import sinon from 'sinon'; import {MOCKED_SITE_URL, MockedApi, initialize, mockAdminAuthFrame, mockAdminAuthFrame204} from '../utils/e2e'; import {buildReply} from '../utils/fixtures'; import {expect, test} from '@playwright/test'; const admin = MOCKED_SITE_URL + '/ghost/'; test.describe('Admin moderation', async () => { let mockedApi: MockedApi; test.beforeEach(async ({}) => { mockedApi = new MockedApi({}); }); type InitializeTestOptions = { isAdmin?: boolean; labs?: boolean; member?: any; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any }; async function initializeTest(page, options: InitializeTestOptions = {}) { options = {isAdmin: true, labs: false, member: {id: '1', uuid: '12345'}, ...options}; if (options.isAdmin) { await mockAdminAuthFrame({page, admin}); } else { await mockAdminAuthFrame204({page, admin}); } mockedApi.setMember(options.member); if (options.labs) { // enable specific labs flags here } return await initialize({ mockedApi, page, publication: 'Publisher Weekly', title: 'Member discussion', count: true, admin, labs: { // enable specific labs flags here } }); } test('skips rendering the auth frame with no comments', async ({page}) => { await initializeTest(page); const iframeElement = page.locator('iframe[data-frame="admin-auth"]'); await expect(iframeElement).toHaveCount(0); }); test('renders the auth frame when there are comments', async ({page}) => { mockedApi.addComment({html: '
This is comment 1
'}); await initializeTest(page); const iframeElement = page.locator('iframe[data-frame="admin-auth"]'); await expect(iframeElement).toHaveCount(1); }); test('has no admin options when not signed in to Ghost admin or as member', async ({page}) => { mockedApi.addComment({html: 'This is comment 1
'}); const {frame} = await initializeTest(page, {isAdmin: false, member: null}); await expect(frame.getByTestId('more-button')).toHaveCount(0); }); test('has no admin options when not signed in to Ghost admin but signed in as member', async ({page}) => { mockedApi.addComment({html: 'This is comment 1
'}); const {frame} = await initializeTest(page, {isAdmin: false, member: {id: '2'}}); // more button shows because it has a report button await expect(frame.getByTestId('more-button')).toHaveCount(1); await frame.getByTestId('more-button').nth(0).click(); await expect(frame.getByTestId('hide-button')).not.toBeVisible(); }); test('has admin options when signed in to Ghost admin but not signed in as member', async ({page}) => { mockedApi.addComment({html: `This is comment 1
`}); const {frame} = await initializeTest(page, {member: null}); const moreButtons = frame.getByTestId('more-button'); await expect(moreButtons).toHaveCount(1); // Admin buttons should be visible await moreButtons.nth(0).click(); await expect(frame.getByTestId('hide-button')).toBeVisible(); }); test('has admin options when signed in to Ghost admin and as a member', async ({page}) => { mockedApi.addComment({html: `This is comment 1
`}); const {frame} = await initializeTest(page); const moreButtons = frame.getByTestId('more-button'); await expect(moreButtons).toHaveCount(1); // Admin buttons should be visible await moreButtons.nth(0).click(); await expect(frame.getByTestId('hide-button')).toBeVisible(); }); test('member uuid are passed to admin browse api params', async ({page}) => { mockedApi.addComment({html: 'This is comment 1
'}); const adminBrowseSpy = sinon.spy(mockedApi.adminRequestHandlers, 'browseComments'); const {frame} = await initializeTest(page); const comments = await frame.getByTestId('comment-component'); await expect(comments).toHaveCount(1); expect(adminBrowseSpy.called).toBe(true); const lastCall = adminBrowseSpy.lastCall.args[0]; const url = new URL(lastCall.request().url()); expect(url.searchParams.get('impersonate_member_uuid')).toBe('12345'); }); test('member uuid gets set when loading more comments', async ({page}) => { // create 25 comments for (let i = 0; i < 25; i++) { mockedApi.addComment({html: `This is comment ${i}
`}); } const adminBrowseSpy = sinon.spy(mockedApi.adminRequestHandlers, 'browseComments'); const {frame} = await initializeTest(page); await frame.getByTestId('pagination-component').click(); const lastCall = adminBrowseSpy.lastCall.args[0]; const url = new URL(lastCall.request().url()); expect(url.searchParams.get('impersonate_member_uuid')).toBe('12345'); }); test('member uuid gets set when changing order', async ({page}) => { mockedApi.addComment({ html: 'This is the oldest
', created_at: new Date('2024-02-01T00:00:00Z') }); mockedApi.addComment({ html: 'This is comment 2
', created_at: new Date('2024-03-02T00:00:00Z') }); mockedApi.addComment({ html: 'This is the newest comment
', created_at: new Date('2024-04-03T00:00:00Z') }); const adminBrowseSpy = sinon.spy(mockedApi.adminRequestHandlers, 'browseComments'); const {frame} = await initializeTest(page); const sortingForm = await frame.getByTestId('comments-sorting-form'); await; const sortingDropdown = await frame.getByTestId( 'comments-sorting-form-dropdown' ); const optionSelect = await sortingDropdown.getByText('Newest'); mockedApi.setDelay(100); await; const lastCall = adminBrowseSpy.lastCall.args[0]; const url = new URL(lastCall.request().url()); expect(url.searchParams.get('impersonate_member_uuid')).toBe('12345'); }); test('member uuid gets set when loading more replies', async ({page}) => { mockedApi.addComment({ html: 'This is comment 1
', replies: [ buildReply({html: 'This is reply 1
'}), buildReply({html: 'This is reply 2
'}), buildReply({html: 'This is reply 3
'}), buildReply({html: 'This is reply 4
'}), buildReply({html: 'This is reply 5
'}), buildReply({html: 'This is reply 6
'}) ] }); const adminBrowseSpy = sinon.spy(mockedApi.adminRequestHandlers, 'getReplies'); const {frame} = await initializeTest(page); const comments = await frame.getByTestId('comment-component'); const comment = comments.nth(0); await comment.getByTestId('reply-pagination-button').click(); const lastCall = adminBrowseSpy.lastCall.args[0]; const url = new URL(lastCall.request().url()); expect(url.searchParams.get('impersonate_member_uuid')).toBe('12345'); }); test('member uuid gets set when reading a comment (after unhiding)', async ({page}) => { mockedApi.addComment({html: 'This is comment 1
'}); mockedApi.addComment({html: 'This is comment 2
', status: 'hidden'}); const adminReadSpy = sinon.spy(mockedApi.adminRequestHandlers, 'getOrUpdateComment'); const {frame} = await initializeTest(page); const comments = await frame.getByTestId('comment-component'); await expect(comments).toHaveCount(2); await expect(comments.nth(1)).toContainText('Hidden for members'); const moreButtons = comments.nth(1).getByTestId('more-button'); await; await moreButtons.getByTestId('show-button').click(); await expect(comments.nth(1)).not.toContainText('Hidden for members'); const lastCall = adminReadSpy.lastCall.args[0]; const url = new URL(lastCall.request().url()); expect(url.searchParams.get('impersonate_member_uuid')).toBe('12345'); }); test('hidden comments are not displayed for non-admins', async ({page}) => { mockedApi.addComment({html: 'This is comment 1
'}); mockedApi.addComment({html: 'This is comment 2
', status: 'hidden'}); const adminBrowseSpy = sinon.spy(mockedApi.adminRequestHandlers, 'browseComments'); const {frame} = await initializeTest(page, {isAdmin: false}); const comments = await frame.getByTestId('comment-component'); await expect(comments).toHaveCount(1); expect(adminBrowseSpy.called).toBe(false); }); test('hidden comments are displayed for admins', async ({page}) => { mockedApi.addComment({html: 'This is comment 1
'}); mockedApi.addComment({html: 'This is comment 2
', status: 'hidden'}); const adminBrowseSpy = sinon.spy(mockedApi.adminRequestHandlers, 'browseComments'); const {frame} = await initializeTest(page); const comments = await frame.getByTestId('comment-component'); await expect(comments).toHaveCount(2); await expect(comments.nth(1)).toContainText('Hidden for members'); expect(adminBrowseSpy.called).toBe(true); }); test('can hide and show comments', async ({page}) => { [1,2].forEach(i => mockedApi.addComment({html: `This is comment ${i}
`})); const {frame} = await initializeTest(page); const comments = await frame.getByTestId('comment-component'); // Hide the 2nd comment const moreButtons = frame.getByTestId('more-button'); await moreButtons.nth(1).click(); await moreButtons.nth(1).getByText('Hide comment').click(); const secondComment = comments.nth(1); await expect(secondComment).toContainText('Hidden for members'); // Check can show it again await moreButtons.nth(1).click(); await moreButtons.nth(1).getByText('Show comment').click(); await expect(secondComment).toContainText('This is comment 2'); }); test('can hide and show replies', async ({page}) => { mockedApi.addComment({ id: '1', html: 'This is comment 1
', replies: [ buildReply({id: '2', html: 'This is reply 1
'}), buildReply({id: '3', html: 'This is reply 2
'}) ] }); const {frame} = await initializeTest(page); const comments = await frame.getByTestId('comment-component'); const replyToHide = comments.nth(1); // Hide the 1st reply await replyToHide.getByTestId('more-button').click(); await replyToHide.getByTestId('hide-button').click(); await expect(replyToHide).toContainText('Hidden for members'); // Show it again await replyToHide.getByTestId('more-button').click(); await replyToHide.getByTestId('show-button').click(); await expect(replyToHide).not.toContainText('Hidden for members'); }); test('updates in-reply-to snippets when hiding', async ({page}) => { mockedApi.addComment({ id: '1', html: 'This is comment 1
', replies: [ buildReply({id: '2', html: 'This is reply 1
'}), buildReply({id: '3', html: 'This is reply 2
', in_reply_to_id: '2', in_reply_to_snippet: 'This is reply 1'}), buildReply({id: '4', html: 'This is reply 3
'}) ] }); const {frame} = await initializeTest(page); const comments = await frame.getByTestId('comment-component'); const replyToHide = comments.nth(1); const inReplyToComment = comments.nth(2); // Hide the 1st reply await replyToHide.getByTestId('more-button').click(); await replyToHide.getByTestId('hide-button').click(); await expect(inReplyToComment).toContainText('[removed]'); await expect(inReplyToComment).not.toContainText('This is reply 1'); // Show it again await replyToHide.getByTestId('more-button').click(); await replyToHide.getByTestId('show-button').click(); await expect(inReplyToComment).not.toContainText('[removed]'); await expect(inReplyToComment).toContainText('This is reply 1'); }); test('has correct comments count', async ({page}) => { mockedApi.addComment({html: 'This is comment 1
', replies: [buildReply()]}); mockedApi.addComment({html: 'This is comment 2
'}); const {frame} = await initializeTest(page); await expect(frame.getByTestId('count')).toContainText('3 comments'); }); });