/*global describe, it */ /*jshint expr:true*/ // # Module tests // This tests using Ghost as an npm module var should = require('should'), ghost = require('../../../../core'); describe('Module', function () { describe('Setup', function () { it('should resolve with a ghost-server instance', function (done) { ghost().then(function (ghostServer) { should.exist(ghostServer); done(); }).catch(function (e) { done(e); }); }); it('should expose an express instance', function (done) { ghost().then(function (ghostServer) { should.exist(ghostServer); should.exist(ghostServer.rootApp); done(); }).catch(function (e) { done(e); }); }); it('should expose configuration values', function (done) { ghost().then(function (ghostServer) { should.exist(ghostServer); should.exist(ghostServer.config); should.exist(ghostServer.config.server); should.exist(ghostServer.config.paths); should.exist(ghostServer.config.paths.subdir); should.equal(ghostServer.config.paths.subdir, ''); done(); }).catch(function (e) { done(e); }); }); it('should have start/stop/restart functions', function (done) { ghost().then(function (ghostServer) { should.exist(ghostServer); ghostServer.start.should.be.a.Function; ghostServer.restart.should.be.a.Function; ghostServer.stop.should.be.a.Function; done(); }).catch(function (e) { done(e); }); }); }); });