/* global md5 */ import Ember from 'ember'; /** * A component to manage a user profile image. By default it just handles picture uploads, * but if passed a bound 'email' property it will render the user's gravatar image * * Example: {{gh-profile-image email=controllerEmailProperty setImage="controllerActionName" debounce=500}} * * @param {int} size The size of the image to render * @param {String} email Reference to a bound email object if gravatar image behavior is desired. * @param {String|action} setImage The string name of the action on the controller to be called when an image is added. * @param {int} debounce Period to wait after changes to email before attempting to load gravatar * @property {Boolean} hasUploadedImage Whether or not the user has uploaded an image (whether or not to show the default image/gravatar image) * @property {String} defaultImage String containing the background-image css property of the default user profile image * @property {String} imageBackground String containing the background-image css property with the gravatar url */ export default Ember.Component.extend({ email: '', size: 90, debounce: 300, validEmail: '', hasUploadedImage: false, fileStorage: true, ghostPaths: Ember.inject.service('ghost-paths'), displayGravatar: Ember.computed.notEmpty('validEmail'), defaultImage: Ember.computed('ghostPaths', function () { const url = this.get('ghostPaths.url').asset('/shared/img/user-image.png'); return Ember.String.htmlSafe(`background-image: url(${url})`); }), trySetValidEmail: function () { if (!this.get('isDestroyed')) { const email = this.get('email'); this.set('validEmail', validator.isEmail(email) ? email : ''); } }, didReceiveAttrs: function (attrs) { const timeout = parseInt(attrs.newAttrs.throttle || this.get('debounce')); Ember.run.debounce(this, 'trySetValidEmail', timeout); }, imageBackground: Ember.computed('validEmail', 'size', function () { const email = this.get('validEmail'), size = this.get('size'); let style = ''; if (email) { let url = `http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/${md5(email)}?s=${size}&d=blank`; style = `background-image: url(${url})`; } return Ember.String.htmlSafe(style); }), didInsertElement: function () { var size = this.get('size'), uploadElement = this.$('.js-file-input'); // Fire this immediately in case we're initialized with a valid email this.trySetValidEmail(); // while theoretically the 'add' and 'processalways' functions could be // added as properties of the hash passed to fileupload(), for some reason // they needed to be placed in an on() call for the add method to work correctly uploadElement.fileupload({ url: this.get('ghostPaths.url').api('uploads'), dropZone: this.$('.js-img-dropzone'), previewMaxHeight: size, previewMaxWidth: size, previewCrop: true, maxNumberOfFiles: 1, autoUpload: false }) .on('fileuploadadd', Ember.run.bind(this, this.queueFile)) .on('fileuploadprocessalways', Ember.run.bind(this, this.triggerPreview)); }, willDestroyElement: function () { if (this.$('.js-file-input').data()['blueimp-fileupload']) { this.$('.js-file-input').fileupload('destroy'); } }, queueFile: function (e, data) { const fileName = data.files[0].name; if ((/\.(gif|jpe?g|png|svg?z)$/i).test(fileName)) { this.sendAction('setImage', data); } }, triggerPreview: function (e, data) { const file = data.files[data.index]; if (file.preview) { this.set('hasUploadedImage', true); // necessary jQuery code because file.preview is a raw DOM object // potential todo: rename 'gravatar-img' class in the CSS to be something // that both the gravatar and the image preview can use that's not so confusing this.$('.js-img-preview').empty().append(this.$(file.preview).addClass('gravatar-img')); } } });