const statsService = require('../../../../core/server/services/stats'); const {agentProvider, fixtureManager} = require('../../../utils/e2e-framework'); const moment = require('moment'); require('should'); const nock = require('nock'); let agent; let counter = 0; async function createMemberWithSubscription(interval, amount, currency, date) { counter += 1; const fakePrice = { id: 'price_' + counter, product: '', active: true, nickname: 'Paid', unit_amount: amount, currency, type: 'recurring', recurring: { interval } }; const fakeSubscription = { id: 'sub_' + counter, customer: 'cus_' + counter, status: 'active', cancel_at_period_end: false, metadata: {}, current_period_end: / 1000 + 1000, start_date: moment(date).unix(), plan: fakePrice, items: { data: [{ price: fakePrice }] } }; const fakeCustomer = { id: 'cus_' + counter, name: 'Test Member', email: 'create-member-subscription-' + counter + '', subscriptions: { type: 'list', data: [fakeSubscription] } }; nock('') .persist() .get(/v1\/.*/) .reply((uri, body) => { const [match, resource, id] = uri.match(/\/?v1\/(\w+)\/?(\w+)/) || [null]; if (!match) { return [500]; } if (resource === 'customers') { return [200, fakeCustomer]; } if (resource === 'subscriptions') { return [200, fakeSubscription]; } }); const initialMember = { name:, email:, subscribed: true, stripe_customer_id: }; await agent .post(`/members/`) .body({members: [initialMember]}) .expectStatus(201); nock.cleanAll(); } describe('MRR Stats Service', function () { before(async function () { agent = await agentProvider.getAdminAPIAgent(); await fixtureManager.init(); await agent.loginAsOwner(); }); afterEach(function () { nock.cleanAll(); }); describe('getCurrentMrr', function () { it('Always returns at least one currency', async function () { const result = await statsService.mrr.getCurrentMrr(); result.should.eql([ { currency: 'usd', mrr: 0 } ]); }); it('Can handle multiple currencies', async function () { await createMemberWithSubscription('month', 500, 'eur', '2000-01-10'); const result = await statsService.mrr.getCurrentMrr(); result.should.eql([ { currency: 'eur', mrr: 500 } ]); }); it('Increases MRR by 1 / 12 of yearly subscriptions', async function () { await createMemberWithSubscription('year', 12, 'usd', '2000-01-10'); const result = await statsService.mrr.getCurrentMrr(); result.should.eql([ { currency: 'eur', mrr: 500 }, { currency: 'usd', mrr: 1 } ]); }); it('Increases MRR with monthly subscriptions', async function () { await createMemberWithSubscription('month', 1, 'usd', '2000-01-11'); const result = await statsService.mrr.getCurrentMrr(); result.should.eql([ { currency: 'eur', mrr: 500 }, { currency: 'usd', mrr: 2 } ]); }); it('Floors results', async function () { await createMemberWithSubscription('year', 17, 'usd', '2000-01-12'); let result = await statsService.mrr.getCurrentMrr(); result.should.eql([ { currency: 'eur', mrr: 500 }, { currency: 'usd', mrr: 3 } ]); // Floor 11/12 to 0 (same as getMRRDelta method) await createMemberWithSubscription('year', 11, 'usd', '2000-01-12'); result = await statsService.mrr.getCurrentMrr(); result.should.eql([ { currency: 'eur', mrr: 500 }, { currency: 'usd', mrr: 3 } ]); // Floor 11/12 to 0, don't combine with previous addition await createMemberWithSubscription('year', 11, 'usd', '2000-01-12'); result = await statsService.mrr.getCurrentMrr(); result.should.eql([ { currency: 'eur', mrr: 500 }, { currency: 'usd', mrr: 3 } ]); // Floor 13/12 to 1 await createMemberWithSubscription('year', 13, 'usd', '2000-01-12'); result = await statsService.mrr.getCurrentMrr(); result.should.eql([ { currency: 'eur', mrr: 500 }, { currency: 'usd', mrr: 4 } ]); }); }); describe('fetchAllDeltas', function () { it('Returns deltas in ascending order', async function () { const results = await statsService.mrr.fetchAllDeltas(); results.length.should.equal(4); results.should.match([ { date: '2000-01-10', delta: 500, currency: 'eur' }, { date: '2000-01-10', delta: 1, currency: 'usd' }, { date: '2000-01-11', delta: 1, currency: 'usd' }, { date: '2000-01-12', delta: 2, currency: 'usd' } ]); }); }); });