ key: 'password', value: 'rightpassword' }] })); }); it('authenticatePrivateSession should return next if hash is verified', function (done) { var salt = Date.now().toString(); req.session = { token: hash('rightpassword', salt), salt: salt }; privateBlogging.authenticatePrivateSession(req, res, next).then(function () { next.called.should.be.true; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('authenticatePrivateSession should redirect if hash is not verified', function (done) { req.url = '/welcome-to-ghost'; req.session = { token: 'wrongpassword', salt: Date.now().toString() }; res.redirect = sinon.spy(); privateBlogging.authenticatePrivateSession(req, res, next).then(function () { res.redirect.called.should.be.true; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('isPrivateSessionAuth should redirect if hash is verified', function (done) { var salt = Date.now().toString(); req.session = { token: hash('rightpassword', salt), salt: salt }; res.redirect = sandbox.spy(); privateBlogging.isPrivateSessionAuth(req, res, next).then(function () { res.redirect.called.should.be.true; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('isPrivateSessionAuth should return next if hash is not verified', function (done) { req.session = { token: 'wrongpassword', salt: Date.now().toString() }; privateBlogging.isPrivateSessionAuth(req, res, next).then(function () { next.called.should.be.true; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('authenticateProtection should return next if password is incorrect', function (done) { req.body = {password: 'wrongpassword'}; privateBlogging.authenticateProtection(req, res, next).then(function () { res.error.should.not.be.empty; next.called.should.be.true; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('authenticateProtection should redirect if password is correct', function (done) { req.body = {password: 'rightpassword'}; req.session = {}; res.redirect = sandbox.spy(); privateBlogging.authenticateProtection(req, res, next).then(function () { res.redirect.called.should.be.true; done(); }).catch(done); }); }); }); }); });