// # Asset helper
// Usage: `{{asset "css/screen.css"}}`, `{{asset "css/screen.css" ghost="true"}}`
// Returns the path to the specified asset. The ghost flag outputs the asset path for the Ghost admin

var hbs             = require('express-hbs'),
    config          = require('../config'),
    utils           = require('./utils'),

asset = function (context, options) {
    var output = '',
        isAdmin = options && options.hash && options.hash.ghost;

    output += config.paths.subdir + '/';

    if (!context.match(/^favicon\.ico$/) && !context.match(/^shared/) && !context.match(/^asset/)) {
        if (isAdmin) {
            output += 'ghost/';
        } else {
            output += 'assets/';

    // Get rid of any leading slash on the context
    context = context.replace(/^\//, '');
    output += context;

    if (!context.match(/^favicon\.ico$/)) {
        output = utils.assetTemplate({
            source: output,
            version: config.assetHash

    return new hbs.handlebars.SafeString(output);

module.exports = asset;