import Ember from 'ember'; import ghostPaths from 'ghost/utils/ghost-paths'; import {RequestEntityTooLargeError, UnsupportedMediaTypeError} from 'ghost/services/ajax'; const { Component, computed, inject: {service}, isBlank, run } = Ember; export default Component.extend({ tagName: 'section', classNames: ['gh-image-uploader'], classNameBindings: ['dragClass'], image: null, text: 'Upload an image', saveButton: true, dragClass: null, failureMessage: null, file: null, formType: 'upload', url: null, uploadPercentage: 0, ajax: service(), config: service(), session: service(), // TODO: this wouldn't be necessary if the server could accept direct // file uploads formData: computed('file', function () { let file = this.get('file'); let formData = new FormData(); formData.append('uploadimage', file); return formData; }), progressStyle: computed('uploadPercentage', function () { let percentage = this.get('uploadPercentage'); let width = ''; if (percentage > 0) { width = `${percentage}%`; } else { width = '0'; } return Ember.String.htmlSafe(`width: ${width}`); }), canShowUploadForm: computed('config.fileStorage', function () { return this.get('config.fileStorage') !== false; }), showUploadForm: computed('formType', function () { let canShowUploadForm = this.get('canShowUploadForm'); let formType = this.get('formType'); return formType === 'upload' && canShowUploadForm; }), didReceiveAttrs() { let image = this.get('image'); this.set('url', image); }, dragOver(event) { let showUploadForm = this.get('showUploadForm'); event.preventDefault(); if (showUploadForm) { this.set('dragClass', '--drag-over'); } }, dragLeave(event) { let showUploadForm = this.get('showUploadForm'); event.preventDefault(); if (showUploadForm) { this.set('dragClass', null); } }, drop(event) { let showUploadForm = this.get('showUploadForm'); event.preventDefault(); this.set('dragClass', null); if (showUploadForm) { if (event.dataTransfer.files) { this.send('fileSelected', event.dataTransfer.files); } } }, uploadStarted() { if (typeof this.attrs.uploadStarted === 'function') { this.attrs.uploadStarted(); } }, uploadProgress(event) { if (event.lengthComputable) { run(() => { let percentage = Math.round((event.loaded / * 100); this.set('uploadPercentage', percentage); }); } }, uploadFinished() { if (typeof this.attrs.uploadFinished === 'function') { this.attrs.uploadFinished(); } }, uploadSuccess(response) { this.set('url', response); this.send('saveUrl'); this.send('reset'); }, uploadFailed(error) { let message; if (error instanceof UnsupportedMediaTypeError) { message = 'The image type you uploaded is not supported. Please use .PNG, .JPG, .GIF, .SVG.'; } else if (error instanceof RequestEntityTooLargeError) { message = 'The image you uploaded was larger than the maximum file size your server allows.'; } else if (error.errors && !isBlank(error.errors[0].message)) { message = error.errors[0].message; } else { message = 'Something went wrong :('; } this.set('failureMessage', message); }, generateRequest() { let ajax = this.get('ajax'); let formData = this.get('formData'); let url = `${ghostPaths().apiRoot}/uploads/`; this.uploadStarted();, { data: formData, processData: false, contentType: false, dataType: 'text', xhr: () => { let xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', (event) => { this.uploadProgress(event); }, false); return xhr; } }).then((response) => { let url = JSON.parse(response); this.uploadSuccess(url); }).catch((error) => { this.uploadFailed(error); }).finally(() => { this.uploadFinished(); }); }, actions: { fileSelected(fileList) { this.set('file', fileList[0]); run.schedule('actions', this, function () { this.generateRequest(); }); }, onInput(url) { this.set('url', url); if (typeof this.attrs.onInput === 'function') { this.attrs.onInput(url); } }, reset() { this.set('file', null); this.set('uploadPercentage', 0); }, switchForm(formType) { this.set('formType', formType); if (typeof this.attrs.formChanged === 'function') { run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, function () { this.attrs.formChanged(formType); }); } }, saveUrl() { let url = this.get('url'); this.attrs.update(url); } } });