// Supported formats of https://github.com/image-size/image-size: // BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, PSD, TIFF, WebP, SVG // *** // Takes the url of the image and an optional timeout // getImageSizeFromUrl returns an Object like this // { // height: 50, // url: 'http://myblog.com/images/cat.jpg', // width: 50 // }; // if the dimensions can be fetched and rejects with error, if not. // *** // In case we get a locally stored image or a not complete url (like //www.gravatar.com/andsoon), // we add the protocol to the incomplete one and use urlFor() to get the absolute URL. // If the request fails or image-size is not able to read the file, we reject with error. var sizeOf = require('image-size'), url = require('url'), Promise = require('bluebird'), http = require('http'), https = require('https'), config = require('../config'), utils = require('../utils'), errors = require('../errors'), dimensions, request, requestHandler; /** * @description read image dimensions from URL * @param {String} imagePath * @returns {Promise} imageObject or error */ module.exports.getImageSizeFromUrl = function getImageSizeFromUrl(imagePath) { return new Promise(function imageSizeRequest(resolve, reject) { var imageObject = {}, options, timeout = config.get('times:getImageSizeTimeoutInMS') || 10000; imageObject.url = imagePath; // check if we got an url without any protocol if (imagePath.indexOf('http') === -1) { // our gravatar urls start with '//' in that case add 'http:' if (imagePath.indexOf('//') === 0) { // it's a gravatar url imagePath = 'http:' + imagePath; } else { // get absolute url for image imagePath = utils.url.urlFor('image', {image: imagePath}, true); } } options = url.parse(imagePath); requestHandler = imagePath.indexOf('https') === 0 ? https : http; options.headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}; request = requestHandler.get(options, function (res) { var chunks = []; res.on('data', function (chunk) { chunks.push(chunk); }); res.on('end', function () { if (res.statusCode === 200) { try { dimensions = sizeOf(Buffer.concat(chunks)); imageObject.width = dimensions.width; imageObject.height = dimensions.height; return resolve(imageObject); } catch (err) { return reject(new errors.InternalServerError({ code: 'IMAGE_SIZE', err: err, context: imagePath })); } } else if (res.statusCode === 404) { return reject(new errors.NotFoundError({ message: 'Image not found.', code: 'IMAGE_SIZE', statusCode: res.statusCode, context: imagePath })); } else { return reject(new errors.InternalServerError({ message: 'Unknown Request error.', code: 'IMAGE_SIZE', statusCode: res.statusCode, context: imagePath })); } }); }).on('socket', function (socket) { if (timeout) { socket.setTimeout(timeout); /** * https://nodejs.org/api/http.html * "...if a callback is assigned to the Server's 'timeout' event, timeouts must be handled explicitly" * * socket.destroy will jump to the error listener */ socket.on('timeout', function () { request.abort(); socket.destroy(new Error('Request timed out.')); }); } }).on('error', function (err) { return reject(new errors.InternalServerError({ code: 'IMAGE_SIZE', err: err, context: imagePath })); }); }); };