{{#gh-view-title openMobileMenu="openMobileMenu"}}General{{/gh-view-title}}
{{input id="blog-title" class="gh-input" name="general[title]" type="text" value=model.title}}

The name of your blog

{{textarea id="blog-description" class="gh-input" name="general[description]" value=model.description}}

Describe what your blog is about {{gh-count-characters model.description}}

{{#if model.logo}} {{else}} {{/if}}

Display a sexy logo for your publication

{{#if model.cover}} cover photo {{else}} {{/if}}

Display a cover image on your site

{{! `pattern` brings up numeric keypad allowing any number of digits}} {{input id="postsPerPage" class="gh-input" name="general[postsPerPage]" focus-out="checkPostsPerPage" value=model.postsPerPage min="1" max="1000" type="number" pattern="[0-9]*"}}

How many posts should be displayed on each page

{{view "select" id="activeTheme" name="general[activeTheme]" content=themes optionValuePath="content.name" optionLabelPath="content.label" value=model.activeTheme selection=selectedTheme}}

Select a theme for your blog

{{#if model.isPrivate}}
{{input name="general[password]" type="text" value=model.password}}

This password will be needed to access your blog. All search engine optimization and social features are now disabled. This password is stored in plaintext.
