const assert = require('assert'); const {agentProvider, fixtureManager, mockManager, matchers} = require('../../utils/e2e-framework'); const {stringMatching, anyEtag, anyObjectId, anyISODateTime} = matchers; const CURRENT_SETTINGS_COUNT = 86; const settingsMatcher = { id: anyObjectId, created_at: anyISODateTime, updated_at: anyISODateTime }; const publicHashSettingMatcher = { id: anyObjectId, value: stringMatching(/[a-z0-9]{30}/), created_at: anyISODateTime, updated_at: anyISODateTime }; const matchSettingsArray = (length) => { const settingsArray = new Array(length).fill(settingsMatcher); if (length > 25) { // Item at index 25 is the public hash, which is always different settingsArray[25] = publicHashSettingMatcher; } return settingsArray; }; describe('Settings API', function () { let agent, membersService; before(async function () { agent = await agentProvider.getAdminAPIAgent(); await fixtureManager.init(); await agent.loginAsOwner(); membersService = require('../../../core/server/services/members'); }); beforeEach(function () { mockManager.mockMail(); }); afterEach(function () { mockManager.restore(); }); it('Can request all settings', async function () { await agent .get('settings/') .expectStatus(200) .matchBodySnapshot({ settings: matchSettingsArray(CURRENT_SETTINGS_COUNT) }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }); }); it('Can read a setting', async function () { await agent.get('settings/codeinjection_head/') .expectStatus(200) .matchBodySnapshot({ settings: [settingsMatcher] }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }); }); it('Can edit a setting', async function () { const settingsToChange = [ { key: 'title', value: [] }, { key: 'codeinjection_head', value: null }, { key: 'navigation', value: JSON.stringify([{ label: 'label1' }]) }, { key: 'slack', value: JSON.stringify([{ url: 'https://overrides.tld', username: 'Overrides Username' }]) }, { key: 'slack_username', value: 'New Slack Username' }, { key: 'is_private', value: false }, { key: 'meta_title', value: 'SEO title' }, { key: 'meta_description', value: 'SEO description' }, { key: 'og_image', value: '/content/images/2019/07/facebook.png' }, { key: 'og_title', value: 'facebook title' }, { key: 'og_description', value: 'facebook description' }, { key: 'twitter_image', value: '/content/images/2019/07/twitter.png' }, { key: 'twitter_title', value: 'twitter title' }, { key: 'twitter_description', value: 'twitter description' }, { key: 'lang', value: 'ua' }, { key: 'labs', value: JSON.stringify({}) }, { key: 'timezone', value: 'Pacific/Auckland' }, { key: 'unsplash', value: false } ]; await agent.put('settings/') .body({ settings: settingsToChange }) .expectStatus(200) .matchBodySnapshot({ settings: matchSettingsArray(settingsToChange.length) }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }); }); it('can do updateMembersEmail', async function () { await agent .post('settings/members/email/') .body({ email: '', type: 'fromAddressUpdate' }) .expectStatus(204) .expectEmptyBody() .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }); mockManager.assert.sentEmail({to: ''}); }); it('can do validateMembersEmailUpdate', async function () { const magicLink = await membersService.api.getMagicLink(''); const magicLinkUrl = new URL(magicLink); const token = magicLinkUrl.searchParams.get('token'); // @TODO Fixing should result in this test changing await agent .get(`settings/members/email/?token=${token}&action=fromAddressUpdate`) .expectStatus(302) .expectEmptyBody() .matchHeaderSnapshot(); // Assert that the setting is changed as a side effect // NOTE: cannot use read here :/ await agent.get('settings/') .expect(({body}) => { const fromAddress = body.settings.find((setting) => { return setting.key === 'members_from_address'; }); assert.equal(fromAddress.value, ''); }); }); it('can do disconnectStripeConnectIntegration', async function () { await agent .delete('/settings/stripe/connect/') .expectStatus(204) .expectEmptyBody() .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }); const stripeSettings = [ 'stripe_connect_publishable_key', 'stripe_connect_secret_key', 'stripe_connect_livemode', 'stripe_connect_display_name', 'stripe_connect_account_id', 'members_stripe_webhook_id', 'members_stripe_webhook_secret' ]; // Assert that the settings are changed as a side effect await agent.get('settings/') .expect(({body}) => { body.settings.forEach((setting) => { if (stripeSettings.includes(setting.key)) { assert.equal(setting.value, null); } }); }); }); });