var config = require('../../config'), escapeExpression = require('../../themes/engine').escapeExpression, socialUrls = require('../../utils/social-urls'), _ = require('lodash'); function schemaImageObject(metaDataVal) { var imageObject; if (!metaDataVal) { return null; } if (!metaDataVal.dimensions) { return metaDataVal.url; } imageObject = { '@type': 'ImageObject', url: metaDataVal.url, width: metaDataVal.dimensions.width, height: metaDataVal.dimensions.height }; return imageObject; } // Creates the final schema object with values that are not null function trimSchema(schema) { var schemaObject = {}; _.each(schema, function (value, key) { if (value !== null && typeof value !== 'undefined') { schemaObject[key] = value; } }); return schemaObject; } function trimSameAs(data, context) { var sameAs = []; if (context === 'post') { if ( { sameAs.push(escapeExpression(; } if ( { sameAs.push(socialUrls.facebookUrl(; } if ( { sameAs.push(socialUrls.twitterUrl(; } } else if (context === 'author') { if ( { sameAs.push(escapeExpression(; } if ( { sameAs.push(socialUrls.facebookUrl(; } if ( { sameAs.push(socialUrls.twitterUrl(; } } return sameAs; } function getPostSchema(metaData, data) { // CASE: metaData.excerpt for post context is populated by either the custom excerpt, the meta description, // or the automated excerpt of 50 words. It is empty for any other context. var description = metaData.excerpt ? escapeExpression(metaData.excerpt) : null, schema; schema = { '@context': '', '@type': 'Article', publisher: { '@type': 'Organization', name: escapeExpression(, logo: schemaImageObject( || null }, author: { '@type': 'Person', name: escapeExpression(, image: schemaImageObject(metaData.authorImage), url: metaData.authorUrl, sameAs: trimSameAs(data, 'post'), description: ? escapeExpression( : null }, headline: escapeExpression(metaData.metaTitle), url: metaData.url, datePublished: metaData.publishedDate, dateModified: metaData.modifiedDate, image: schemaImageObject(metaData.coverImage), keywords: metaData.keywords && metaData.keywords.length > 0 ? metaData.keywords.join(', ') : null, description: description, mainEntityOfPage: { '@type': 'WebPage', '@id': || null } }; = trimSchema(; return trimSchema(schema); } function getHomeSchema(metaData) { var schema = { '@context': '', '@type': 'Website', publisher: { '@type': 'Organization', name: escapeExpression(, logo: schemaImageObject( || null }, url: metaData.url, image: schemaImageObject(metaData.coverImage), mainEntityOfPage: { '@type': 'WebPage', '@id': || null }, description: metaData.metaDescription ? escapeExpression(metaData.metaDescription) : null }; return trimSchema(schema); } function getTagSchema(metaData, data) { var schema = { '@context': '', '@type': 'Series', publisher: { '@type': 'Organization', name: escapeExpression(, logo: schemaImageObject( || null }, url: metaData.url, image: schemaImageObject(metaData.coverImage), name:, mainEntityOfPage: { '@type': 'WebPage', '@id': || null }, description: metaData.metaDescription ? escapeExpression(metaData.metaDescription) : null }; return trimSchema(schema); } function getAuthorSchema(metaData, data) { var schema = { '@context': '', '@type': 'Person', sameAs: trimSameAs(data, 'author'), name: escapeExpression(, url: metaData.authorUrl, image: schemaImageObject(metaData.coverImage), mainEntityOfPage: { '@type': 'WebPage', '@id': || null }, description: metaData.metaDescription ? escapeExpression(metaData.metaDescription) : null }; return trimSchema(schema); } function getSchema(metaData, data) { if (!config.isPrivacyDisabled('useStructuredData')) { var context = data.context ? data.context : null; if (_.includes(context, 'post') || _.includes(context, 'page') || _.includes(context, 'amp')) { return getPostSchema(metaData, data); } else if (_.includes(context, 'home')) { return getHomeSchema(metaData); } else if (_.includes(context, 'tag')) { return getTagSchema(metaData, data); } else if (_.includes(context, 'author')) { return getAuthorSchema(metaData, data); } } return null; } module.exports = getSchema;