var Ghost = require('../../ghost'), dataExport = require('../data/export'), dataImport = require('../data/import'), _ = require('underscore'), fs = require('fs-extra'), path = require('path'), when = require('when'), nodefn = require('when/node/function'), api = require('../api'), moment = require('moment'), errors = require('../errorHandling'), ghost = new Ghost(), dataProvider = ghost.dataProvider, adminNavbar, adminControllers, loginSecurity = []; // TODO: combine path/navClass to single "slug(?)" variable with no prefix adminNavbar = { content: { name: 'Content', navClass: 'content', key: 'admin.navbar.content', path: '/' }, add: { name: 'New Post', navClass: 'editor', key: 'admin.navbar.editor', path: '/editor/' }, settings: { name: 'Settings', navClass: 'settings', key: 'admin.navbar.settings', path: '/settings/' } }; // TODO: make this a util or helper function setSelected(list, name) { _.each(list, function (item, key) { item.selected = key === name; }); return list; } // TODO: this could be a separate module function getUniqueFileName(dir, name, ext, i, done) { var filename, append = ''; if (i) { append = '-' + i; } filename = path.join(dir, name + append + ext); fs.exists(filename, function (exists) { if (exists) { setImmediate(function () { i = i + 1; return getUniqueFileName(dir, name, ext, i, done); }); } else { return done(filename); } }); } adminControllers = { 'uploader': function (req, res) { var currentDate = moment(), month = currentDate.format('MMM'), year = currentDate.format('YYYY'), tmp_path = req.files.uploadimage.path, imagespath = path.join(ghost.paths().appRoot, 'content/images'), dir = path.join(imagespath, year, month), ext = path.extname(, type = req.files.uploadimage.type || req.files.uploadimage.headers['content-type'], basename = path.basename(, ext).replace(/[\W]/gi, '_'); function renameFile(target_path) { // adds directories recursively fs.mkdirs(dir, function (err) { if (err) { return errors.logError(err); } fs.copy(tmp_path, target_path, function (err) { if (err) { return errors.logError(err); } fs.unlink(tmp_path, function (e) { if (err) { return errors.logError(err); } // the src for the image must be in URI format, not a file system path, which in Windows uses \ var src = path.join('/', target_path.replace(ghost.paths().appRoot, "")).replace(new RegExp('\\' + path.sep, 'g'), '/'); return res.send(src); }); }); }); } //limit uploads to type && extension if ((type === 'image/jpeg' || type === 'image/png' || type === 'image/gif') && (ext === '.jpg' || ext === '.jpeg' || ext === '.png' || ext === '.gif')) { getUniqueFileName(dir, basename, ext, null, function (filename) { renameFile(filename); }); } else { res.send(403, 'Invalid file type'); } }, 'login': function (req, res) { res.render('login', { bodyClass: 'ghost-login', hideNavbar: true, adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'login') }); }, 'auth': function (req, res) { var currentTime = process.hrtime()[0], denied = ''; loginSecurity = _.filter(loginSecurity, function (ipTime) { return (ipTime.time + 2 > currentTime); }); denied = _.find(loginSecurity, function (ipTime) { return (ipTime.ip === req.connection.remoteAddress); }); if (!denied) { loginSecurity.push({ip: req.connection.remoteAddress, time: process.hrtime()[0]}); api.users.check({email:, pw: req.body.password}).then(function (user) { req.session.user =; res.json(200, {redirect: req.body.redirect ? '/ghost/' + decodeURIComponent(req.body.redirect) : '/ghost/'}); }, function (error) { res.json(401, {error: error.message}); }); } else { res.json(401, {error: 'Slow down, there are way too many login attempts!'}); } }, changepw: function (req, res) { api.users.changePassword({ currentUser: req.session.user, oldpw: req.body.password, newpw: req.body.newpassword, ne2pw: req.body.ne2password }).then(function () { res.json(200, {msg: 'Password changed successfully'}); }, function (error) { res.send(401, {error: error.message}); }); }, 'signup': function (req, res) { res.render('signup', { bodyClass: 'ghost-signup', hideNavbar: true, adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'login') }); }, 'doRegister': function (req, res) { var name =, email =, password = req.body.password; api.users.add({ name: name, email: email, password: password }).then(function (user) { api.settings.edit('email', email).then(function () { if (req.session.user === undefined) { req.session.user =; } res.json(200, {redirect: '/ghost/'}); }); }).otherwise(function (error) { res.json(401, {error: error.message}); }); }, 'forgotten': function (req, res) { res.render('forgotten', { bodyClass: 'ghost-forgotten', hideNavbar: true, adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'login') }); }, 'resetPassword': function (req, res) { var email =; api.users.forgottenPassword(email).then(function (user) { var message = { to: email, subject: 'Your new password', html: "


" + "

You've reset your password. Here's the new one: " + user.newPassword + "

" + "

" + '' + ghost.config().url + '

' }; return ghost.mail.send(message); }).then(function success() { var notification = { type: 'success', message: 'Your password was changed successfully. Check your email for details.', status: 'passive', id: 'successresetpw' }; return api.notifications.add(notification).then(function () { res.json(200, {redirect: '/ghost/signin/'}); }); }, function failure(error) { res.json(401, {error: error.message}); }).otherwise(errors.logAndThrowError); }, 'logout': function (req, res) { req.session = null; var notification = { type: 'success', message: 'You were successfully signed out', status: 'passive', id: 'successlogout' }; return api.notifications.add(notification).then(function () { res.redirect('/ghost/signin/'); }); }, 'index': function (req, res) { res.render('content', { bodyClass: 'manage', adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'content') }); }, 'editor': function (req, res) { if ( !== undefined) { res.render('editor', { bodyClass: 'editor', adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'content') }); } else { res.render('editor', { bodyClass: 'editor', adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'add') }); } }, 'content': function (req, res) { res.render('content', { bodyClass: 'manage', adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'content') }); }, 'settings': function (req, res, next) { // TODO: Centralise list/enumeration of settings panes, so we don't // run into trouble in future. var allowedSections = ['', 'general', 'user'], section = req.url.replace(/(^\/ghost\/settings[\/]*|\/$)/ig, ''); if (allowedSections.indexOf(section) < 0) { return next(); } res.render('settings', { bodyClass: 'settings', adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'settings') }); }, 'debug': { /* ugly temporary stuff for managing the app before it's properly finished */ index: function (req, res) { res.render('debug', { bodyClass: 'settings', adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'settings') }); }, 'export': function (req, res) { return dataExport() .then(function (exportedData) { // Save the exported data to the file system for download var fileName = path.resolve(__dirname + '/../../server/data/export/exported-' + (new Date().getTime()) + '.json'); return, fileName, JSON.stringify(exportedData)).then(function () { return when(fileName); }); }) .then(function (exportedFilePath) { // Send the exported data file, 'GhostData.json'); }) .otherwise(function (error) { // Notify of an error if it occurs var notification = { type: 'error', message: error.message || error, status: 'persistent', id: 'per-' + (ghost.notifications.length + 1) }; return api.notifications.add(notification).then(function () { res.redirect('/ghost/debug/'); }); }); }, 'import': function (req, res) { if (!req.files.importfile || req.files.importfile.size === 0 ||'json') === -1) { /** * Notify of an error if it occurs * * - If there's no file (although if you don't select anything, the input is still submitted, so * !req.files.importfile will always be false) * - If the size is 0 * - If the name doesn't have json in it */ var notification = { type: 'error', message: "Must select a .json file to import", status: 'persistent', id: 'per-' + (ghost.notifications.length + 1) }; return api.notifications.add(notification).then(function () { res.redirect('/ghost/debug/'); }); } // Get the current version for importing{ key: 'databaseVersion' }) .then(function (setting) { return when(setting.value); }, function () { return when('001'); }) .then(function (databaseVersion) { // Read the file contents return, req.files.importfile.path) .then(function (fileContents) { var importData; // Parse the json data try { importData = JSON.parse(fileContents); } catch (e) { return when.reject(new Error("Failed to parse the import file")); } if (!importData.meta || !importData.meta.version) { return when.reject(new Error("Import data does not specify version")); } // Import for the current version return dataImport(databaseVersion, importData); }); }) .then(function importSuccess() { var notification = { type: 'success', message: "Data imported. Log in with the user details you imported", status: 'persistent', id: 'per-' + (ghost.notifications.length + 1) }; return api.notifications.add(notification).then(function () { req.session = null; res.set({ "X-Cache-Invalidate": "/*" }); res.redirect('/ghost/signin/'); }); }, function importFailure(error) { // Notify of an error if it occurs var notification = { type: 'error', message: error.message || error, status: 'persistent', id: 'per-' + (ghost.notifications.length + 1) }; return api.notifications.add(notification).then(function () { res.redirect('/ghost/debug/'); }); }); } } }; module.exports = adminControllers;