const debug = require('ghost-ignition').debug('services:routing:collection-router'); const common = require('../../lib/common'); const settingsCache = require('../settings/cache'); const urlService = require('../url'); const ParentRouter = require('./ParentRouter'); const controllers = require('./controllers'); const middlewares = require('./middlewares'); const RSSRouter = require('./RSSRouter'); class CollectionRouter extends ParentRouter { constructor(mainRoute, object) { super('CollectionRouter'); this.routerName = mainRoute === '/' ? 'index' : mainRoute.replace(/\//g, ''); // NOTE: index/parent route e.g. /, /podcast/, /magic/ ;) this.route = { value: mainRoute }; this.rss = object.rss !== false; this.permalinks = { originalValue: object.permalink, value: object.permalink }; // @NOTE: see helpers/templates - we use unshift to prepend the templates this.templates = (object.templates || []).reverse(); this.filter = object.filter || 'page:false'; = || {query: {}, router: {}}; this.order = object.order; this.limit = object.limit; /** * @deprecated Remove in Ghost 2.0 */ if (this.permalinks.originalValue.match(/globals\.permalinks/)) { this.permalinks.originalValue = this.permalinks.originalValue.replace('{globals.permalinks}', '{settings.permalinks}'); this.permalinks.value = this.permalinks.originalValue.replace('{settings.permalinks}', settingsCache.get('permalinks')); this.permalinks.value = urlService.utils.deduplicateDoubleSlashes(this.permalinks.value); } this.permalinks.getValue = (options) => { options = options || {}; // @NOTE: url options are only required when registering urls in express. // e.g. the UrlService will access the routes and doesn't want to know about possible url options if (options.withUrlOptions) { return urlService.utils.urlJoin(this.permalinks.value, '/:options(edit)?/'); } return this.permalinks.value; }; this.context = [this.routerName]; debug(, this.route, this.permalinks); this._registerRoutes(); this._listeners(); } _registerRoutes() { // REGISTER: context middleware for this collection this.router().use(this._prepareEntriesContext.bind(this)); // REGISTER: collection route e.g. /, /podcast/ this.mountRoute(this.route.value, controllers.collection); // REGISTER: enable pagination by default this.router().param('page', middlewares.pageParam); this.mountRoute(urlService.utils.urlJoin(this.route.value, 'page', ':page(\\d+)'), controllers.collection); // REGISTER: is rss enabled? if (this.rss) { this.rssRouter = new RSSRouter(); this.mountRouter(this.route.value, this.rssRouter.router()); } // REGISTER: context middleware for entries this.router().use(this._prepareEntryContext.bind(this)); // REGISTER: permalinks e.g. /:slug/, /podcast/:slug this.mountRoute(this.permalinks.getValue({withUrlOptions: true}), controllers.entry);'router.created', this); } /** * We attach context information of the router to the request. * By this we can e.g. access the router options in controllers. * * @TODO: Why do we need two context objects? O_O - refactor this out */ _prepareEntriesContext(req, res, next) { res.routerOptions = { type: 'collection', filter: this.filter, limit: this.limit, order: this.order, permalinks: this.permalinks.getValue({withUrlOptions: true}), resourceType: this.getResourceType(), context: this.context, frontPageTemplate: 'home', templates: this.templates, identifier: this.identifier, name: this.routerName, data: }; next(); } _prepareEntryContext(req, res, next) { res.routerOptions.context = ['post']; res.routerOptions.type = 'entry'; next(); } _listeners() { /** * @deprecated Remove in Ghost 2.0 */ if (this.getPermalinks() && this.getPermalinks().originalValue.match(/settings\.permalinks/)) { this._onPermalinksEditedListener = this._onPermalinksEdited.bind(this);'settings.permalinks.edited', this._onPermalinksEditedListener); } } /** * We unmount and mount the permalink url. This enables the ability to change urls on runtime. */ _onPermalinksEdited() { this.unmountRoute(this.permalinks.getValue({withUrlOptions: true})); this.permalinks.value = this.permalinks.originalValue.replace('{settings.permalinks}', settingsCache.get('permalinks')); this.permalinks.value = urlService.utils.deduplicateDoubleSlashes(this.permalinks.value); this.mountRoute(this.permalinks.getValue({withUrlOptions: true}), controllers.entry); this.emit('updated'); } getResourceType() { return 'posts'; } getRoute(options) { options = options || {}; return urlService.utils.createUrl(this.route.value, options.absolute,; } getRssUrl(options) { if (!this.rss) { return null; } return urlService.utils.createUrl(urlService.utils.urlJoin(this.route.value, this.rssRouter.route.value), options.absolute,; } reset() { if (!this._onPermalinksEditedListener) { return; }'settings.permalinks.edited', this._onPermalinksEditedListener); } } module.exports = CollectionRouter;