var NavigationController, NavItem; NavItem = Ember.Object.extend({ label: '', url: '', last: false, isComplete: Ember.computed('label', 'url', function () { return !(Ember.isBlank(this.get('label').trim()) || Ember.isBlank(this.get('url'))); }) }); NavigationController = Ember.Controller.extend({ blogUrl: Ember.computed('config.blogUrl', function () { var url = this.get('config.blogUrl'); return url.slice(-1) !== '/' ? url + '/' : url; }), navigationItems: Ember.computed('model.navigation', function () { var navItems, lastItem; try { navItems = JSON.parse(this.get('model.navigation') || [{}]); } catch (e) { navItems = [{}]; } navItems = (item) { return NavItem.create(item); }); lastItem = navItems.get('lastObject'); if (!lastItem || lastItem.get('isComplete')) { navItems.addObject(NavItem.create({last: true})); } return navItems; }), updateLastNavItem:'navigationItems.[]', function () { var navItems = this.get('navigationItems'); navItems.forEach(function (item, index, items) { if (index === (items.length - 1)) { item.set('last', true); } else { item.set('last', false); } }); }), actions: { addItem: function () { var navItems = this.get('navigationItems'), lastItem = navItems.get('lastObject'); if (lastItem && lastItem.get('isComplete')) { navItems.addObject(NavItem.create({last: true})); // Adds new blank navItem } }, deleteItem: function (item) { if (!item) { return; } var navItems = this.get('navigationItems'); navItems.removeObject(item); }, moveItem: function (index, newIndex) { var navItems = this.get('navigationItems'), item = navItems.objectAt(index); navItems.removeAt(index); navItems.insertAt(newIndex, item); }, updateUrl: function (url, navItem) { if (!navItem) { return; } if (Ember.isBlank(url)) { navItem.set('url', this.get('blogUrl')); return; } navItem.set('url', url); }, save: function () { var self = this, navSetting, blogUrl = this.get('config').blogUrl, blogUrlRegex = new RegExp('^' + blogUrl + '(.*)', 'i'), navItems = this.get('navigationItems'), message = 'One of your navigation items has an empty label. ' + '
Please enter a new label or delete the item before saving.', match; // Don't save if there's a blank label. if (navItems.find(function (item) { return !item.get('isComplete') && !item.get('last');})) { self.notifications.showErrors([message.htmlSafe()]); return; } navSetting = (item) { var label, url; if (!item || !item.get('isComplete')) { return; } label = item.get('label').trim(); url = item.get('url').trim(); // is this an internal URL? match = url.match(blogUrlRegex); if (match) { url = match[1]; // if the last char is not a slash, then add one, // as long as there is no # or . in the URL (anchor or file extension) // this also handles the empty case for the homepage if (url[url.length - 1] !== '/' && url.indexOf('#') === -1 && url.indexOf('.') === -1) { url += '/'; } } else if (!validator.isURL(url) && url !== '' && url[0] !== '/' && url.indexOf('mailto:') !== 0) { url = '/' + url; } return {label: label, url: url}; }).compact(); this.set('model.navigation', JSON.stringify(navSetting)); // trigger change event because even if the final JSON is unchanged // we need to have navigationItems recomputed. this.get('model').notifyPropertyChange('navigation'); this.notifications.closePassive(); this.get('model').save().then(function () { self.notifications.showSuccess('Navigation items saved.'); }).catch(function (err) { self.notifications.showErrors(err); }); } } }); export default NavigationController;