const handler = require('serve-handler'); const http = require('http'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const {spawn} = require('child_process'); const minimist = require('minimist'); /* eslint-disable no-console */ const log = console.log; /* eslint-enable no-console */ let yarnStartProcess; let stdOutChunks = []; let stdErrChunks = []; let startYarnOutput = false; const {v, verbose, port = 5369} = minimist(process.argv.slice(2)); const showVerbose = !!(v || verbose); function clearConsole({withHistory = true} = {}) { if (!withHistory) { process.stdout.write('\x1Bc'); return; } process.stdout.write( process.platform === 'win32' ? '\x1B[2J\x1B[0f' : '\x1B[2J\x1B[3J\x1B[H' ); } function printConfigInstruction() { const data = { comments: { url: `http://localhost:${port}/comments` } }; const stringifedData = JSON.stringify(data, null, 2); const splitData = stringifedData.split('\n'); log(); splitData.forEach((data, idx, arr) => { if (idx === 0 || idx === arr.length - 1) { log(chalk.grey(data)); } else { log(chalk.bold.whiteBright(data)); } }); log(); } function printInstructions() { log(); log(chalk.yellowBright.underline(`Add portal to your local Ghost config`)); printConfigInstruction(); log(chalk.cyanBright('='.repeat(50))); log(); } function onProcessClose(code) { yarnStartProcess = null; stdErrChunks = []; stdOutChunks = []; log(chalk.redBright.bold.underline(`Please restart the script...\n`)); } function getBuildOptions() { process.env.FORCE_COLOR = 'true'; const options = { shell: true, env: process.env }; if (showVerbose) { options.stdio = 'inherit'; } return options; } function doYarnStart() { if (yarnStartProcess) { return; } const options = getBuildOptions(); yarnStartProcess = spawn('yarn start:combined', options); ['SIGINT', 'SIGTERM'].forEach(function (sig) { yarnStartProcess.on(sig, function () { yarnStartProcess && yarnStartProcess.exit(); }); }); yarnStartProcess.on('close', onProcessClose); if (!showVerbose) { yarnStartProcess.stdout.on('data', (data) => { stdOutChunks.push(data); printYarnProcessOutput(data); }); yarnStartProcess.stderr.on('data', (data) => { log(Buffer.from(data).toString()); stdErrChunks.push(data); }); } } function printYarnProcessOutput(data) { const dataStr = Buffer.from(data).toString(); const dataArr = dataStr.split('\n').filter((d) => { return /\S/.test(d.trim()); }); if (dataArr.find(d => d.includes('Starting the development'))) { startYarnOutput = true; log(chalk.yellowBright('Starting the development server...\n')); return; } dataArr.forEach((dataOut) => { if (startYarnOutput) { log(dataOut); } }); if (startYarnOutput) { log(); } } function startDevServer() { const server = http.createServer((request, response) => { return handler(request, response, { rewrites: [ {source: '/comments', destination: 'scripts/load-portal.js'} ], headers: [ { source: '**', headers: [{ key: 'Cache-Control', value: 'no-cache' },{ key: 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin', value: '*' }] } ] }); }); server.listen(port, () => { log(chalk.whiteBright(`Portal dev server is running on http://localhost:${port}`)); printInstructions(); doYarnStart(); }); } clearConsole({withHistory: false}); startDevServer();