var should = require('should'), _ = require('lodash'), common = require('../../../../core/server/lib/common'), applyPublicRules = require('../../../../core/server/services/permissions/public'); describe('Permissions', function () { describe('applyPublicRules', function () { it('should return empty object for docName with no rules', function (done) { applyPublicRules('test', 'test', {}).then(function (result) { result.should.eql({}); done(); }); }); it('should return unchanged object for non-public context', function (done) { const internal = {context: 'internal'}; const user = {context: {user: 1}}; applyPublicRules('posts', 'browse', _.cloneDeep(internal)).then(function (result) { result.should.eql(internal); return applyPublicRules('posts', 'browse', _.cloneDeep(user)); }).then(function (result) { result.should.eql(user); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should return unchanged object for post with public context', function (done) { var publicContext = {context: {}}; applyPublicRules('posts', 'browse', _.cloneDeep(publicContext)).then(function (result) { result.should.not.eql(publicContext); result.should.eql({ context: {}, status: 'published' }); return applyPublicRules('posts', 'browse', _.extend({}, _.cloneDeep(publicContext), {status: 'published'})); }).then(function (result) { result.should.eql({ context: {}, status: 'published' }); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should throw an error for draft post without uuid (read)', function (done) { var draft = {context: {}, data: {status: 'draft'}}; applyPublicRules('posts', 'read', _.cloneDeep(draft)).then(function () { done('Did not throw an error for draft'); }).catch(function (err) { (err instanceof common.errors.NoPermissionError).should.eql(true); done(); }); }); it('should throw an error for draft post (browse)', function (done) { var draft = {context: {}, status: 'draft'}; applyPublicRules('posts', 'browse', _.cloneDeep(draft)).then(function () { done('Did not throw an error for draft'); }).catch(function (err) { (err instanceof common.errors.NoPermissionError).should.eql(true); done(); }); }); it('should permit post draft status with uuid (read)', function (done) { var draft = {context: {}, data: {status: 'draft', uuid: '1234-abcd'}}; applyPublicRules('posts', 'read', _.cloneDeep(draft)).then(function (result) { result.should.eql(draft); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should permit post all status with uuid (read)', function (done) { var draft = {context: {}, data: {status: 'all', uuid: '1234-abcd'}}; applyPublicRules('posts', 'read', _.cloneDeep(draft)).then(function (result) { result.should.eql(draft); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should NOT permit post draft status with uuid (browse)', function (done) { var draft = {context: {}, status: 'draft', uuid: '1234-abcd'}; applyPublicRules('posts', 'browse', _.cloneDeep(draft)).then(function () { done('Did not throw an error for draft'); }).catch(function (err) { (err instanceof common.errors.NoPermissionError).should.eql(true); done(); }); }); it('should NOT permit post all status with uuid (browse)', function (done) { var draft = {context: {}, status: 'all', uuid: '1234-abcd'}; applyPublicRules('posts', 'browse', _.cloneDeep(draft)).then(function () { done('Did not throw an error for draft'); }).catch(function (err) { (err instanceof common.errors.NoPermissionError).should.eql(true); done(); }); }); it('should throw an error for draft post with uuid and id or slug (read)', function (done) { var draft = {context: {}, data: {status: 'draft', uuid: '1234-abcd', id: 1}}; applyPublicRules('posts', 'read', _.cloneDeep(draft)).then(function () { done('Did not throw an error for draft'); }).catch(function (err) { (err instanceof common.errors.NoPermissionError).should.eql(true); draft = {context: {}, data: {status: 'draft', uuid: '1234-abcd', slug: 'abcd'}}; return applyPublicRules('posts', 'read', _.cloneDeep(draft)).then(function () { done('Did not throw an error for draft'); }).catch(function (err) { (err instanceof common.errors.NoPermissionError).should.eql(true); done(); }); }); }); it('should return unchanged object for user with public context', function (done) { var publicContext = {context: {}}; applyPublicRules('users', 'browse', _.cloneDeep(publicContext)).then(function (result) { result.should.not.eql(publicContext); result.should.eql({ context: {}, status: 'all' }); return applyPublicRules('users', 'browse', _.extend({}, _.cloneDeep(publicContext), {status: 'active'})); }).then(function (result) { result.should.eql({ context: {}, status: 'active' }); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); });