var should = require('should'), sinon = require('sinon'), rewire = require('rewire'), _ = require('lodash'), Promise = require('bluebird'), crypto = require('crypto'), fs = require('fs'), errors = require('../../server/errors'), models = require('../../server/models'), exporter = require('../../server/data/export'), schema = require('../../server/data/schema'), migration = rewire('../../server/data/migration'), fixtures = require('../../server/data/migration/fixtures'), populate = require('../../server/data/migration/populate'), update = rewire('../../server/data/migration/update'), defaultSettings = schema.defaultSettings, schemaTables = Object.keys(schema.tables), sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); // Check version integrity // These tests exist to ensure that developers are not able to modify the database schema, or permissions fixtures // without knowing that they also need to update the default database version, // both of which are required for migrations to work properly. describe.skip('DB version integrity', function () { // Only these variables should need updating var currentDbVersion = 'alpha.1', currentSchemaHash = 'b3bdae210526b2d4393359c3e45d7f83', currentFixturesHash = '30b0a956b04e634e7f2cddcae8d2fd20'; // If this test is failing, then it is likely a change has been made that requires a DB version bump, // and the values above will need updating as confirmation it('should not change without fixing this test', function () { var tablesNoValidation = _.cloneDeep(schema.tables), schemaHash, fixturesHash; _.each(tablesNoValidation, function (table) { return _.each(table, function (column, name) { table[name] = _.omit(column, 'validations'); }); }); schemaHash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(JSON.stringify(tablesNoValidation)).digest('hex'); fixturesHash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(JSON.stringify(fixtures.fixtures)).digest('hex'); // Test! defaultSettings.core.databaseVersion.defaultValue.should.eql(currentDbVersion); schemaHash.should.eql(currentSchemaHash); fixturesHash.should.eql(currentFixturesHash); schema.versioning.canMigrateFromVersion.should.eql('003'); }); }); /** * we don't use our logic anymore * so some tests are failing * * @TODO: kate-migrations */ describe.skip('Migrations', function () { var loggerStub, resetLogger; before(function () { models.init(); }); afterEach(function () { sandbox.restore(); resetLogger(); }); beforeEach(function () { loggerStub = { info: sandbox.stub(), warn: sandbox.stub() }; resetLogger = update.__set__('logger', loggerStub); }); describe('Backup', function () { var exportStub, filenameStub, fsStub; beforeEach(function () { exportStub = sandbox.stub(exporter, 'doExport').returns(new Promise.resolve()); filenameStub = sandbox.stub(exporter, 'fileName').returns(new Promise.resolve('test')); fsStub = sandbox.stub(fs, 'writeFile').yields(); }); it('should create a backup JSON file', function (done) { migration.backupDatabase(loggerStub).then(function () {;;;; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should fall back to console.log if no logger provided', function (done) { var noopStub = sandbox.stub(_, 'noop'); migration.backupDatabase().then(function () {;;;; // restore early so we get the test output noopStub.restore(); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); describe('Reset', function () { var deleteStub; beforeEach(function () { deleteStub = sandbox.stub(schema.commands, 'deleteTable').returns(new Promise.resolve()); }); it('should delete all tables in reverse order', function (done) { migration.reset().then(function (result) { should.exist(result);;; + 1); // First call should be called with the last table deleteStub.firstCall.calledWith(schemaTables[schemaTables.length - 1]); // Last call should be called with the first table deleteStub.lastCall.calledWith('migrations'); done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should delete all tables in reverse order when called twice in a row', function (done) { migration.reset().then(function (result) { should.exist(result);;; + 1); // First call should be called with the last table deleteStub.firstCall.calledWith(schemaTables[schemaTables.length - 1]); // Last call should be called with the first table deleteStub.lastCall.calledWith('migrations'); return migration.reset(); }).then(function (result) { should.exist(result);;; * 2 + 2); // First call (second set) should be called with the last table deleteStub.getCall(schemaTables.length).calledWith('migrations'); // Last call (second Set) should be called with the first table // deleteStub.getCall(schemaTables.length * 2 + 2).calledWith(schemaTables[0]); done(); }).catch(done); }); }); describe('Populate', function () { var createStub, fixturesStub, setDatabaseVersionStub, populateDefaultsStub; beforeEach(function () { fixturesStub = sandbox.stub(fixtures, 'populate').returns(new Promise.resolve()); }); it('should create all tables, and populate fixtures', function (done) { createStub = sandbox.stub(schema.commands, 'createTable').returns(new Promise.resolve()); setDatabaseVersionStub = sandbox.stub(schema.versioning, 'setDatabaseVersion').returns(new Promise.resolve()); populateDefaultsStub = sandbox.stub(models.Settings, 'populateDefaults').returns(new Promise.resolve()); populate().then(function (result) { should.not.exist(result);;;;; createStub.firstCall.calledWith(schemaTables[0]); createStub.lastCall.calledWith(schemaTables[schemaTables.length - 1]);; done(); }).catch(done); }); it('should rollback if error occurs', function (done) { var i = 0; createStub = sandbox.stub(schema.commands, 'createTable', function () { i = i + 1; if (i > 10) { return new Promise.reject(new Error('error on table creation :(')); } return new Promise.resolve(); }); populate() .then(function () { done(new Error('should throw an error for database population')); }) .catch(function (err) { should.exist(err); (err instanceof errors.GhostError).should.eql(true); createStub.callCount.should.eql(11); done(); }); }); }); describe('isDatabaseOutOfDate', function () { var updateDatabaseSchemaStub, updateDatabaseSchemaReset, versionsSpy; beforeEach(function () { versionsSpy = sandbox.spy(schema.versioning, 'getMigrationVersions'); // For these tests, stub out the actual update task updateDatabaseSchemaStub = sandbox.stub().returns(new Promise.resolve()); updateDatabaseSchemaReset = update.__set__('updateDatabaseSchema', updateDatabaseSchemaStub); }); afterEach(function () { updateDatabaseSchemaReset(); }); it('should throw error if versions are too old', function () { var response = update.isDatabaseOutOfDate({fromVersion: '0.8', toVersion: '1.0'});; (response.error instanceof errors.DatabaseVersionError).should.eql(true); }); it('should just return if versions are the same', function () { var migrateToDatabaseVersionStub = sandbox.stub().returns(new Promise.resolve()), migrateToDatabaseVersionReset = update.__set__('migrateToDatabaseVersion', migrateToDatabaseVersionStub), response = update.isDatabaseOutOfDate({fromVersion: '1.0', toVersion: '1.0'}); response.migrate.should.eql(false);; migrateToDatabaseVersionStub.callCount.should.eql(0); migrateToDatabaseVersionReset(); }); it('should throw an error if the database version is higher than the default', function () { var response = update.isDatabaseOutOfDate({fromVersion: '1.3', toVersion: '1.2'});; (response.error instanceof errors.DatabaseVersionError).should.eql(true); }); }); });